A young girl hula hoops and accidentally hits a young boy in the face. The brother falls down and the sister scolds him for being in her space.
A man stands in a living room and tries to get a dog to jump through a hula hoop, but the dog repeatedly runs around it.
A teen boy rides a tall unicycle while he hula hoops and juggles, then he screams and falls off the unicycle in the yard.
A man uses a small weighted hula hoop in the living room. When he pauses, the weight hits the man in the groin. He falls to the floor. Another person laughs.
A man holds a hula hoop over a tot boy at home, and the tot boy jumps up and down and shakes his hips.
A woman swings a hula hoop and breaks a glass lamp then curses in the living room.
A young girl spins around on a weighted hula hoop. She spins very fast, and the weight shoots off the hoop. It slams into the side of a television, and knocks over a lamp.
A Boston terrier dog carries a hula hoop as she climbs into a kiddie swimming pool in a backyard.
A young boy spins a hula hoop around his body and it moves up his body and hits him in the face.
A young girl uses a hula hoop. It flies off of her and hits the camera.
A woman tries to hula hoop outside of Ben and Jerry's and accidentally throws her ice cream onto the ground
A puppy dog jumps through a hula hoop in mid air as it rolls down a hill.
A man hula hoops and hits himself in the face.
A man hula hoops and hits himself in the face.
Young boy and girl learn how to hula hoop in the backyard. When the tot boy tries he just shakes his body after the hoop falls. Looks like he's dancing.
Useless Talent: Girl plays harmonica, reads a book, hula-hoops, and "bell-hoops" (a toy that wraps around your ankle and you spin and jump over it) all at the same time
A woman trips and falls while trying to hula hoop. very short clip
Woman playing the Wii hula hoop keeps losing her balance as she plays the video game. Shot from behind.
"Who's Foolin' Hula?" A tot girl holds a hula hoop in a dining room, drops it, and dances like the hula hoop is still around her waist. Cute.
"Hula Oops" Tot boy cannot figure out how to hula hoop. He moves his body first and then moves the hoop around him.
"Hula For The Moolah" Tot boy hula hoops after watching young girl do it. Hoop falls to the floor & boy keeps moving his hips like he's still hula hooping.
A teen girl hula hoops in a back yard and dances, swinging around two hula hoops at once and spinning around herself. She loses her balance and falls to the ground.
A man tries to swing forty hula hoops around indoors and falls over.
Tot spins inside hula hoop that woman holds still.
Boston Terrier dog bites a rope, swings off the ground and spins a hula hoop around his neck
Woman falls down a hill when she's trying to do a hula hoop trick on one leg.
A boy and a girl play with hula hoops on a road. The boy rolls his hula hoop on a road with back spin. It rolls back to him. He tries to jump over it and jumps right on top of it, hitting himself in the crotch.
Man plays a Nintendo Wii hula hoop game in a living room. He hulas really hard and falls off onto his back.
A woman tries to do a yoga pose on a picnic table with a hula hoop outdoors, flips, and falls down.
Girl rolls a hula hoop through a living room. Grandpa man tries to swing a yo-yo through it. On 1st try, he doesn't swing the yo yo. On his second try, he hits himself in the crotch / groin.
A tot girl drops a hula hoop around her and dances outdoors.
A young girl hula hoop in the living room. Young girl hands the hula hoop to a tot girl but hula hoop is too big for her but continues to swing her arms.
A tot girl stands in a hula hoop in a kiddie pool outdoors and rocks back and forth.
A man tries to hula hoop in a basement, but it just falls down to the floor. A tot girl wearing a dress with a tail takes the hula hoop from him, holds it, and spins around in circles. Cute.
A woman spins a hula hoop on her arms and breaks a picture frame when it comes off her arm.
Teen boy slips on hula hoop on gym floor and falls down.
Baby holds on to hula hoop and is dragged on floor; montage
An otter swims with a hula hoop that it's holding.