A teen girl pokes a hole in a can of soda and the carbonated liquid sprays all over. She recoils and falls out of her chair.
A woman holds a small fish above a pond. A large fish jumps out of the water and tries to eat it but the woman screams and backs away.
"Little Donut Denier" A tot boy has chocolate on his face and stands next to an opened box of donuts. He says "the monster attacked me and gave me a donut."
A group of young boys and girls pose for a photo on the Fourth of July, then a person dressed as a corn monster emerges form a corn field and scares them. The kids run away from the person, then run back and tackle them.
As a practical joke, a man jumps out of a vehicle in a corn field, and chases another man dressed as Sasquatch who emerges from the forest. The Sasquatch pushes the man onto the ground as children scream and yell and he disappears into the field.
A tot boy drives a toy monster truck into his mom in the living room and then he backs it up into the Christmas tree and knocks it over.
A man calls a Golden doodle dog "Dog-zilla" in the living room, and when he raises its paws the dog opens its mouth.
A tot girl hides with her mom in the house because "there are monsters outside." She farts then says, "I pass gas and the monsters go away."
A person wearing a scary monster mask opens a shower door to scare a man who screams loudly.
Two teen girls run through a forest trail but a man wears a Ghillie suit costume and jumps out of a bush and scares them and they scream and fall down. monster
A man wears a scary monster Halloween costume and walks up to a front porch. A Husky dog sits on the porch but gets scared and hides. The dog tries to run off the porch but the leash gets stuck onto a table and the dog pulls the table across the porch.
A tot girl is scared of the monster app on Snap Chat.
A boy in pajamas stands still as his dad drives a remote-control monster truck between his legs. The RC car jumps into the air partway through and hits the boy in the groin.
A young boy opens a bathroom toilet to clean it and screams when a monster head pops out.
Monster truck that looks like the Dukes of Hazzard General Lee car runs over a snowman on the road.
Teen boy plays the scary maze email computer prank on his friend. Boy freaks out, screams, jumps out of his chair. Good reaction. Practical Joke.
Man in elaborate Halloween costume with make-up talks & barks into the camera, his fake fangs fall out.
Man opens locker door, is surprised by man in monster mask & costume hiding inside. Practical joke, hidden camera, work, office, scare, Halloween,
A baby girl in a dress has a funny laugh when her dad makes duck noises indoors.
Little girl opens toilet seat cover and gets scared by toilet monster novelty decoration. Girl cries & says "You made me pee my pants." Practical joke.
A young boy with bubbles all over his head wishes someone happy birthday.
A boy wearing a ghost Halloween costume (Scream mask) sits on a toilet embarrassed to be caught on camera by his mom.
Young girl watches a clip on her computer & screams when a scary zombie face pops up on the screen. She slams the laptop closed.
A man pretends to be a monster while chasing his tot daughter indoors. At :18, his tot son walks up and punches him in the groin.
"Nice Try, Mike" Man in bigfoot costume tries to scare little girl sleeping in bunkbed, girl says "nice try, Mike."
A woman hears growling under her bed and says this is why she thinks kids are afraid of monsters under the bed. She reveals a dog under the bed with a flashlight that crawls away and then crawls back, looking like a monster. (no heads or tails)
Halloween - Frankenstein monster kid falls from table.
Boy dressed in Spiderman costume walks around costume store. Dad scares him while wearing a mask. Practical joke. Halloween.
Man scares boy by running into the living room wearing a monster mask. Boy screams. Halloween. No recovery.
2 little girls scream and disappear behind a couch when they react to a scary image on the computer. Practical joke. Scare.
Man dressed as monster hides in bath tub. He pulls red curtain back scares 3 tot boys in their underwear. Boys run away screaming. Man then scares 2 others. Bathroom. Practical joke.
Tot boy drives toy monster truck as little brother holds onto the back of it. Little brother eventually gets dragged along the grass and his pants come down
Huge monster scares three women in paint store. Practical joke, hidden camera, Halloween, mask, costume. (monster is Sand-Person / Tuskin Raider from Star Wars.)
Man dressed in a monster costume hides between shelves & scares co-workers. Several takes, all mild reactions. Practical jokes. Warehouse.
A cat wears a dinosaur Halloween costume indoors and when a tabby cat approaches and sees the costumed cat, he arches his back and slowly backs away before the costumed cat falls over while trying to walk and the tabby cat runs away.
Boy dressed in Spiderman costume walks around costume store. Dad scares him while wearing a mask. Practical joke. Halloween.
Boy dressed in Spiderman costume walks around costume store. Dad scares him while wearing a mask. Practical joke. Halloween.
Cat runs away scared from guy with monster mask on.
Man hangs a Halloween mask in the doorway of his coworker's office. When woman sees mask, she screams & runs away. Very hard to see mask inside dark office. Practical joke.
"Little Red Rescue Hood" A boy and a young girl in Halloween costumes walk up to a front door of a house while Trick or Treating. A toy skeleton monster rises up on the front yard. The boy screams, afraid of it. The young girl walks over to the toy and punches it in the face.
A young girl records a video of herself with a filter that makes her a scary monster and then a man screams off screen and she gets scared. Snapchat
A man rides Razor scooter and jumps off dock into huge mud lake. He's covered head to toe and looks like a monster.
2 tot boys get scared screaming to death at a tot girl with a scary red monster mask on.