Two young sisters use paddles on their hands to make bubbles. One girl swings her hand and hits her sister in the head as she runs past causing her to fall to the ground.
A woman drives her SUV up a long driveway and gets out, and it rolls back down and crashes into a tree, which then falls on the car. Security footage.
A teen boy tosses a baseball up and catches it in his glove, and then he tosses it again but the ball lands on a car's back windshield and breaks it. Security footage.
A young girl swings a bag of cat litter around as she takes it out to the trash, but the bag breaks and the litter hits the side of the house. Security footage.
A raccoon crawls into a house through a doggy door, stares at the camera, then quickly grabs a handful of dog food and leaves through the doggy door.
A woman steps on a wood plank on a front porch and it snaps up and hits her in the face. Security footage.
A woman shoots a pink smoke cannon for a gender reveal, and then a young boy shoots another cannon into his mom's face.
A man backs up his van and hits a parked car, and when he gets out to assess the damage, the van rolls and hits the car again in the driveway. Security footage.
A teen girl does a gymnastics tumble in slow motion and falls down on her last backflip with a twist.
A senior man steps over a safety barrier on a deck. When the man steps off the deck he falls over the barrier on to the deck stairs. Security footage.
A young boy crashes into a pole while he learns to ride a bicycle.
A woman falls on her back while she uses a chainsaw to cut down a pine tree.
A young boy on a motorized bicycle races down a dirt road. When he rides down a hill he crashes into a muddy puddle.
A man playing video game sitting on a plastic chair. A teen boy goes to give him a hug. Then three large dogs go in to give a hug as well and it cause the legs of the chair to break spilling the man onto the floor. Security footage.
A young boy and girl dance along with a song. The boy lifts his sister on his shoulder and drops her on the floor. Music rights not cleared.
A woman has just shoveled her driveway when a snowplow drives down the road and pushes snow from the street back onto the driveway. The woman screams in frustration and then throws her shovel to the ground. Security footage.
A teen boy attempts a kick flip on his skateboard but the board flies towards the camera/phone and shatters it. It still captures his reaction to the damage. He says "Oh noooo, dude!" Music rights not cleared.
A man does a backflip on the beach and faceplants in the sand. Featured talent cleared (the man who does the flip).
A family sings and celebrates a young girl's birthday in a yard, when her dad loses grip of the cake but manages to save it from the ground. He then gracefully places it on his daughter's highchair tray, all in one movement.
A senior man accidentally reverses his car through the neighbor's fence and breaks the car's door in the process. He tells the woman he'll pay for it but gets nervous when she tells him she hasn't put on clothes yet. Security Footage.
Two young brothers kick a large rubber ball around in the garage and the older boy kicks it too hard and it hits a light fixture and knocks a fluorescent bulb out and it shatters on the floor. The boys back away in shock and the ball bounces and pops loudly and the older boy says "whose fault was that?" Security footage
A young girl goes down a slide on the back of a boat. Her bathing suitbottom catches on a part of the slide and holds her back.
Two women bounce off an inflatable raft while it is pulled behind a boat at high speeds.
A man uses a ladder to climb onto the roof of a house to grab a young boy's toy plane. The dad tries to throw it to his son but it lands on the roof of a different house.
A young boy outside pours baking soda into a bottle full of vinegar and shakes it. It explodes in his hand and gets in his mouth. He says it hurts.
A young boy hits a paddle ball at his father and it hits him in the groin causing him to collapses and fall into the house in pain. Security footage.
A young girl tells her dad that her brother went potty. When the man and his daughter walk into the bathroom, they see that the boy fell into the toilet.
A woman in the driveway drives a golf cart but loses control and jumps out. The golf cart knocks down the pillars on the front porch. The fiancée apologizes to a man. Security Footage.
A dog runs full speed into a woman in the yard as she takes out the trash. Security Footage
A boy lies in a hospital bed in the emergency room and each time he breathes in and out, a dog's squeaky toy is heard. He coughs and the toy squeaks louder before he reveals that he inhaled the squeaking mechanism of a dog toy and is now waiting for surgery to remove it.
A man drives a truck and uses it to pull a hot tub full of water through the front yard. The hot tub tips over and spills in front of the woman who's helping.
A man tries to drive a dirt-bike up a ramp into the back of a truck and he falls off but the bike stays in the bed. He says "why did I do that?" Security footage.
man tries to punch an inflatable penguin decoration on the front-porch but he misses and punches another man in the face. Security footage.
A man holds a pinata out for a woman and she swings and loses her grip and throws the stick into the mans chest.
A man outside cuts a large hole out of the wall of his house and when it drops, it falls into a puddle of mud. The mud goes everywhere and makes a mess.
A senior man accidentally drives a car into the garage with the sunshade still on and runs into a bunch of chairs. Smooth jazz plays. Security Footage. Music rights not cleared.
A teen girl smacks a volleyball, it bounces off a basketball goal and smacks her in the face.
A man rides a hoverboard in the living room and falls over, knocking down the Christmas tree.
A teen girl and a young boy say how many Easter eggs they found, and the girl wins. She gives herself a high five and spills the eggs out of her basket.
A teen girl tries to throw a large trash bag into a dumpster, but she cannot lift it and the dumpster lid falls on her fingers.
A senior woman carries two coolers up to the house and her pants fall down.
A young boy opens a screen door on a windy day, and he hangs from the doorknob as it swings open. Security footage.
A man feeds a giraffe lettuce at a zoo, but it takes the mask hanging from his ear and eats it.
A young girl builds a snowman, and she slaps some snow onto its torso and it falls over.
A boy stands beside his snowman outdoors and starts to say that he's going to Karate chop it when his dog stands against the snowman and knocks it over first.
A young boy loses control of his hoverboard in a yard, as he sits and spins in circles. Security footage.
Two young women play table tennis in the college student center. One of them accidentally spikes the ball into her friend's face who dramatically falls down. Featured talent cleared only (the two women playing ping pong).
A man tries to pull the roots of a bush out of the ground with his lawnmower however there is resistance and the front end of the mower goes up in the air and the tires screech on the pavement and the man turns it off. Security footage.
A father and his young daughter try to pop a smoke cannister for a gender reveal and it malfunctions and shoots the man in the face with blue powder.
A young girl uses a Kitchen-Aid mixer with her mother. She turns it on too high and flour flies up out of the bowl and covers her face as well as the kitchen counter.
A woman tries to help her teenage granddaughter practice a backflip in the living-room but she accidentally kicks the woman in the face.
Two men try to move a large pine tree when one of them gets pinned under the trunk..
A woman rushes to get his trash can out on trash day, when she yanks at the bin and it falls on top of her and pours rain water all over her while she sits in a yard. Security footage.
A young girl brings a glass cup on a tray to a woman but it slips and falls to the floor, breaking.
A boat with a family inside slowly drifts away from the dock. A man reaches his arm out to pull the boat back towards the dock but he falls into the water.
A car rolls down a hilly driveway and the door is bent backwards as it grinds on cement steps and crashes into a phone pole. Security footage.
A woman runs down the driveway to try and catch her husband before he drives away when she stumbles and face-plants onto the driveway. The man gets out to help her but forgets to put the vehicle in park. Then the car starts to roll down the street with their kids inside of it, as he runs to jump in and stop it." Security footage.
A teen boy is dressed as a Jedi and swings a toy lightsaber in the bedroom and hits the light fixture and glass shatters and falls on him.