"Oreo Oh No" A woman asks a tot boy if he enjoyed his first Oreo and then shows his tot twin brother next to him covered in Oreo dust from head to toe in the dining room. Secondary source.
A woman says hello to her students over video, and then she rides a bicycle down a hill and goes over a jump, but she crashes and her young boy and girl laugh at her.
A puppy golden retriever tries to play with a baby chick bird in a yard and the baby chick slowly chases the puppy dog away.
A senior man reaches his arms out to hold his grandson for the first time, then his phone rings and he answers it in a yard.
Five kids stand in front of a fireplace and introduce TomL "Tom Bergeron...yay!"
Pre-teen girl in her bedroom introduces Tom Bergeron.
A girl in the splits and her brother standing roll their hands and say, "Tom Bergeron!"
A little girl in a pink princess Halloween costume spins and announces Tom Bergeron.
Pre-teen twin girls in matching outfits say "Tom Bergeron" with their arms open in hallway.
Three young sisters say "Tom Bergeron" while wearing a turkey hat, a football hat, and a cooked turkey hat.
A little girl spins around outside and says, "Tom Bergeron." She loses her balance a little and almost falls.
A young girl in monkey pajamas and glasses introduces Tom Bergeron. "here's Tom Bergeron."
Two young girls jump/ flip on a trampoline outdoors and say "Berg Tomeron. Oops, I mean, Tom Bergeron!" Introductions.
A girl rides a sled down a hill with a GoPro outdoors and turns to the camera to introduce Tom Bergeron.
Several young girls in pajamas at a sleepover party shout "Tom Bergeron!" indoors. Introduction. "Elizabeth, Ashley and their Slumber Party Posse"
Two girls in blue coats, one in a blue hat, one in a white hat, stand in the snow and introduce "Tom Brrrrrrrrgeron." Sophia (10) & Olivia (8) Born.
Two young girls in polka dot dresses and colorful wigs on Halloween act out a scene then introduce Tom Bergeron outdoors. Introductions. Delaney Case (dih-lane-ee) and Quincy Wells (both age 9)
Eight young girls in swimsuits shout "Tom Bergeron!" then jump into a swimming pool outdoors. Introductions.
A twin boy and girl stand outdoors in front of a dog in a driveway and introduce Tom Bergeron before they dump buckets of ice water over themselves and the dog walks away.
Two little boys announce Tom Bergeron standing in hallway. Brothers Elliott and Graham
Twin girls in matching polka dotted shirts stand behind a pillar indoors and one at a time pop their heads out to introduce "Tom Bergeron."
Two girls and two boys jump out of a pile of leaves outdoors and introduce "Tom Bergeron!" together.
Two young girls say "It's Tom Bergeron" while swinging on a swing set outdoors. Kind of soft spoken
A young boy and girl say "Tom Bergeron!" in front of a fire place after a failed attempt false start indoors. Introductions
Two young boys push their faces against the mesh siding around a trampoline outdoors, say "Tom Bergeron," then jump around on the trampoline. Introductions.
A young boy in a plaid shirt stands by his tot sister. He swings is arms around as he enthusiastically introduces Tom and jumps back onto the couch behind him saying "Oh yeah!"
A young girl says "Tom Bergeron," jumps off of a dock, and into a lake outdoors. Introduction. Daisy Meyer, age 9 (Day-zee My-err)
Scott Storey's kids and neighbor kids introduce Tom Bergeron. They spray one kid with silly string. Cash, Pilot, Luke & Michael
A boy wears goggles and a red shirt as he dives into a pool outdoors after a torpedo toy and when he brings it back to the surface, he says "Tom Bergeron!"
A young girl types thank you notes into a computer indoors and reads it aloud to her dad before he films the compute screen to show that she's only writing gibberish.
A young boy on a tube in a wave pool at a water park repeatedly says "And now, Tom Bergeron!" Introductions. Good take at :38.
A woman walks around with a lizard reptile on her shoulder. She taps on another woman's shoulder to show her, then the other woman screams indoors.
Parrot introduces Bob... "Ladies and Gentlemen, Bob Saget"