"Dealing With the Ceiling Prank" A teen girl tells a young boy that she can make a bowl of water stick to the ceiling in a kitchen if he helps her hold a broom, then she puts the broom under the bowl on the ceiling and walks away while he yells for her to come back. She comes back to push him and say that he will be there a while, then he moves the broom and water from the bowl spills on him.
A woman trips and stumbles then falls in a driveway, as she says, "I'm so effing done. Just drive me over, world." Neighbor comes to help her and she says "I just tripped cause I'm running and I'm fat." Security footage.
A man uses a Pogo stick to try and break up an icy front porch when he gets mad and throws it but it bounces up and hits him and he slips and falls. Security footage.
A young boy opens his bedroom door and his parents sing "Happy Birthday" to him in the the balloon filled hallway. The boy then closes the door and his parents continue to sing.
A man throws mats over a gate on a porch, then he trips and falls into the gate and breaks it. Security footage.
A man in the kitchen puts a funnel in his pants a drops a crumbled piece of paper into it. When a woman tries to do the same, the boyfriend pours a cup of water into the girlfriend's pants.
A teen girl says that the water in her water bottle tastes gross at school, then she opens it up to show that her brothers hid a hot dog in the water.
Oops fail house home outside outdoor yard lawn crash accident mad upset angry mail delivery mailman swear curse language ring problem issue situation ruin vehicle break
"Bird Wants a Word" An exotic Cockatoo bird shouts and screams on a man's shoulder while it tries to get a man's attention as he works.
A man cuts down a tree in his backyard. It falls on the shed and the man throws the chainsaw on the ground. Security Footage.
A young boy stands in a kayak but loses his balance and falls. He then yells at his mom to not videotape him.
A man and woman prepare to do a trust fall in front of a lake while music plays, then the woman falls forward into the lake instead of back in the man's arms, and she yells at him because he did not catch her. Music rights not cleared.
Two young boys play around near patio furniture on a deck. The older boy jumps onto a wicker table, breaking it and falling through head-first. Security footage.
A man makes the bed in a bedroom, and a standard poodle dog repeatedly jumps on it and moves the blankets.
A teen boy does a basketball dribble drill in the driveway. After repeatedly messing it up he gets so mad that he kicks the ball and it hits a light on the house and breaks the glass.
A woman does the pulled over prank to her senior mother, and when she walks into the house her mother lies on the floor. Her mother asks where the cop is then swears when her daughter laughs hysterically at her.
A woman walks a dog when it takes off and pulls her down into a muddy patch in a yard. Security footage.
A woman trips and falls on stairs in a yard while she carries a plate of cheeseburgers into the house. Security footage.
A woman outside warms her hands next to a fire. Someone throws sparklers into the fire which causes it to grow. The woman runs away and says, "What's wrong with you?"
A man smashes a cupcake in a woman's face while they pose for a family photo on a deck, then she gives it back to him and smashes a second cupcake in his face.
A man rides a snow blower in his backyard. He accidentally runs into a bird feeder and knocks it down. Security Footage.
A teen boy pretends to sneeze behind a man, then he sprays him with a squirt bottle in a living room, and the man yells.
A dog runs while a woman holds her leash in a yard, and the dog makes her crash into the back of a parked car. Security footage.
A dog on the deck eats corn on the ground and two ducks struggle to push him away.
A tot boy in a car says that he will be a police officer when he is older, but he will not grow up. A man asks him if he will be a child police officer, and he yells "no."
A young boy gets mad when he drops a pizza. Security footage.
A young girl asks Alfonso for more mad science experiment videos.
A young boy cries and has throws a temper tantrum because AFV isn't on because of Jimmy Kimmel.
A woman throws a pink smoke bomb onto a teen girl who walks up the driveway. The teen gets mad and walks away.
A young boy colors a picture of a young girl "pooping on the floor" and the girl explains she is mad about it and she doesn't have short hair like the girl in the drawing.
A tot boy stands behind a table of displaying cooking ingredients. A woman tells the tot boy to say, "hey guys." The boy gets mad and says he does not want to do it anymore. Then he gets up and walks away. Influencer Flubs.
A man pours water down his own back, and then he splashes his wife with a glass of water while her back is turned and acts like their young son did it. The boy says "I love your jokes," but the man says "that's not funny" and then the woman gets mad at the boy. The boy says it was his dad, and then finds the hidden camera.
A man hands a container of mustard to another man who sleeps on a living room couch, then says "get the phone," and he says "hello" twice into the mustard before he hits the phone camera away.
A young girl starts a video to talk about her pop-it toys at home, then she yells when a young boy walks over and farts on her, and a woman tells her to start a new video.
"Mama Bird Wants A Word" A woman puts a baby bird back into a bird nest on the outside of a house, then runs away and screams while birds chase her.
A woman asks a tot boy if he will share his ice cream in a car, and he frowns.
A tot girl cries while she holds spaghetti at a dining room table, and says "these pastas are too long, I don't like these pastas because they're too big" before she runs away from the table.
A woman helps a man read off a fake lottery ticket in the kitchen, and she falls on the floor then swears at him when he tells her it's April fools day.
A dog growls and shows his teeth as a man dries him off with a towel after a bath in the yard.
A young boy sits down to eat a bowl of cereal on a tray table in a living room, then the tray table breaks, and he yells "come on." Security footage.
A man bites into a chocolate covered raw egg a woman tells him is a Cadbury egg, and he swears then spits out the egg in the kitchen sink.
"Spoiled Shirt Secret" A tot boy tells his father that a shirt came for him in the mail, but he can't tell him about the present because his "Mom will be so mad."
A man spills two drinks at the front door then throws the third on the ground and swears. Security footage.
A dog barks at the cameraman as he reaches for an oreo.
A baby boy wears a 'Creed' boxing costume, and the baby boy swings his arms.
A tot boy gets very upset when he finds out that his mom does not have a "wiener" because she is a girl.
A woman asks a tot boy what he wants in the house, and the boy screams "no" repeatedly. She then asks if he wants "an all inclusive vacation in the Bahamas", and the boy agrees.
A man struggles to start up a weed-eater in the yard and he gets mad and starts to bang it on the ground. Parts of it start to break off and then he throws it and goes back inside. Security camera footage with no audio
A Nigerian Dwarf Billy goat bleats to the camera man, and bleats at a woman every time she gets closer.
A family plays Badminton in the front yard and a young boy gets frustrated and throws a tantrum when he cannot hit it.
A man in a bedroom uses a blanket, a stick and shoe to pretend that he floats above the bed. His brother calls their parents into the room and his dad and mom walk in and freak out when they see their son in the air and the two boys laugh and their dad gets mad.
A tot girl asks her mother for some of her wine in the living room, then throws her cup on the ground when her mother says she can't have any.
A tot girl in a living room is mad that her mom is making her get a haircut. Her mom with the camera asks her to show why she needs a a haircut and the tot girl turns around and she has two toy cars stuck in her hair.
A tot boy walks away when a group of people sing "Happy Birthday" to him in the backyard, and slams the house door.
A man tricks his wife by pretending he's stapled his finger into a piece of wood in the garage. She tries to pull the staple out and asks if it's in his bone. She says she can't do it then he moves his hand away and laughs. Prank. Practical joke.
A woman tells a tot boy to pet a cat in the living room, and when the boy walks up to the cat it spits in his face.
A dog snarls at a young boy when he waves to it in the drivers seat of another car.
A Pitbull dog "meets" a cat for the first time in the front yard, and the cat hisses then falls back underneath a house.
Two tot argue about who is "second" in the living room. His mother asks one of the boys if "he's second then what are you?" and the boy says "angry".