A man slips, as he tries to step onto a dock from a boat and falls backwards into a lake.
A young boy and girl sits on a slide and request more snow videos. They both slide down and collide with a third child.
A senior woman looks for her small dog, not realizing he's sitting on the floor directly behind her. The more she looks around, the more amused her adult children become.
Milk hits baby triplets differently: 1st triplet cries and wants more milk, 2nd triplet is spaced out and 3rd triplet is completely out and sleeps.
A man hits a piƱata with a broom in the yard, and a young girl tells him to "put some back into it". A young boy then says "more back", and the man snaps the broom.
A man tosses a toy up and catches it in front of a dog. The dog gets off the couch, and the man tosses it once more. The dog thrusts both of its paws into the man's groin. The man falls down and lets go of the toy, which the dog takes.
A dog in the kitchen gets his head stuck in a bag of dog food. A woman asks him if they need more dog food and the dog nods yes with the bag still on his head.
A woman in the living room demonstrates how to skip. A man says, "That's not how you skip, you need more room!" The husband tries to skip but he hits his head against a lightbulb and breaks it.
A young boy wears a mask, holds toy samurai swords and asks Alfonso for more videos with ninjas in them.
Two young boys ask Alfonso for more VR videos, then they put VR headsets on their heads in a living room.
A young girl and a tot girl ask Alfonso for more fall-down videos in a living room, then they pretend to fall down.
Two young boys ask Alfonso for more snow fail videos on a ski slope, then a third young boy snowboards into them and knocks them over.
A young girl asks Alfonso for more magic videos. She holds up a blanket to a doorway and switches places with another young girl.
A young girl holds a stuffed toy guinea pig and asks Alfonso for more guinea pig videos with a tot girl in a living room.
A young girl in the kitchen says "Hey Alfonso, I wanna see more food sneaking videos," then puts a tub of candy under her shirt and walks away.
Two young girls say, "Hey Alfonso, we wanna see more makeup videos" in the living room.
A family asks for more slow motion videos in unison.
A young girl asks Alfonso for more food videos with her face through the holes of tortilla in the yard.
A young boy asks Alfonso for more scary videos, then another young boy and a woman jump out to scare the boy in the house.
A young boy in a living room with a fishing net asks Alfonso for more fishing videos.
Two young girls ask for more Christmas videos in the living room.
A young boy on a bed in a bedroom talks slowly and asks Alfonso for more slow-mo videos.
A young girl says, "Hey Alfonso, I wanna see more" and a young girl appears and says, "magic videos" in the living room.
Two young boys and a young girl ask Alfonso for more failure videos, and one boy and girl purposely drop from a jungle gym.
A young girl sits in a kitchen cabinet and another young girl walks over to close the door. One of the young girls stands outside the cabinet and says, "Hey Alfonso I want to see more magic trick videos" as the cabinet drawer opens and closes.
A tot boy stands on a piano seat in the living room and requests to Alfonso that he get more "piano videos." The boy then plops onto the piano keys.
A young girl goes down a slide and has a "Hey Alfonso" request for more kids videos
A young girl asks for more birthday videos in the living room.
A young girl climbs onto her young sister's shoulders while they ask Alfonso for more sister videos.
In a living room, two tot boys use static electricity as the ask Alfonso for more balloon videos.
A young girl asks Alfonso for more mad science experiment videos.
Two young girls stand in front of their Christmas tree in the living room while they ask Alfonso for more Christmas videos.
A young girl on a swing in a yard asks Alfonso for more swing set videos and spins backwards and lands on the ground.
A young girl asks Alfonso for more horse videos, while she rides a horse outside.
A group of kids say, "Hey Alfonso, we wanna see more waxing videos" and a man pulls wax from his nose in the living room.
In the living room a young boy says, 'Hey Alfonso, we want more drone videos' then releases a toy in his hand that flies off camera.
Two young girls in costumes ask Alfonso for more Halloween videos, and then they dump our buckets of candy. Hey Alfonso.
Two young boys and a young girl ask Alfonso for more water videos. One of the boys dumps a bucket of water on his head and his siblings spray him with squirt guns.
An adult woman shovels snow on her back patio, before more snow is blasted on top of her from a snow-blower down below. Security footage.
A dog sits in a living room with a dinner roll in his mouth when three more fall out to the floor.
A cat paws at a man each time she wants him to pet her. He pets her then goes back to what he was doing and the cat paws at him repeatedly for more attention.
A young girl, a young boy, and a tot boy eat cupcakes in a kitchen, and a woman tells them that they should have waited until after dinner. The tot boy says "This is delicious. Mommy, there's one more to go, maybe you can have it."
A man sits on a couch in the living room and a young girl rubs his shaved head with a brush. She says "daddy, your hair needs more hair."
"Aches for Pancakes" A tot boy in a high chair screams that he wants more pancakes. A woman tells him they are all gone. He says, "AGHH. Come on!"
A dog howls and whines in a room. A man sings along with the dog. The dog finishes the song with a few more notes.
A senior woman pretends she is magic, and she tells a light to turn on to trick a young girl and it does. The girl freaks out and then she does it herself and it works for her too. After several more times, another young girl comes out from behind the couch to reveal she had control of the light switch.
A tot girl and young boy ask Alfonso for more "funny doorbell camera videos." Security footage.
A man honks the horn of a car while a herd of goats block a street, then more goats walk into the road, but they all turn and walk into a field.
A man slides upside down cups around on the kitchen counter and a young boy picks which cup has the money under it. The cup that the boy picks has a dollar bill in it. The man pulls the other cups up and they have much more money in them and the boy is surprised that those cups had more money.
A woman finds her tot son covered in mud in her bathroom as he turns on her bath. She tells him to walk outside, and then he walks through the house to the back patio with two more tot boys also covered in mud.
A man bounces a ping pong off of a cooking pot, and it bounces off several more until it lands in a cup.
A teen girl passes out as she rambles to her mother after a wisdom teeth surgery in the car. She asks if she looks like Kylie Jenner, then looks at her reflection and says she's ugly then passes out again and says "Stay alert Rylee, my gosh you're better than this come on!"
A man asks his tot boy to bring him toilet paper but the boy brings him a roll of paper towels. The man tells him it is not toilet paper, but the boy brings in several more rolls before he finally brings in a package of toilet paper.
A baby boy in a walker gets excited to eat food, but then he dislikes the taste and backs away from his mom when she tries to feed him more.
A tot girl finds an Easter egg and gets upset that it is empty and throws it on the ground. Her mom tells her to look for more and she says no in a front yard.
Twin tot boys laugh hysterically as their dad burps and one boy asks him for more at a dinner table.
A medium-sized yellow dog paws and barks at a hole in a linoleum floor indoors and gets more spooked when a hand repeatedly pops out of the hole.
Two dogs swim in a lake, but one of them struggles more than the other and splashes frantically.
A dog barks when it can't open refrigerator that has a padlock on it. The dog opens the freezer and pulls items out and more fall to the floor.