A family sings happy birthday to a young boy as he gets scared by his candles while in his highchair.
A family sings and celebrates a young girl's birthday in a yard, when her dad loses grip of the cake but manages to save it from the ground. He then gracefully places it on his daughter's highchair tray, all in one movement.
Young boys stand next to a 6 foot tall dancing Santa Claus decoration when it falls apart.
A group of young kids ride on a porch swing in the yard while another boy pushes them. They sing a Christmas carol together and the chain for the swing breaks and they fall on the ground.
A young boy sings and dances in a bedroom, then he stands up on an office chair and falls down.
A young girl sings while she stands on a stack of stools in a living room, then she falls down.
A dog jumps onto the dining table as a family sings happy birthday to a young girl.
A tot girl sings "I wish you a merry Christmas," but stops mid-song and says "I don't want to do this."
A man and woman sings happy birthday to a tot boy and the boy flips his plate and cake over off of his high chair tray.
A tot girl yells "suck it up" to a tot boy who cries in the back seat of a car.
A family sings happy birthday to a young girl and then two women smash whipped cream into the face of the young girl as well as a young boy.
A tot boy pops under a curtain and starts to sing happy birthday with puppets, but then he suddenly stops and says "I'm so sad" and goes back behind the curtain.
A woman and her three young kids sing happy birthday on a living room coffee table, but the table breaks.
A young boy sings in a shower and is scared by an air horn and falls down. Nudity is pixilated. Practical joke
Two tot girls jump on a bed and sing a song about monkeys jumping on the bed and one of the girls falls off of the bed.
A young girl on a living room couch sings the alphabet very dramatically with a funny voice and facial expressions. Sings soulfully.
A man and woman sing Happy Birthday to a tot boy and the boy frowns and cries at the end.
A young girl and her little sister sing a song about lemonade at their first lemonade stand and then the table collapses and the older girl says, "I knew that would happen," and the younger girl cries.
A family sings happy birthday to a woman on camera and a tot girl cries as she sings.
A tot girl jumps on a bed and sings a song about no more monkeys jumping on the bed before she lies back and bangs her head on the headboard.
A young boy plays the guitar at home. He tells a man he can play "ABCD". He strums the guitar and sings the ABCs. He finishes and immediately says "I hate that song."
A teen boy cuts a cream-covered balloon birthday cake indoors after his family sings Happy Birthday. Practical joke.
Teen boy dances for the camera in the kitchen, mom joins them. Teen boy backs up and trips over an open dishwasher and falls into it. They sing Bon Jovi song.
"Frustrated Father" 3 little kids & man sing "Happy Birthday" but it gets ruined at the end when girl hits boy because he was playing with her hat. Boy falls over, man looks ashamed. Girl cries.
Star Spangled Banner: Kid in camouflage sings. good notes
Young boy makes a video - sings and dances with an umbrella. Stands on a chair and falls off. Gets up and keeps singing.
Tot girl sits on floor and plays with Easter Bunny toys. Dad farts loudly OC, girl says "daddy tooted"
"Whiny The Poo" Boy dressed as Indian is uncomfortable singing. He stops and cries, "I need to go poo poo!" Living room.
Girl sings "Jingle Bells" in the car and brother corrects her lyrics. He covers his eyes in frustration. Sibling rivalry. Christmas.
Kids enjoy dancing in a living room to music until the lights go out and thunder strikes outdoors. The kids scream and run around.
Three girls and two boys indoors gather around a Little Mermaid birthday cake while adults sing Happy Birthday. The boy in the red shirt says "I want her boobs" when the kids say which slice they want.
Tot boy plays guitar, breaks string, says "oh, shit."
A young girl blows in a tot boys ear as a group of adults and kids sing Happy Birthday to him and, when she blows for a third time, the tot boy shoves her out of the chair that she is sitting in indoors.
Young boy plays rubber bands on a cardboard box and plays Twinkle Twinkle like in an opera.
In living room, one boy plays on a toy guitar while the other boy lip syncs to a rock song and falls down off of his chair.
"Fist Full of Follicles" Tot girl sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and gets annoyed at her baby brother in the background who tries to join in. So baby brother pulls her hair.
Young girl sings "God Bless America" but she mixes up some lyrics. She sings "To the mountains, to the frosting" and she ends the song with a burp. Kids say.
"Sweet Caroline" Tot boy sings "Sweet Caroline" in the kitchen and tot brother adds the "Ba Ba Ba" part. Neil Diamond.
"Sweet Caroline" Tot boy sings "Sweet Caroline" in the kitchen and tot brother adds the "Ba Ba Ba" part. Neil Diamond.
Star spangled banner: Girl sings with big gestures.
2 tot girls on swing, which breaks; they fall *short tail
Tot boy and girl sing "Jingle Bells," at the end her brother says he farted. Sibling.
"Constantly Singing Sibling" A boy sings a song from "Sound of Music" indoors in the morning when his sister interrupts and screams "I'm gonna throw a shoe at you! Shut up!" because he woke her up.
Young boy dances and sings on a chair. He falls over, gets right back up
AA: Star Spangled. Little girl tortures National Anthem. Some great notes.
X-mas. Woman falls into X-mas tree singing Jingle Bells with kids.
"Sweet Caroline" Tot boy sings "Sweet Caroline" in the kitchen and tot brother adds the "Ba Ba Ba" part. Neil Diamond.
A woman sings opera to her tot boy and girl. The tot girl stuffs tissues into her ears and the tot boy shouts no no.
Little boy in red tortures Star Spangled Banner. Bad singing.
Tot girl does her own rendition of "America the Beautiful" with cool background effects and lyrics.
Star Spangled Banner: 2 sing, one says "Don't sing with me."
Star Spangled Banner: Girl tortures anthem sitting on ground.
Performance Problems. Singer throws microphone, hits other singer in head.
Boy acts silly, singing too loud during school performance.
Star Spangled Banner: Girl hits pots together as cymbals.
Star spangled shower: Girl in shower sings behind curtain.
AA: Star Banner. Boy with big voice sings national anthem.