A woman wears a horse mask at a stable and neighs at real horses. One horse stares at her then she snorts and it runs away.
A young boy lies down in the shallow end of a swimming pool and slides into the deep end while it fills with water in a yard, then a man tries to follow him, but he falls on his stomach.
A young girl has makeup all over her face. A woman asks what she did. She says she has a pirate ship on her head. Then she does a cute "arrrr" like a pirate.
A woman sneezes at a small dog and the dog sneezes back.
A woman sneezes at a small dog and the dog sneezes back.
A Boston Terrier mimics a man and a tot girl as it lifts his paws up and down and "raises the roof."
Two turkeys mirror each other's movements through a fence gate.
Three people lay on the ground and make snow angels and a dog imitates them and rolls in the snow in the backyard.
Three people lay on the ground and make snow angels and a dog imitates them and rolls in the snow in the backyard.
A young girl plays with a toy computer and pretends to be her mother and has a conversation with herself and asks for things and says "just a second" and types on the keyboard in the living-room.
A large dog stands above a small dog and they both wag their tails in the yard.
A woman says "Bok bok. I'm a chicken" then she drops an egg from her butt in the kitchen. A tot girl copies her movement then looks on the ground and asks why the egg won't come out.
A goose swims beside a man in the pool and they flip at the same time in a yard.
A woman throws a ball for a dog, then she raises her baby daughter in the air and she pretends to run.
A young girl mirrors a man's movements for one hundred dollars at the kitchen table. The man sips the water out of the cup then spits it out later and the girl spits simultaneously to win the money.
A woman asks her tot son if he got her flowers for Valentine's day. He says he wanted to get her roses but his dad told him they were too expensive.
A woman tells a dog that she loves him and the dog barks back.
A man mimics and lip syncs his daughter's whining as she whines in the back seat of a car that she wants to go to a jump place.
A kangaroo at a wildlife park copies a teen boy while he scratches his stomach.
A young woman in an alien costume at work pretends that the costume is real. She mimics and alien as it pulls her away.
A young girl recites the Peter Piper tongue twister for her tot sister in the living room. The tot girl babbles as she repeats the tongues twister with the same intonation as her sister.
A man mimics his son's tantrum about having a beanie stuck on his head as the family drives in their car.
A stuffed animal toy spins in circles and plays music in the living room while a dog spins around in front of it.
Two young girls pretend to fight in the kitchen, one of them falls on purpose to play dead and their dog copies her while he watches.
A man lip syncs to his tot son's tantrum in the car as the boy says repeatedly that he wants to go to Mickey Mouse's house.
A woman asks her tot daughter what animals make and she makes them. She asks her what sounds mom makes and she says "sit down and eat your dinner and clean your butt."
A woman rides in a car and lip syncs her young daughter throwing a temper tantrum in a back seat.
"Doggy Dance Off" Tot boy break dances on the floor of the living room, a small dog in a sweater comes over and rolls around on the floor next to him. Family laughs.
A man stands indoors at an aquarium and moves his hands against the glass. A harbor seal swims against the glass and mimics the man's movements. The man starts twirling, and so does the seal. A woman is audible.
Two cats stand on their back legs and touch their front paws together, like a mirror image copying each other. Mimic. Move in synch .
Man makes grunting and flexing noises and poses like a muscle man. Baby copies him.
A young girl jumps and touches her toes in the air at a party indoors. A man tries to mimic her and kicks another man in the groin. The other man falls to the ground and several people pose next to him for a picture.
A cocker spaniel dog lies on its back and kicks its legs while a woman mimics it.
18 month old tot girl falls over when dad asks "what are they doing on america's funniest home videos."
Tot girl tries to imitate fitness girls dancing on TV. She does a double somersault right into shelves and breaks them with glass stuff on them. No recovery
Man with long hair & sunglasses shakes his head up and down and a horse inside a stable mimics him. Farm.
A man holds a goat outdoors and yells, causing the goat to mimic his yelling by bleating. Vine/Instagram.
A dog sneezes repeatedly on a couch while a man mocks/ mimics it.
MIMIC. While grandpa / senior man reads x-mas story, boy mimes him ala Chevy Chase.
Man with long hair & sunglasses shakes his head up and down and a horse inside a stable mimics him. Farm.
little girl at a zoo stands in front of a tank with a beaver in it. the girl puts her hands to the glass and moves then like she was paddling. the beaver mimics her moves.
A woman and a Boxer dog indoors take turns sticking their tongues out at the camera.
Bird - Cockatiel at zoo imitates man's head movements
Baby boy babbles, then mom says "I love you" and it sounds like baby says the same thing back to her
Useless Talent: girl does impression of peacock, killer whale, goblin, turkey, sheep, dove, and "grand finale."
THE BOUNCING BABY CHAIR Baby in bouncy seat exercises in rhythm to exercise tape on TV.
Newborn baby girl sleeps on mom's lap on couch, raises her arms when Mom raises Mom's arms. Off camera laughter.
Man lays on garage floor and works under his Jeep. A raccoon also lays on the floor and mimics man. Strange visual. Odd.
Man with flashlight outside at night makes a high pitched whirling noise. Nearby frog makes same noise / returns the call, man shines flashlight on it and they mimic each other.