nasty ...
A senior man jumps down from a ladder while he works on a home project and takes a nasty spill. He then gets up and goes back to work. Security footage.
A woman and two young boys see who can stand on a slack line the longest outdoors. On the second attempt the woman falls off and hits the ground.
An ox spits into a woman's mouth, then she drinks water so she can gag and spit out of her car at a drive through safari park.
A young boy licks the bottom of his sandal in the car and says, "What?" when his father catches him.
A bird sits on a boy's shoulder while he eats in the kitchen and it pecks food off his lips and tongue.
A man turns a valve on a pump in the driveway to demonstrate how it works and it shoots out muck at a high pressures and sprays it all over his son.
A young girl asks her dad if she can look inside of an old Jack-o-lantern pumpkin outdoors. He warns her that it's nasty but she looks anyway. She screams, runs away, and cries.
"Nasty Nickel" Tot girl swallowed a nickel. Dad scans girl with a metal detector & it beeps over her stomach. The next day it beeps over her butt. 3rd day it stops beeping because she pooped the coin out.
Cat sneezes many times, then eats something nasty. Gross