A woman slips on the deck and spills her coffee. Security Footage
A tot boy pours a jug of milk into a bowl on the floor. The milk overflows, all over the floor. The boy then gets a spoon and uses it to drink out of the bowl. He then drinks out of a mug of milk that is also on the floor. A woman is on a Zoom call and can only watch.
A young boy's toy spider jumps into a senior woman's coffee cup in a dining room, and she screams while the young boy yells "no."
A man asks his tot girl where Elsa is and she says "she's in the swimming pool" and then shows a Barbie doll in a cup of coffee.
A cat walks on the table in front of a woman and her coffee. The cat then steps in the coffee, and then shakes her paw off and flings coffee onto the camera.
Denture Problem. Dad's dentures fall out when he mugs the camera.
A dog with human hands eats cereal and drinks from a mug.
Guinea pig drinks a latte coffee on Christmas morning out of a holiday mug on the kitchen table.
A tot girl drinks milk with a drop of coffee in it in a mug on a couch, gags, and pours it out on a blanket.
While dying Easter eggs at a dining room table, a young girl smiles at the camera as she's about to take a drink of water. She drops her cup on the table and her water splashes back up and hits her in the face. A baby girl sitting at the table next to her cries.
"Mugging Mutt" A woman films her dog's poop on the carpet, then turns to her dog to scold him and he bares his teeth in a smile.
Beige dog growls and shows its teeth near a bowl of food on the table. Dog also growls at M&M candy in a bowl and a glass of milk. Close up.
A dog with human hands licks peanut butter off of a spoon and drinks milk out of a mug.
Small brown kitten climbs beer mug/ glass and sticks body in to drink water at the bottom. cute
A tot girl prepares a cup of hot chocolate by scooping out powder and she tells her mom that she just uses two scoops of the powder but in reality, she scoops multiple scoops and fills the cup halfway with powder, then takes a bite of one of the spoonfuls and spits it out with a mouth full of chocolate. Her brother laughs at her before she opens the can of powder and scoops more into the mug.
A tan dog with human hands in a plaid shirt sits at the kitchen table and eats from a bowl and drinks from a coffee mug.
"Mugging Pugs" 3 black & white pug dogs turns their heads from side to side as owner talks to them. Funny visual.
Woman organizes her desk at work & picks up her coffee cup. A mouse jumps out & runs away, she jumps & gets scared. Woman screams "Son of a bitch!" Surprise. Practical joke. Video is dark.