A young man says "this piece right here," then pulls one log out of a stack of firewood and knocks it over as the entire wood pile collapses.
A young girl drives her mom's golf cart around in a driveway when a bag of feed falls onto the gas pedal as she goes in circles and screams for her mom to help her then crashes into some logs. Security footage.
A man tries to split a log with an ax but he misses and the wood flips backwards and hits him in the leg.
A man crosses a log, then slips and falls onto the ground in a forest.
A boy sits on one end of a log and a man stomps on the other side to break it and it doesn't break. He jumps on it and the boy gets launched up and the man trips and falls backwards.
A young girl walks across a log in a forest and celebrates prematurely after making it across then slips and falls as she tries to jump off.
A woman attempts to walk on a rolling playground log and falls on the ground landing on her backside.
A woman attempts to balance on log and falls into water in woods.
A man walks along the top of a log fence during a hike in the wilderness. He slips and falls to the ground.
A woman and young boy sit on a log on the beach shore. The tide comes in and turns the log over, and the woman and boy fall off.
A man opens the door of his car and water pours out. The man is worried that his speakers and cigarettes are ruined.
A Black Labrador dog and a Beagle dog are swimming with a woman in a river. The woman picks up the Beagle dog and it continues the motions as if it is still in the water.
A man walks across a narrow log and falls over when he gets close to the end.
A man blows leaves outside. Then he walks backwards and he falls over the logs behind him. No Audio.
A man stands on some logs and talks on the phone, then falls over and doesn't miss a beat in the conversation in the backyard. Security footage. Ring.com.
A young boy stands on two logs, then one log floats away and he bends down into the splits. He loses his balance and falls forward in a lake.
A man tries to walk over a teen girl that sits on a log above a creek and he slips and falls on his groin and falls into the water.
A cat grabs on to a taxidermy deer head as they jump off of a wall in a log cabin to climb down.
Two poodle dogs walk over a log. The white poodle stops on the log and the black poodle pushes past the white dog and the white dog falls in the water below.
A woman throws a stick into a river. A Yellow Labrador dog chases the stick and comes out of the water with a giant log.
A French bulldog dog jumps over a log in slow motion. The dog's leg catches on the log and it lands on its face / head. Slo-mo
Two men try to break a log with a tree and fall down as they run at it.
A young boy talks to the camera and says he will fly drones in a field with his dad. His dad trips over a tree log in the background and his mom laughs hysterically.
A Teen boy walks across a downed tree and it breaks and he lands on his groin.
A teen girl and two boys sit on a fallen tree branch to pose for a picture at the beach. Their dad joins them and the log breaks and they all fall down.
In slow motion, an adult man attempts to chop wood. The log rebounds and hits him in the groin.
Small snowman gets smashed with a log. Video was shot to make it appear to be a big snowman.
A woman walks on a log across a stream in the woods and then climbs up a steep hill on the other side of the stream. As the woman gets towards the top of the hill at 1:15, she slips and falls down the hill.
A man walks across a log over a creek. He jumps down onto land and falls back into the water.
A senior woman pretends to be a gymnast and uses a log as a balance beam. She falls off the log a couple times, but falls to the ground when she jumps and spins to dismount the log.
Boy with long hair rides a unicycle on top of a large log. He falls off the unicycle. No recovery, he doesn't get up. Park.
A man throws a log behind his back into a plastic bucket, convinces his friend to try, then switches to bucket with a shovel, hitting his friend in the crotch.
Young boy holds a stick bug on his arm, the bug climbs onto the camera lens & woman freaks out while holding camera. Log for edit. Insect.
Two men hold either end of a long log and try to break it by running it into a tree. The log bounces back and hits both of them in the stomach.
Several kids scream next to a log ride at a theme park. Most of them run away and the water splashes the one boy that stayed.
Two men hold either end of a long log and run at a tree. The middle of the log hits the tree, and one end flies up, hitting one of the men in the face. Boneheads.
"Water Logged Dog" Dog. Shih-tzu complains about getting a bath.
Man tries to carry bin over tree trunk across river, slips and falls in water at end.
In the woods, two teen boys have a joust on a log with sticks. One of them falls off and hits his crotch / groin / balls on the log.
Three men jump on a log lying over another log in a yard, trying to snap it. The log breaks and all three men fall down to the ground. Bonehead.
A woman walks on fallen tree as a bridge across a stream. She gets to the other side and slips off. On her way down she grabs a man's head and pulls his hair. He screams
A woman walks cautiously across a log that runs across a creek/river but a branch that she's holding onto cracks and she swings around the log, falling head first into the water.
A man tries to do a cartwheel across a log suspended over a stream in a forest outdoors and falls off into the water.
A water/ log ride at a theme park splashes a young girl and knocks her over.
Two teen boys carry a log and run toward and old rotten tree stump in the woods, trying to knock it down. The stump doesn't fall over and they both get hit in the face with the log they carry. It knocks them down to the ground. Another teen boy watches. Short tails.
Man tests motorcycle and crashes into log pile, recovery
Man attempts to run on log roll at playground, falls/flips over.
2 men sit on opposite ends of a fallen tree wedged between other trees. Men rock up and down like they're on a seesaw. The tree breaks when man on the left rocks too hard.
A woman runs on a spinning log at a playground and falls/ face plants.
Boy hits tree trunk with a large stick. Piece of stick breaks off and flies into camera. Forest, woods.
Woman tries to walk on logs to cross a flooded path on her hike. She slips & falls into the water. Camera cuts away but has recovery.
Man tries to walk on a log to cross a river. Slips and falls and hits groin on the log before falling in the water.
Two teen boys hold a log and run into a tree to break it in a field, but it doesn't break and one of them falls down.
A man outdoors saws a log off of a tree, and the log lands in a truck after the tree tilts back upright. Another man is audible.
Man chopping firewood with rock, drops rock and log goes flying up and hits his adult son in the face *really good in slo-mo - audio is good in slo-mo too*
A young boy karate chops a log over a creek and it doesn't budge. He jumps on it, it breaks, and he falls into the water.
Tot girl sits down on a log at a campfire and falls backwards.
Two teen boys pose on a log over a river. One of the boys falls in face first.