A man struggles to wrangle a bull after it climbed into an above-ground pool. The bull eventually exits through the gash in the pool it made and rejoins the herd.
"Wolfdog Wake Up" A wolfdog dog starts to howl in a living room, and a woman tells him not to because everyone else is asleep. He howls anyway, then two other dogs join him.
A dog chases her tail when a tot boy joins in and spins, too. He then falls to the floor.
A tot girl pleads with her mother in the kitchen for them to be a "Giants" football family. The father chimes in that he won't join them because he is a Packers fan. He says, "Go Pack Go," which causes the girl to protest.
A young boy screams in a park and runs towards his mom as he says "it's Bigfoot I swear". His brother joins him, then they realize it's their father in a costume.
A man in a living room does the dog treat whack-a-mole prank with a dog in a living room and a tot boy joins in and tries to cat h the hot dog as well. The dog catches it and the tot boy is disappointed.
A woman lies on a hammock in the backyard, and a Great Dane dog crawls onto the hammock with her. The dog steps over her, then jumps off and the hammock falls to the ground.
A young girl dances to "Birthday" by The Beatles in the kitchen, then a man slips and falls into the fridge when he runs over to join her.
Two young boys dance in the living room then their grandma joins them before she eventually falls down.
Two women join a third woman on pool raft on a lake and both of them fall off either side of the raft outdoors.
A woman finds a hole torn into her mattress. She gets closer and a white dog pops her head out of the hole before another dog joins her on the bed.
A teen girl dances indoors while a woman pops in and out of a closet door behind her, then comes out to join her. They take turns running into the closet when a senior woman dances across the floor as well. At 2:03:00 the senior woman dances across again and sits down in a chair just as the teen girl pulls the chair away and the senior woman falls backwards and hits her head.
A lab mix dog sitting on a window sill howls along to a song when a Dachshund dog joins in.
A baby girl bangs on the keys of a toy piano keyboard in the living room and pushes a dog away whenever it joins her. She crawls away and the dog starts to play, so she comes back and takes over again.
A teen girl and two boys sit on a fallen tree branch to pose for a picture at the beach. Their dad joins them and the log breaks and they all fall down.
A woman talks on Facetime video chat, and shows a man a bun inside of an oven in a kitchen. He asks "is that a biscuit?" and does not understand. A woman joins him on the call, and they figure out that "bun in the oven" means she is pregnant, and they are excited.
Teen boy dances for the camera in the kitchen, mom joins them. Teen boy backs up and trips over an open dishwasher and falls into it. They sing Bon Jovi song.
Dachshund dog plays piano and howls. Another long-haired Dachshund joins in singing barking.
Gray cat lays on window sill as a ferret tries to jump up from the top of the couch and join him. Ferret falls to the ground.
Gray cat lays on window sill as a ferret tries to jump up from the top of the couch and join him. Ferret falls to the ground.
Black cat sits on top of a sideways mattress in the living room. Gray white cat tries to join, but the mattress tips and falls over onto the gray cat. The black cat stays on top of the mattress. Bed.
A Yorkshire terrier dog holds a toy in his mouth as he bounces up and down, trying to jump onto a couch to join his owner indoors.
Two girls sit in chairs with a sheet stretched between them. It looks like they're sitting on a large couch but when a man tries to join them he sits down and falls through the sheet and onto the floor. The girls laugh hard, having successfully pranked him. Submitter contacted for non warped footage.
DUCK TREADMILL DUCK. Duckling joins boy on treadmill.
A boy does a dance because he is excited he made honor roll and his dad joins him.
"Fist Full of Follicles" Tot girl sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and gets annoyed at her baby brother in the background who tries to join in. So baby brother pulls her hair.
A man jumps and flips on a trampoline outdoors. A dog jumps on to join him as the man is mid flip.
Gray cat paws at sliding glass door, another gray cat walks over and joins it.
A boy tries the mentos and soda experiment outdoors and is joined by his two jumpy dogs. The soda container knocks over and sprays him with soda and the dogs run around wildly.
A boy tot jumps into a pile of leaves and his parents applaud him. The boy points and yells and is then tackled by a dog who wants to join the fun. The tot cries, but the parents are amused.
Teen girl jumps on bed in hotel room. Teen boy joins her and hits his head
A woman swings around on a rope attached to a truck that drives around a slip and slide outdoors and another woman falls when she joins in the fun.
A little boy swings a bat at a pinata outdoors when a jack russel dog joins and tries to get the pinata himself. The adults behind the camera laughs as the dog tears down the pinata.