"Dealing With the Ceiling Prank" A teen girl tells a young boy that she can make a bowl of water stick to the ceiling in a kitchen if he helps her hold a broom, then she puts the broom under the bowl on the ceiling and walks away while he yells for her to come back. She comes back to push him and say that he will be there a while, then he moves the broom and water from the bowl spills on him.
A young boy throws a blanket over himself in a doorway, then he hits his face on a wall.
A young boy stands in a bedroom doorway and tells a woman that he will "disappear and then reappear as your laughter," then he throws a blanket the air and hits his head on the door.
A young boy tries to do a magic trick with cups and a ball in the dining-room. He says he made the ball move from one cup to another but the original ball falls on the table when he lifts the cup.
A baby girl hides a ball behind her back in a living room, and a man and woman ask her where it went.
Three young boys take turns on an incomplete Rubik's cube. They then pass it to another young boy, who puts it in a bag, snaps his fingers, and pulls out two complete Rubik's cubes. He then crumples the bag and throws it behind him.
A young boy pulls a top hat off of his head and makes it appear to float in front of his body.
A Shih Tzu dog with hands picks up a handkerchief with one hand at a dining room table, then waves a wand with the other hand, and makes the handkerchief disappear.
A young boy holds an apple and pretends it levitates for a magic trick in the kitchen, then the apple moves to reveal it's attached to a fork the boy holds in his mouth.
A produced video with music and graphics of a man who does a magic trick in the living room with a young girl as his assistant. He puts out seven rolls of toilet paper and draws on a white board that "1 = 4." He and the girl cover the rolls with a blanket and then when they move the blanket, there is a stack of 28 rolls.
A tot boy sticks a piece of paper over a glass bottle to make it disappear. He waves it around and accidentally drops it, and it shatters on the floor off-camera.
A man and a woman each hold one of a young boy's hands on a patio, then pretend that they can pass a sip of water through him, and the young boy screams and says "how did you do that?"
A tot girl tries to make a ball disappear in a cup with a magic wand, but it does not work. Her dad says to let him try but, and then picks the ball up with the cup and tricks her.
A man picks a dandelion from the ground and pretends to pull it out of a tot girl's ear, and she is amazed.
A young boy tries to do the table cloth magic trick, but when he pulls it he throws all the food across the living room. He laughs and says "At least I swept the table clean."
A young girl in a living room talks to the camera as she holds a balloon with a piece of sticky tape on it. She pushes a nail through the tape and the balloon doesn't pop and she is surprised. She says to try it yourself and the balloon pops and startles her.
A man at a kitchen table says his young girl daughter can do a magic trick where he writes a number and she can circle the number with her eyes closed. She circles on a piece of paper and then he writes in the number afterwards and pretends she correctly circled the number. She doesn't know how she is doing it.
A young girl in a doorway says "Want to see me turn into a plushie?" then does a bad What the Fluff trick and leaves into a hallway then throws a plushie at the door in her place.
A young girl does a magic trick in a living room and her tot brother takes money out of a cup behind her back to make it "disappear".
A man does the Vanishing Ball Trick on his tot daughter with two lemons, and he makes it look like one lemons switches from cup to cup and the tot girl gets excited. AA: The Vanishing Ball Trick.
A tot girl does the vanishing ball trick with two mandarin oranges in the kitchen, and one of the oranges falls out from underneath her cup. She then continues the trick with only one orange.
A man does the disappearing blanket trick, and his tot boy runs and dives onto the blanket but hits the floor after the man moves.
A young boy in a living room does the disappearing apple trick and a dog bites the apple and runs away with it.
A man tries to do the What the Fluff challenge on his baby daughter in the living room but he trips over the baby gate and the baby turns and looks at her mom with confusion.
A tot boy tells his mom he will make a coin disappear in his hands, then he counts to three and tosses the coin to the side and opens his hands to reveal that they are empty.
A teen boy shows a tot boy a magic trick and makes a ball appear in the tot boy's ear, hand, shirt and nose.
A dad pranks his young girl daughter with a "magic" egg trick. He says the "magic words" and cracks an egg on his forehead, but the yolk disappears. The young girl tries with a different egg, but it cracks and spills on her forehead, and she sadly says that she must not be a magician.
Teen boy tries to do magic trick with fire & flash paper, his sleeve bursts into flames for a second. Magician.
Boy does magic trick with upside down cup of water, when he lifts it over his head, the top breaks off & he gets wet.
A man raises and lowers a blanket in front of himself before the blanket falls and he disappears. His twin tot boys jump up, look around the blanket for him and whine when they can't find him. Their mom distracts them while the man makes himself reappear.
Tot boy doing a magic act. He asks the crowd for a volunteer to give him their wallet. Man does. Boy makes the wallet disappear. The table that the boy was doing the trick on walks away. There is another boy under it.
AA: Egg Crack. Man cracks egg, white dove pops out. (magic trick)
Magic! Man on his hands and knees; twists hand around.
Birthday party magician makes an egg disappear. Boy shouts "it's in his pants", other boy grabs at his crotch / groin trying to find egg. Magician pushes his hand away, everybody laughs.