HVL Publishing Date: 2025-03-21 Upload Date: 2021-09-23

"Dealing With the Ceiling Prank" A teen girl tells a young boy that she can make a bowl of water stick to the ceiling in a kitchen if he helps her hold a broom, then she puts the broom under the bowl on the ceiling and walks away while he yells for her to come back. She comes back to push him and say that he will be there a while, then he moves the broom and water from the bowl spills on him.

HVL Publishing Date: 2025-02-06 Upload Date: 2023-05-31

A man throws a ball in the air in front of his young son and quickly switches it into the other hand. When he opens his hand and the ball is not there, the boy is contused and shocked.

HVL Publishing Date: 2025-01-21 Upload Date: 2023-08-28

A young boy places a small soccer ball on top of a leaf blower in a yard and his father turns it on. The ball levitates above the leaf blower and the boy begins to scream and jump around as his brother appears and screams and jumps with him.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-12-03 Upload Date: 2023-05-01

A young boy throws a blanket over himself in a doorway, then he hits his face on a wall.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-10-14 Upload Date: 2022-12-15

A woman in the living room attempts to do a 'disappearing' magic trick behind a blanket. She raises the blanket, drops it, and runs face first into the wall.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-08-13 Upload Date: 2021-11-09

A young boy stands in a bedroom doorway and tells a woman that he will "disappear and then reappear as your laughter," then he throws a blanket the air and hits his head on the door.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-07-01 Upload Date: 2018-07-08

A man yells the word "magic" after he lights a brick fireplace in the backyard with a roman candle firework.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-03-25 Upload Date: 2023-01-11

Two young boys and a young girl attempt the disappearing human trick in a hallway. One young boy hits the wall as the blanket falls. TikTok Social Media Video.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-03-11 Upload Date: 2022-12-30

A man and a young girl do a magic trick in the kitchen. The man holds a bottle of water while the young girl puts a towel over it. She removes the towel and the man asks a senior man to look inside the bottle. The senior man leans over and the man squeezes the bottle. Water shoots into the senior mans eyes.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-02-13 Upload Date: 2019-10-10

A young girl asks Alfonso for more magic videos. She holds up a blanket to a doorway and switches places with another young girl.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-02-13 Upload Date: 2021-11-30

A young girl says, "Hey Alfonso, I wanna see more" and a young girl appears and says, "magic videos" in the living room.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-02-13 Upload Date: 2021-11-14

A young girl sits in a kitchen cabinet and another young girl walks over to close the door. One of the young girls stands outside the cabinet and says, "Hey Alfonso I want to see more magic trick videos" as the cabinet drawer opens and closes.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-02-05 Upload Date: 2018-09-01

A senior man gets his face wet when his son and young grandson do the coin in the water bottle "Magic Trick" on him at the dinner table.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-02-05 Upload Date: 2018-07-19

A woman and her tot son try to do the What the Fluff Challenge with their dog. The woman drops the blanket, her tot son turns and runs into an entertainment center.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-06-28

A teen girl says she is going to make the pencil float. She does the floating pencil trick.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-04-11

A young girl describes how she will make a doll disappear into a bag in a living room, and another young girl repeatedly says "she has two bags, there's another one behind her back." Mind Blowing Magic

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-06-29

A man does a magic trick and a baby boy looks on in shock.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-10-25

A tot girl and her father perform a magic trick. The girl is behind a blanket but visibly disappears into another room when the man removes the blanket.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-12-03

A tot girl falls over and crashes to the floor while in a kitchen as her young sister attempts a magic trick.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-04-04

A young boy disappears behind a blanket; then a cat walks out from a doorway. Mind Blowing Magic

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-04-10

A baby boy hides a spoon behind himself at home, then he shrugs when a woman asks him where the spoon went. Mind-Blowing Magic

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-12-02

"Magic Trick Tot" A woman tells a tot boy to put a piece of paper in her fist in a kitchen. She shakes her hand and throws the paper over her shoulder, then laughs with the tot boy and shows him that it is gone. After a few rounds of this trick, the tot boy yells "oh my gosh."

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-04-17

"Magic from the Grand Peeps" A senior man wears funny glasses with big fake eyeballs and instructs his wife on how to help him with a magic trick. She fails at it and they bicker.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-04-25

A young boy says that he will do a magic trick with a bottle and a pencil, then he puts the pencil inside an empty bottle and pretends to raise it up with his mind. Then a fog machine releases a cloud of smoke, and he slowly moves down from the camera while music plays. Mind Blowing Magic

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2021-07-01

A young boy tries to do a magic trick with cups and a ball in the dining-room. He says he made the ball move from one cup to another but the original ball falls on the table when he lifts the cup.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2021-05-21

A senior woman pretends she is magic, and she tells a light to turn on to trick a young girl and it does. The girl freaks out and then she does it herself and it works for her too. After several more times, another young girl comes out from behind the couch to reveal she had control of the light switch.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2021-05-20

A baby girl hides a ball behind her back in a living room, and a man and woman ask her where it went.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2021-08-02

A tot girl says she will make pieces of her sandwich disappear and turns away from the camera and eats them and says "Tada" at the kitchen table.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2021-07-17

Three young boys take turns on an incomplete Rubik's cube. They then pass it to another young boy, who puts it in a bag, snaps his fingers, and pulls out two complete Rubik's cubes. He then crumples the bag and throws it behind him.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2021-05-10

A young boy pulls a top hat off of his head and makes it appear to float in front of his body.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2021-08-06

A Shih Tzu dog with hands picks up a handkerchief with one hand at a dining room table, then waves a wand with the other hand, and makes the handkerchief disappear.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2021-08-30

A young boy holds an apple and pretends it levitates for a magic trick in the kitchen, then the apple moves to reveal it's attached to a fork the boy holds in his mouth.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2021-04-25

A tot boy holds up a blanket that a tot girl hides behind, then he whispers and tells when to run away and come back in the house.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2021-02-22

A produced video with music and graphics of a man who does a magic trick in the living room with a young girl as his assistant. He puts out seven rolls of toilet paper and draws on a white board that "1 = 4." He and the girl cover the rolls with a blanket and then when they move the blanket, there is a stack of 28 rolls.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2021-06-05

A tot boy sticks a piece of paper over a glass bottle to make it disappear. He waves it around and accidentally drops it, and it shatters on the floor off-camera.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2021-03-13

A man in a living room tries to do the What the Fluff prank and as he throws the blanket up he accidentally hits picture frames off the wall and they break on the floor.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2021-08-04

A man performs a magic trick by shaking his untied sneaker laces around on his foot and then shows that it ties a perfect bow in a house.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2021-10-24

A man does a disappearing orange magic trick for a baby girl and she makes a surprised face in the dining-room.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2021-05-28

A man and a woman each hold one of a young boy's hands on a patio, then pretend that they can pass a sip of water through him, and the young boy screams and says "how did you do that?"

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2021-06-06

A young boy drops a blanket then a dog appears with the boy's shirt on in the house.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2020-11-18

A young boy throws a toy for a dog and the dog runs for the toy and the boy hides under a blanket. The dog runs around the room and looks for the boy, confused. Disappearing Human Trick

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2021-05-14

A tot girl and a young boy quickly switch places when they hide behind a blanket in the living room as their family cheers.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-09-12 Upload Date: 2020-08-22

A tot girl tries to make a ball disappear in a cup with a magic wand, but it does not work. Her dad says to let him try but, and then picks the ball up with the cup and tricks her.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-09-12 Upload Date: 2020-05-20

A man picks a dandelion from the ground and pretends to pull it out of a tot girl's ear, and she is amazed.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-09-12 Upload Date: 2020-11-25

A young girl in a home hallway does a What the Fluff prank in a hallway for her tot boy brother and she runs into a bathroom and trips and falls. The woman with the camera walks into the bathroom and the shower curtain has fallen on top of the young girl.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-09-12 Upload Date: 2020-05-06

A young boy tries to do the table cloth magic trick, but when he pulls it he throws all the food across the living room. He laughs and says "At least I swept the table clean."

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-09-12 Upload Date: 2020-11-23

A man in a bedroom uses a blanket, a stick and shoe to pretend that he floats above the bed. His brother calls their parents into the room and his dad and mom walk in and freak out when they see their son in the air and the two boys laugh and their dad gets mad.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-09-12 Upload Date: 2020-11-02

A young girl in a living room talks to the camera as she holds a balloon with a piece of sticky tape on it. She pushes a nail through the tape and the balloon doesn't pop and she is surprised. She says to try it yourself and the balloon pops and startles her.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-09-12 Upload Date: 2020-11-23

A man at a kitchen table says his young girl daughter can do a magic trick where he writes a number and she can circle the number with her eyes closed. She circles on a piece of paper and then he writes in the number afterwards and pretends she correctly circled the number. She doesn't know how she is doing it.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-09-12 Upload Date: 2020-04-21

A dad pretends to have his young girl's arms as he eats cereal with his hands and makes breakfast and talks to the camera at a dinner table.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-09-12 Upload Date: 2020-08-09

A young girl in a doorway says "Want to see me turn into a plushie?" then does a bad What the Fluff trick and leaves into a hallway then throws a plushie at the door in her place.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-09-12 Upload Date: 2020-07-19

A senior man does a card trick for a baby boy at the kitchen table. When the man flips the card behind his fingers, the boy drops his jaw.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-09-12 Upload Date: 2020-04-05

A tot girl's mouth opens wide when her father pretends to use magic to turn their fireplace on and off in the living room.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-09-12 Upload Date: 2020-04-03

A man holds a small doughnut and tells his young grandson he will make it disappear, then puts it in his mouth and the boy says, "Wow".

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-09-12 Upload Date: 2020-03-29

A young girl does a magic trick in a living room and her tot brother takes money out of a cup behind her back to make it "disappear".

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-02-01 Upload Date: 2017-04-09

A young girl gets her father to look into a bottle of water. When the man looks, the girl sprays water out of the bottle, but misses her father. A woman screams and the camera pans to reveal a woman hit by water.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-02-01 Upload Date: 2017-04-25

A tot boy performs a magic trick and makes his sister, a young girl, levitate in a bed. He then screams and runs away.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-02-01 Upload Date: 2017-07-07

A man plays a trick on his granddaughter and pulls money out of her ear. She is completely confused and questions how did this get in my ear.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-01-18 Upload Date: 2018-07-25

A young girl appears to transform in to her father when he walks through the garage door and in to the living room as she hides after she drops the blanket she uses for the What the Fluff Challenge in the room between the living room and the garage.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-01-18 Upload Date: 2019-02-14

A tot boy sits at a kitchen table and a man asks him math problems and he gets them correct. At first it's really impressive but then you realize the answer to all of the questions is 9 and it's a trick.