A young boy in a carseat tells his mother n that he is excited for the super Bowl in the car, but then says it's not football, it's a "Super Bull" named Ferdinand.
Two young brothers kick a large rubber ball around in the garage and the older boy kicks it too hard and it hits a light fixture and knocks a fluorescent bulb out and it shatters on the floor. The boys back away in shock and the ball bounces and pops loudly and the older boy says "whose fault was that?" Security footage
A woman driving an SUV accidentally backs up over a bicycle lying in the driveway. She exits the vehicle to investigate but fails to put the car in park, causing it to roll backwards into the street and hitting a parked car at a neighbor's house. Security footage.
A man and a woman ride on a mini-bike and crash and fall down and their family laughs in a backyard.
A woman rides a mini bicycle and smoothly arrives in the driveway of a house. The woman then accelerates and crashes into a parked vehicle.
A young boy attempts to toss a small basketball against his bedroom wall and bounce it into a mini-hoop. The ball falls short. He kicks the ball straight up and into the hoop. He looks at the camera.
A woman runs underneath a garage door as it closes, but she trips and falls against the car in the driveway. Security footage.
A man trie to do a wheelie on a mini motorcycle in a yard and around 0:30 he lifts up and loses his balance and steps off backwards. He struggles to stop the motorcycle and it drags him around the yard and he falls down and his friends laugh.
A man runs through a small water fall on a mini golf course and he slips and falls.
A woman shoots a mini basketball at a hoop in a kitchen but accidentally hits a picture frame. It falls down and shatters on the ground.
A miniature horse gallops outdoors when he slips and falls down.
A man in a pilot's uniform in a hallway does the What the Fluff challenge and disappears and a young boy wearing pilot's uniform appears.
A young boy and his tot brother jump on the box of a mini trampoline they got for Christmas in the living room instead of take the trampoline out to play with.
A man uses a snow blower to clear out winter snow in the driveway and runs over a mini snowman.
A group of kids stand on the edge of a pool and throw the ball back and forth as they jump into the pool one by one, and the last one dunks the ball into the mini hoop, outdoors.
A guinea pig knocks over a mini snowman and eats its carrot arms.
A teen girl stands on a mini golf course and gets scared when a fake dinosaur stands up from behind a fence and roars. She screams and trips and falls when she steps back from it.
"Mini Golden Doodle Jumps Oodles" A dog chases a laser dot around the kitchen and a group of kids lay down next to each other on the floor to make an obstacle and the dog jumps over all of them.
A teen boy hits a shot in mini golf and the ball bounces back and hits him in the face.
Senior woman riding on a mini bike crashes into a tree. Date on screen 2004.
Mom rides a mini bike down a pier at the lake and can't stop at the end of the dock, she falls into the water with the bicycle. Bonehead. Possible set up.
Tot boy swings at mini golf course, misses several times, makes a hole in one when he finally hits it.
Boy stuffed inside a skinny long cardboard box only has his feet sticking out. he hops up and down on a mini trampoline. Friend pushes him and he falls hard on his face.
Teen girl rides a mini motorbike in the yard and loses control. It flies out from under her and she lands on her butt.
Teen boy throws a knife at his dorm mini fridge and the refrigerator starts spraying a white misty liquid at him.
Man rides toy motorcycle down hill in a backyard, he's going pretty fast. He face plants suddenly when he hits the brakes.
A woman, riding a mini excavator, is told to stay away from the stairs right before she runs into them with the excavator outdoors.
Teen boy bounces mini basketball off red car driving through parking lot, makes shot into mini basketball hoop 30 ft. away. .
"Tremendously Timed Trick Shot" A teen boy on a trampoline throws a ball to a group of teen boys next to a pool, who throw it from one to the other as they all jump in the pool, before one dunks the ball in a mini hoop, outdoors. AA: Basketball Trick Shots.
"The Terrier, The Turtle, & The Trampoline" Mini schnauzer dog jumps underneath a trampoline to hit a turtle that's on top. Turtle bounces & flips over.
Mini movie Woman tries to scare away man's hiccups. Very scary face, animated pops up. The hiccups are gone.
Man in mini plane on the ground drives it into a tree.
A man runs alongside his tot son on a mini-snowmobile outdoors. The boy loses control of the snow mobile and it doesn't stop so the man grabs his son off the snowmobile and it continues to go.
A hamster licks ice cream out of a mini ice cream cone in the living room. AA: hamsters eating
A snowman is on screen outdoors and looks to be full size but then a foot comes down and steps on it to destroy it, since it was actually small. AA: destroy a snowman
Tot boy plays on mini basketball hoop in living room, makes over-the-head shot without looking.
Jack Russell terrier dog shuffles around on rim of mini pool in yard trying to get ball, eventually falls in.
Man jumps on mini-trampoline, hits hard, breaks through ceiling.
A mini pig stuck in the sleeve of a sweater squeals and shakes around, trying to get out.
The camera pans around the dinner table and shows a mini horse eating a plate of carrots with everyone else.
Woman riding a child's motorcycle across grass field falls off when dog runs in her path
Tot boy rides his toy 4 wheeler off the living room couch. He hits the floor and falls face first with the mini ATV on top of him.
A hamster sits at a mini table in the living room and eats food off small plates. AA: hamsters eating
A young boy misses when he swings a golf club at a ball and hits his brother in the groin.
Mini terrier dog looks for loose change in the couch. disappears under cushions.
Teen boy jumps off mini trampoline to dunk basketball. Trampoline collapses & flips over, teen falls on his butt. Driveway, stunt, trick.
Mini eskimo spitz dog's head sticks out of a sweater as a person's hands put food in its mouth at a dining room table.
Tot boy gets a power wheels/ 4 wheeler for his birthday. he gets on it and runs over his big brother.
Woman introduces small cat to a mini dog. Cat suddenly gets angry & starts hissing & scratching woman's head.
Tot boy playing mini golf. He falls backwards into the bushes. With recovery
Little girl holds praying mantis on mini American flag in street, screams when it jumps on her. Bugs.
"The Mini-Magician" Young boy thinks he has magic powers and can move the kitchen chair without touching it. His dad is actually pushing it.