A young girl makes cookies with an electric mixer when the whisk attachment gets caught in her long hair.
A young girl uses a juicer but the lid comes off when she pulls it off. Her smoothie spills everywhere and causes a mess.
A young girl uses a Kitchen-Aid mixer with her mother. She turns it on too high and flour flies up out of the bowl and covers her face as well as the kitchen counter.
A tot boy turns on an electric mixer in the kitchen and it gets powdered sugar all over him and the counter.
A baby boy rocks in a carrier that's attached to a mixer. The mixer spins and rocks the baby in the house.
A young girl whips something in a bowl and her hair gets caught in the electric hand mixer.
A man operates an industrial sized mixer in a bakery kitchen. When he turns it on, flour shoots out and goes all over this woman coworker. Security Camera Footage. Work
A young girl talks to the camera and bakes with her dad in a kitchen. She uses an electric mixer in a bowl. Her hair gets caught in the mixer and she laughs.
A weimeraner dog "bakes" a cake using a kitchen-aid mixer while sitting at the kitchen table.
"Pop Goes the Soda" A teen girl makes soda with a soda stream in the kitchen when the mixer explodes and flies up in the air. No tails.
Teen girl uses electric mixer on bowl of cheese balls, bends down to look into camera & gets her hair caught in the beaters. With recovery.
Man and woman are trying to fix leak in the roof. They mix bucket of tar with a power mixer and tar spills out of the bucket. They try again and the whole bucket spills onto the roof. Home Improvement
A teen girl gets her hair caught in an electric mixer while cooking in a kitchen.
Tot boy helps woman make cookies. He turns on the egg beater / mixer appliance and flour flies everywhere. Boy says it's snowing. Flour goes all over boy's shirt & the chair he's standing on.