A teen girl refers to herself as "the next cheerleader" in a kitchen, then she kicks her leg up high and falls. Music rights not cleared.
A man playing video game sitting on a plastic chair. A teen boy goes to give him a hug. Then three large dogs go in to give a hug as well and it cause the legs of the chair to break spilling the man onto the floor. Security footage.
A young boy's pants get caught on a branch and he flails his legs while his belly hangs out of his shirt as he tries to free himself.
Inside a crib a cat is placed into a burrow blanket. The cat uses his leg to close the blanket over himself.
A young girl walks outside and slips and falls on the steps and a young boy walks out and slips and his legs fly in the air and he falls. Security footage.
A dog leans on kitchen table and wants more snacks then walks on its hind legs towards camera to beg for food.
A young boy swings at a baseball, then it bounces under a fence and hits a man in the leg in a field. Slow motion. Featured talent cleared only (the boy who swings the bat and the man who is hit).
Two deer stand on their back legs and have a slap fight in the middle of a field, as shot through the window of a parked car.
A woman hangs upside down by her legs on a pull up bar at the beach, she tries to swing herself onto her feet when she lets go but she falls on her face instead.
A dog plays in snow and gets snowballs stuck to all 4 legs outside.
A woman and a Boston Terrier enter a house and when the woman says, "Ready, set, sploot!" the dog lies on the floor with her legs spread.
A man in the living room rides on a hoverboard. He crashes into the dining table and breaks the table's leg. All the food spills off. Security Footage.
A young boy is stuck inside of a toilet with one leg sticking out. He holds up a bottle of liquid soap.
A woman says "this is gonna be fun" as a man jumps onto an inflatable blob and launches a young girl into the air. The girl kicks her legs as she flies through the air then lands head-first in the water.
One teen girl in the house lies on the bed with her feet up as her friend tries to balance on her legs. She falls off and breaks a window.
A man tries to split a log with an ax but he misses and the wood flips backwards and hits him in the leg.
A man opens a window while a squirrel runs around a storage room, then the squirrel climbs up his leg and makes him scream and jump around. Security footage.
Two women each put their arms and legs through the sleeves of a hoodie to do a dance challenge but they both tip over and struggle to get back up.
A teen girl does a cartwheel in a hotel room and hits her leg on a TV stand and falls.
A bear stands on its back legs and pulls on a bird feeder that hangs from a tree branch in the yard. It pulls the feeder off the branch and then carries it back to the woods.
A teen girl kicks her leg up high while she dances in a school hallway, then falls to the ground when she loses her balance. Music rights not cleared.
A dog runs off a pier to chase a frisbee. When the dog jumps, its hind legs go forward and the dog lands on the water on its back.
A wedding officiant drops a wedding ring into a lake as he stands with the bride and groom on a rock. The officiant and the groom hold a man's legs as he retrieves the ring from a rock below and the guests cheer. All talent cleared except the woman in the snow cap shown at the end.
A man lifts a woman up with his legs, and she flips then falls off when she tries to balance as "My Heart Will Go On" plays in the living room. Music rights not cleared.
"Treadmill Mockery" A man mocks his wife while she uses a treadmill before getting on it behind her. He immediately falls and grabs the woman's pants, pulling them down and making her fall.
A Great Dane stands on his hind legs in the living room behind a woman while they conga line with the whole family.
A woman works out on a bench in a living room and lifts her legs above her head. The bench folds up and she flips and falls and lands on her head.
A man rides in the passenger side of a golf cart. He sticks his club out of the cart and swings at a ball on the ground as the cart drives by when he falls out of the cart.
A woman holds onto her young daughter as she wake surfs. Her daughter holds onto her legs and surfs with her. Music rights not cleared.
Two teen girls attempt the leg flip challenge. One girl kicks the other girl in the face and then falls. Music not cleared.
A dog stands on his hind legs and gets Oreos out of the pantry in the kitchen.
A young boy and girl ride on a large raft float along a river as it is pulled by a speed boat then they hit a wave and the raft flips upside down and the boy's legs kick out into the air before they splash down into the water
Two teen girls dance to music in a living room, and one of them repeatedly kicks her leg up high until she kicks a coffee table and falls. Music rights not cleared.
A young girl does a back flip on a trampoline in the yard. She lands on her knees and bounces off the edge of the trampoline. She almost falls, but lands on her legs. The woman with the camera asks if she is okay and the girl says "yeah, I landed it."
A woman stands on a wall by the beach and then she tries to balance but she falls back into a swimming pool.
A man proposes to a woman outside, then their dog humps the man's leg while he is down on one knee. Produced video. (music rights not cleared)
A woman climbs through a window head first, and then gets stuck. Her butt and legs stick out of the house, and she tries to climb inside. She farts, and a teen girl laughs and films.
A bulldog dog accidentally pulls a man's shorts down in the kitchen while she scratches his leg as she tries to get the cordless vacuum cleaner he holds above his head.
A dog jumps up on its back legs to push a man on a swing in the yard.
A young boy gets knocked off of a Merry Go Round. He then walks back up to it and attempts to get back on, but a woman's legs knock him over.
A teen girl jumps around and spins in a bedroom, but her leg gets stuck in a blanket, and she falls.
A teen girl holds a yellow Labrador retriever dog in a living room, and the dog swings her back legs frantically around in midair.
A woman kicks her legs up while she's stuck inside the washing machine, and the woman with the camera laughs and asks how long she's been like that in the house.
A woman jump ropes in a gym, and a beagle dog stands on her back legs and jumps with her.
A man proposes to a woman and her leg catches fire on the back porch.
A man runs over a frozen pond of ice and it breaks. His legs fall in the pond as he runs out.
A man's legs fly out from underneath him as he slips on a snowy porch and falls. Security footage. Featured talent cleared only (man slipping on the stairs)
A senior man jumps up and down while a Boston terrier dog watches and then jumps on his leg.
A senior man jumps up and down while a Boston terrier dog watches and then jumps on his leg.
A cat has wedged himself under a low bar between table legs at home, and he lies on his back and wiggles his legs but cannot free himself.
A dog runs out of a front door, then it runs in between a young girl's legs and drags her across a yard. Security camera footage.
A baby girl leans forward on her chest and raises her back legs and hips off the living room floor.
A cat stands on his hind legs and puts his body in the blinds. Then he falls through the blinds and onto the living room floor.
A woman films her tot son and a baby and a Dachshund dog sits on her hind legs so she can be seen by the camera.
Treadmill Mutt A mix breed dog stands sideways on the edge of a treadmill with its front legs off the side of the tread mill. Its back legs walk sideways on the treadmill in a living room.
Horse follows large bale of hay on back of tractor, puts front legs on top of hay.
A woman tells a tot girl in the living room that she has a spider on her pants. The tot girl screams, cries and shakes her legs. She asks the woman to get the spider off of her leg. The woman pushes in on the tot girl's pants to reveal that the pants have spider prints on them. The woman says, "They're Halloween pants. It was a joke. Was it a bad joke?" The tot girl says, "Oh... It made me cry."