A parrot repeatedly says "kiss my green butt" while sitting on a man's chest.
"Driver's Training Terror" A teen girl learns how to drive a car for the first time with her father in the passenger seat on a driveway. She tries to reverse the car but instead rolls it forward into another car and screams.
A man on the pier tries to dive into a lake but belly flops instead. His family laughs and says his attempt was better than the past 4,000 times.
A man plays tee-ball with a young boy and when he tells him to "run home" the boy runs back to his house.
A young girl learning how to ride her bike with her dad crashes into her encouraging mom behind camera.
"Oil Change Calamity." A senior woman performs an oil change on a car in a driveway. She spills oil on her shirt, then moves a tray and gets oil all over her face as she asks her ex-husband for a rag.
A woman tries to ride a motorized dirt bike but stands up and crashes and falls down outdoors.
A woman paddle-boards for the first time and falls into the water while her family watches on. The man says "shit" when she falls. Featured talent cleared only (no releases for the people in the distance on the beach).
A dog crawls on the living room floor in front of a baby and the baby shakes its limbs to copy it, but can't move.
A little girl says "watch and learn" before accidentally throwing her fishing pole in a lake.
A woman flies out of her water skis on a lake when a boat pulls her away.
A young boy learns to ride a bike in the driveway and crashes into a fence and falls.
A young girl does a flip on a diving board at an indoor swimming pool, then she falls back onto it and lands in the water.
A young boy learns to ride his bicycle as his dad runs alongside of him on a street. He then pedals into the driveway and hits the curb and topples down into a ditch.
A woman opens a pregnancy test and pretends to laugh and says "it's a thermometer, right?" She learns it is a pregnancy test and screams with excitement.
A man teaches his tot girl how to say "yogurt," but she repeatedly pronounces it as "work it."
The man with the camera asks a tot boy about different numbers and letters in the living room and the boy points to them in his books or on his mat. The man asks him where "P" is and the boy points to his groin.
A young girl talks about the Statue of Liberty. She describes the crown and other things and finally says, "and she is holding an iPad."
A woman asks a tot boy for space, then he gets up and she says she was kidding. He says "bro, I don't know what you want from a man" in a bedroom.
A man teaches a tot girl how to drive a motor boat on a lake, then she speeds it up, and the person behind the camera falls down. First person POV.
A man tells a tot girl in a hardware store "you've got to keep your head up when you're walking, you don't want to run into anything," then he walks into a window.
A tot girl receives a kiddie pool for her birthday in the kitchen, and says "I wish I could play with it, but I can't, because we don't have any kitties."
A tot boy interrupts a man's virtual class session at home to say that he went poo and pee, "and it was big."
A teen boy drives a truck and knocks multiple mailboxes off a post in a yard at night. Home security camera video, no audio.
A woman tells a tot girl to wipe her feet when she stands on a mat at the front door. The tot then bends over and wipes off the top of her shoes.
A young boy in a yard pours a cup of vinegar into a model volcano for a school science experiment he has to do at home and it erupts and splashes him in the face and a woman laughs.
A young girl holds a bucket under a dog in the yard. The woman with the camera asks what she is doing and the girl says "milk a cow." The dog walks away and the girl follows it with the bucket. The dog lays down and the girl reaches to grab its penis.
A young girl snores loudly and sleeps with her head on a laptop for an online class in the bedroom. Zoom school.
A kitten cat lies on a man's lap on a bed in a bedroom and the man raises his arms and says stick em up and the kitten cat raises its front legs above its head.
A man teaches a virtual college class and his teen daughter walks in behind him in a gorilla costume and eats a banana.
A woman says "bang" and one of her French Bulldog dogs rolls onto its back in the house, then pushes the other dog with its nose to roll over.
A tot girl in a swimming pool says to her dad "I got it" and tries to swim and sinks. He helps her up and she says "I don't got it."
A woman struggles with her wireless connection and her students talk to each other through the Google Meet video call. One girl says they should behave because the video is being recorded, and another girl says "we'll be toast" then the girl says she wants toast for breakfast.
A woman teaches an online class in the house, and her young boy jumps out and scares her. She apologizes to the class and continues to teach.
A young boy at a kitchen table asks the man with the camera what lying means and the man explains it and the young boy says "Are you talking about wying?"
A woman tries to make pancakes with two tot boys in the kitchen, and when she turns away the younger boy pours nearly the entire bottle of oil into the mixing bowl.
A dog with human hands plays video games on a living room couch. A man off screen yells that he needs to stop and do homework and the dog pulls out a notebook and writes. At the end the dog answers a call on a phone.
A woman tells her Golden Retriever dog to drop a tomato that's in its mouth in the house, and the dog drops both a tomato and an orange.
A young boy spells out the letters for "JET" in the house, says it was easy and the word is "airplane."
A woman in a kitchen holds a dog treat and says sit. A puppy dog tries to get the treat and a large dog puts its paw on the puppy dog's back and gets it to sit for the treat.
A teen girl backs a car into the driveway, and then hits the boat behind the car which crashes into the woods. She then drives the car forward, and away from the boat. Home security footage.
A tot boy cries and gets scared as his tot girl cousin walks toward him and his mom says the girl can walk now in a living room.
A young boy reads a book of numbers in the living room. He flips over the book and calls the number nine a six.
A tot boy picks up a wiffle ball off a tee and presses it to his face in the yard when his dad tells him to keep an eye on the ball.
A tot boy learns that his fish has died and he cries before his aunt explains that they have to flush him down the toilet and the boy gets excited. He says "Let's do it."
A young girl tries to teach a woman to do the floss dance and the woman shakes her butt and moves her arms around.
A woman shows a boy tot animal cards in the living room and the boy says the penguin card is his father.
A woman teaches a tot boy the alphabet and the words that start with the letters she teaches him. She does "apple" for "A" and "banana" for "B," but the boy says "apple" again because he can't say "banana."
A tot girl in a restaurant touches engraved letters on a trash can that spell "thank you" and tells her mom it spells "trash can".
A young girl jumps for joy when she sees the school bus on her first day, but it drives right past her and she watches it in disbelief.
A young girl recites the pledge of allegiance in the living room. She says "squirrel" at the end.
A young boy and a young girl sit in a school room. A woman tells them to pronounce the words "synonym and antonym", and they recite the mispronunciation together.
A mom reads a book about animals to her tot boy in a living room and asks what a cow says. She makes a moo sound and a dog howls in the background, repeatedly.
A woman walks into the back of her car as she tries to teach her Poodle dog how to walk like a show dog.
A young boy rides a bike off a ramp in the yard and he flips over the front and falls on the ground.
A young girl thinks her father didn't go to school because he can't help with her homework while she talks to the camera as she makes a video for her mother.
A teen boy learns how to do a headstand with friends on the beach but falls on his face when trying to get back on his feet
A girl learns to ride a bike outdoors and crashes into a mailbox.
When asked where he got his dimples, a young boy responds he got them from the library.