Treadmill Mutt A mix breed dog stands sideways on the edge of a treadmill with its front legs off the side of the tread mill. Its back legs walk sideways on the treadmill in a living room.
"Majorly Miffed Mutt" A dog bites a squeaky toy into the ear of another dog while in a living room, as the second dog moans in annoyance at the squeaky sound.
In living room, teen girl asks a mutt dog to play hide and seek. The dog comes into the room, looks around for her, and finds her.
Mutt dog and young boy & girl run around in the backyard. Dog tackles the girl and wrestles with her.
"Mugging Mutt" A woman films her dog's poop on the carpet, then turns to her dog to scold him and he bares his teeth in a smile.
A dog jumps for a ball in slow motion and misses indoors.
"Mutt Makes A Mess" Woman films big mess in kitchen, asks bulldog if he did it. Camera pans to another dog with a trash can lid stuck over its head.
Woman puts a plate of food on the kitchen floor. Three tan puppy dogs and four black puppy dogs immediately eat all the food in seconds. She puts a dish of water on the floor and they don't react much to it.
Fluffy, hairy gray dog barks & bounces in front of his bone on the floor. Dog looks like it's head banging.
Puppies sleep in their cage. The all wake up and hop up when woman says "Good morning" to them. They run out to see woman.
"Treadmill Mutt" A mix breed dog stands sideways on the edge of a treadmill with its front legs off the side of the tread mill. Its back legs walk sideways on the treadmill in a living room.
"Treadmill Mutt" A mix breed dog stands sideways on the edge of a treadmill with its front legs off the side of the tread mill. Its back legs walk sideways on the treadmill in a living room.
A black lab mix dog plays tug of war over a stuffed toy with a yellow lab puppy. Suddenly, a larger mix breed dog jumps in and play attacks the black lab dog. The puppy takes the toy away. Short tails.
Dog runs up ramp, jumps off, trips a woman running next to him. Replays in slow motion.
Woman gets pulled by a rotweiller dog while taping a dog adoption show