A teen boy reaches into the top of a mailbox to get the mail on a porch, but his hand gets stuck inside. He gets the mail out and continues to struggle with his hand while he complains and calls himself an idiot. Security footage.
A teen girl rides a cardboard box down the stairs and hits the wall at the bottom and puts a hole in it with her head. Featured talent cleared only (the girl riding in the box).
A man insists he knows how to operate a hoverboard as he stands on one in the kitchen. He says, "I'm not gonna fall. You think I'm an idiot?" Then the man falls. Screen recording.
"The Tooth Hurts" A young boy pulls his tooth and says "but I have school tomorrow, I'm gonna look like an idiot!" and cries in the living-room.
A teen boy stands on a railing in the bedroom and jumps onto a bed. A second teen boy moves the mattress and the boy falls on the bed spring.
A woman pole dances on a lamp post in a hotel room, and then it breaks and she falls on the floor as the glass shatters.
A man swings a shovel at winter icicles that hang from a gutter. The icicles break and the whole gutter drain falls off the side of the house.
A boy puts a mentos candy in a coke soda bottle in a parking lot. He picks up the bottle and throws it on the ground and it shoots back and hits him in the face.
A teen girl sticks her legs through the sleeves of her sweatshirt and jumps around the living room and then slips and falls on her face.
A teen boy calls himself an idiot after three bagel pizza fall when he doesn't put a tray all the way on the rack in an oven. Text edited in to the video that reads: "I can't make this shit up".
A man uses a forklift to move a boat across a parking lot, but the boat slips from the fork and rolls down the hill. The man gets out of the forklift and runs to stop the boat, but forgets to turn on the brakes for the forklift, so it rolls down the hill as well and hits the boat. The boat turns and goes farther down the hill and hits a fence. The man runs to get the boat and the forklift comes back down the hill and hits the boat again. Submitter contacted to re-submit
A young boy rides his bicycle down a suburban street and into a white fence. He crashes into and breaks the wooden fence on his bike.
A man argues with another man in a garage that he can jump over the sensor for the garage door while it closes and the door won't stop. He demonstrates and hits his head on the door.
A teen boy in a Santa costume lays on the kitchen floor and uses his legs to kick off from a table leg and slide himself across the floor, but breaks the leg of the table and the table falls over and spills everything on the floor.
A teen girl rides a laundry basket down the stairs. When she gets to the bottom, the basket tips over and she hits her face on the wall.
A teen boy jumps from a fence on the pool deck to the pool, but the fence breaks and he falls on the deck and rolls into the water.
A teen boy climbs into a tree and tries to jump out across a small brook of water to the ground but his legs land in the water and he hits his head on the ground then his friends laugh as he gets back up.
A woman throws a pack of toilet paper up from the living room to the balcony above, but it goes behind her and falls on a lamp on a table and knocks it down.
A teen boy holds a mechanical pencil in his mouth in the kitchen and another teen boy whips it with a towel in slow motion. He knocks the pencil out of the first boy's mouth, but the pencil comes back and hits him in the face.
A man swings a golf club in the living room and hits a light fixture on the ceiling fan above him and breaks it.
A teen boy hits a ball hard off a tee with a baseball bat in the basement and breaks a window off screen.
A woman kneels on the floor in the bedroom and a man climbs on her knee to change a light bulb in the closet. The woman's knee gives out and she falls over and the man falls on the floor too.
A teen boy does a back flip in slow motion at the Grand Canyon and slips on winter snow when he lands and falls forward and almost falls off the cliff.
Boy screams and calls his sister an idiot after she pulls his loose tooth out. Sibling rivalry.
A man runs past an invisible fence with a shock collar on and screams when he gets shocked.
Two men repeatedly run through a wall of drywall in a basement while demolishing it. One runs into the wall, it doesn't break, and he falls down at :41. He says he bit his tongue.
A man does pullups on an upside down bike hanging on the ceiling in a garage. He does a pose, the bike falls, and he lands on his back.
Two young men drive a pick-up truck into a ditch and crash, causing things to fall out of the bed of the truck. They laugh as they look at the cracked windshield and other damage.
A man accidentally flies his remote controlled model plane towards his wife. She screams, jumps out of the way, and the plane crashes into the side of a house. She shouts "you idiot!" POV camera.
A man tries to do a back flip outdoors while his friend spots him and lands on his neck/ shoulders/ head.
A man struggles to run and falls down on a fast moving treadmill indoors.
A teen boy rides a small skateboard in a store toy aisle and falls over into the shelves. Short tail.
A man does cartwheels down a hotel hallway, kicks the sprinkler off of the ceiling, and water floods the floor. Short tail.
A teen boy bounces a basketball hard on the floor in a gym and it hits him in the face.
"Shouldn't Smartmouth Santa" Young boy says, "Oh, Santa shut up, you idiot." at :34 and then gets scared when young girl says he won't get any presents.
A man runs and jumps into a tackle dummy on football field outdoors then falls down into a gate.
A drunk man jumps/ falls from a ledge indoors while his friend yells "Don't be a bitch!"