Children wear inflatable dinosaur costumes and race young boys down a street. Several of the children trip and fall down.
A woman dressed in an inflatable Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaur costume falls when an office chair slides out from under her when she tries to sit in it in the slippery costume.
A young girl wearing an inflatable chicken costume tries to go down a slide in a park. The head of the costume gets stuck at the top of a slide. Halloween.
A man runs in the living room wearing an inflatable dinosaur costume. Two dogs run into the living room but then the dogs run away quickly when they see the dinosaur. One dog frantically tries to run up a wall to get away from the man. Scare.
A young boy is in an inflatable sumo wrestling fairy costume in the living room. He falls backwards and struggles to get back up. Then he finally gets up. Halloween
A young boy in an inflatable dinosaur costume stands in the living room and stares at a dog. The dog barks, the young boy takes a step forward and the dog jumps back. The young boy runs at the dog and the dog skittishly retreats.
A man dressed in inflatable dinosaur costume stands like a statue and scares a tot girl and boy in front yard. Halloween
A young dressed in an inflatable Minecraft Halloween costume falls when he tries to climb into the car.
A man in an inflatable T-Rex costume uses a snow blower in the driveway.
A person falls in a yard as they wear an inflatable dinosaur costume.
A person in an inflatable dinosaur costume runs and jumps on a board in the ocean and falls down.
A woman in an inflatable dinosaur costume falls when she attempts to ride an electric scooter.
A woman wears an inflatable shark costume in an office and answers a phone call and asks if anyone lost a phone.
A woman follows a path of rose petals to a bedroom. Her husband is on the bed in an inflatable T-Rex dinosaur inflatable costume.
Two boys in inflatable T-Rex costumes wrestle on the sidewalk and then one of them takes the other one's bag of candy and runs away with it.
A woman goes down a homemade slip and slide in an inflatable dinosaur costume.
A dog barks and runs away from a man when he opens a door next to them as he wears an inflatable dinosaur costume.
A dad wears an inflatable dinosaur costume and runs through a backyard on Easter. A tot boy and a young girl get scared and hit him repeatedly and the girl hits him in the groin.
A man and three young kids in inflatable bubble suits wrestle in the living room and at the end, the man hits one of the boys and knocks him down.
A person in an inflatable dinosaur costume drives an ATV through the winter snow in the yard and runs over a snowman.
Two people in inflatable dinosaur costumes with tutus dance on the beach while "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" plays over the video.
A boy with long hair does the floss dance on the porch and then his mom walks out in an inflatable dinosaur costume and does it too.
A young girl wears a large inflatable Santa Claus suit then she squats down inside the costume and falls forward.
A young boy falls in a driveway at night while he walks up to the front door in an inflatable dinosaur costume on Halloween.
A woman pets horses and the horses run away as someone in an inflatable T-Rex dinosaur costume runs towards them.
A young boy and a tot boy wear inflatable ball outfits and run at each other, but both fall before they can reach each other.
A woman screams at work when a woman in an inflatable t-rex dinosaur costume jumps out from behind a wall as she walks by.
A talking mechanical scarecrow Halloween decoration sits in a lawn chair on the front porch of a house, with a censor on the doorstep, to activate it. A young girl in an inflatable costume trick-or-treats, and walks to the house. The scarecrow jumps and screams, and the girl screams and runs from the house. Secondary source, from home security camera.
A young boy wears an inflatable dinosaur T-Rex costume as he chases a tot girl through a house. He turns into a kitchen and trips and falls over an open dishwasher.
"Tyrannosaurus Wrecked" Man in inflatable dinosaur costume struggles walking against heavy wind
A boy in an inflatable dinosaur Halloween costume destroys a snowman outdoors.
A Boxer dog is scared of a man in an inflatable dinosaur costume in a house.
"Costume Kid Can't Keep Up" Several kids run screaming in Halloween costumes outdoors while a young boy in a bulky inflated green costume struggles to catch up.