A young boy puts on an act while he knocks down a large icicle and breaks the whole drain off.
A young girl reacts with excitement as she holds a large icicle then it slips out of her hands, bonks her in the face and says "Now it's all gone" outside.
A young girl reacts with excitement as she holds a large icicle then it slips out of her hands, bonks her in the face and says "Now it's all gone" outside.
A man runs and jumps head-first into a large cluster of icicles on the front of a house. The ice breaks and falls on top of him.
A man swings a shovel at winter icicles that hang from a gutter. The icicles break and the whole gutter drain falls off the side of the house.
A boy stands under some large icicles that hang under a rock in the woods and he throws a rock at them and hits them. At first, only part of the icicles break off, but then the rest of them fall off and break when they land in the winter snow on the ground.
Man tries to break icicle off roof and he falls off the porch. He keeps doing it for the camera.
Man throws a rock at a giant icicle and it falls with a loud noise / sound.
Teen boy throws snow ball from upstairs. it hits an icicle & slides across the phone line, winter
Young boy tries to remove large icicle from the side of the house and it falls on him.
Man sitting on a roof shovels thick snow, the snow on the landing above him comes down and he slides off the house top. Winter.
Man sitting on a roof shovels thick snow, the snow on the landing above him comes down and he slides off the house top. Winter.