A man playing video game sitting on a plastic chair. A teen boy goes to give him a hug. Then three large dogs go in to give a hug as well and it cause the legs of the chair to break spilling the man onto the floor. Security footage.
A man and a woman hug in a backyard and pose for a picture. A dog runs and jumps on them. They all fall over into the snow. They hit a fence. Security footage.
A young girl walks into a kitchen with a sugar glider on her arm. Then she hugs a man and the squirrel climbs onto him and he screams to her amusement.
A little boy and a little girl reunite at an airport. They give each other a hug and after an awkward moment, the boy kisses her.
A young boy runs to hug an inflated mascot and bounces off the mascot's stomach.
A man in his backyard proposes to his girlfriend. Meanwhile, the woman who holds the camera gets distracted by a raccoon and misses the actual proposal.
A male goose runs to a woman for a hug with his wings extended.
While he sits on a couch, a young boy hugs and licks the cat. He says "that's just how I say I love her." He then wipes his mouth.
A man in the backyard says, "I'm catching with my dad!" He throws a ball and hits a young boy in the face by accident. Security Footage.
A woman hands a senior man and a senior woman sweatshirts in the living room that subtly say she is pregnant. The senior woman understands quickly and hugs the woman. The senior man has no idea what the sweatshirt means. Everyone in the room tries to explain it to him. Eventually he understands and hugs the woman.
A woman in a clown mask hides behind a wall while the off-camera woman that films the scenario hides behind an object from several feet away and giggles to herself and then a man sneaks up behind the woman in the clown mask and whispers something to them and then the woman in the clown mask jumps up and screams.
A tot boy pushes a cat down to hug it and it lies still.
A woman approaches a teen boy whom she believes to be a trespasser at her lake. As she gets closer, the teen says he's there to see his grandma and she responds, "Well this isn't your grandma's house." She then gets closer and realizes it's her grandson whom she has not seen in nearly ten years. They embrace and hug.
A tot boy tries to hug a tot girl in a yard, but he misses when she bends down to touch something on the ground. He rests his head on her back.
A young boy wears an ultrasound photo on his head in a headband from the game Hedbanz in a living room, and a woman gives him clues about what is on his head. He guesses incorrectly several times, then she tells him to take it off, and he cries and hugs her when he sees that it is a baby announcement.
A young woman cries in a living room after wisdom tooth surgery and asks if a taxidermy bear in the room will eat her. The woman behind the camera tells her that it is fake. Then she asks if she can hug it.
A tot boy runs to a man and a woman outside a restaurant and the woman opens her arms to hug him but he runs past her and goes to the man.
A woman opens a pregnancy test and pretends to laugh and says "it's a thermometer, right?" She learns it is a pregnancy test and screams with excitement.
In a yard, as a young girl holds a hen chicken and describes her and how she lays eggs, the bird actually lays an egg in her lap.
"Patient Pranks with Penne" A doctor tries to crack a woman's neck and it makes a loud noise and scares him. He says it was the loudest adjustment he's ever had in his life. Uncooked pasta prank.
A man opens a Christmas present in the living room. At first he yells profanities and runs away. Then he looks into the package again and reveals his mom. They hug and he cries.
A man finishes a Best Man speech at a wedding, and as he hugs the bride and groom the backdrop falls on them and onto the cake. Reception.
A tot girl hugs a tot boy in the yard, then they lose their balance and fall.
A woman tells a man she's pregnant as they play Speak Out at the kitchen table. She reads cards that say "There's a baby in my belly" and "You're going to be a dad" as the man continues to play the game unaffected. She asks "How far long do you think I am" and the man then asks "are you pregnant" repeatedly, then hugs her and says "I'm gonna be a dad".
A cat jumps and tackles another cat in slow motion in the living room.
A man pulls a pregnancy test out of a pumpkin in the kitchen and says "my pumpkin is pregnant". A senior woman cries and hugs him.
A tot boy chases his shadow and babbles to his father that he wants to give it a hug before he lies in the grass and hugs the ground.
A dog lays on the ground indoors next to a table and a cat approaches it. The dog sits up and the cat reaches out to paw/hug the dog and play with it, but the dog keeps shaking the cat off. At 1:12 the cat manages to jump up and give the dog a hug but the dog runs away and the cat follows.
A woman in an army uniform hides around the corner of a house as a woman exits the garage, and then she sneaks up on her and taps her shoulder. It scares the woman at first, but then when she realizes it's her daughter home from duty she gets emotional. military homecoming
A family stands in the front yard for a Halloween picture and a man announces a pregnancy. The group gasps and a man in an M&M costume hugs him.
Man hands a woman a Christmas present wrapped in bubble wrap & pulls out an engagement ring & proposes to her. She screams, hugs him, and tackles him to the floor.
A tot girl hugs a woman in a Peppa Pig costume and the head of the costume comes off in the backyard.
Little girl's tooth is pulled out and she yells "Yeah!" Her mom hugs her.
A young boy gives a young girl a Valentine's Day card and flowers. They hug each other and then fall over a single step that leads to the sunken dining room. They fall hard on the dining room floor and cry.
A young girl unwraps a large gift on Christmas and gets surprised by her military big brother, who jumps out of the box.
A woman in a living room looks at a sonogram and discovers that her daughter is pregnant with twins. She screams and jumps up and down and hugs her daughter.
A woman lays on a couch and a man tries to kiss her but a dog jumps onto the couch and kicks him out of the way repeatedly.
A teen boy has climbed inside a giant teddy bear in a living room and when a teen girl sits on the bear he hugs her and she freaks out.
A grandmother sits on a chair next to a large stuffed teddy bear, as a person secretly hides inside the bear. The "bear" moves its arm and hugs the grandmother and she screams. Her two young boy grandchildren and her family laugh and scream.
A teen girl stands over the back of a German Shepherd dog and hugs it. The dog walks as she tries to hold on to it and she falls face first on to the floor.
A tot girl hugs a tot boy from behind in the living room and accidentally pulls him backwards and he falls on her.
"I've Got a Wishbone to Pick With You" - A woman gets her son and daughter to break a turkey wishbone. The girl gets the bigger piece but cries when she doesn't immediately get the lollipop she wished for. The woman laughs and hugs the girl while her father jokes about her mother lying. The man says this video is worthy of AFV and the girl charges towards him.
A man steps over his young son's remote controlled truck while the boy drives the truck on a sidewalk. The truck hits the man's leg and he falls on top of the toy and breaks it. The boy cries over his broken toy while the man lays on the ground and hugs the boy. ring.com security camera footage.
A woman scolds a young boy because he hugs his twin sister while she's in timeout in the corner. He tells her that she needs his love and continues to hug her.
A woman jumps on her Christmas tree and hugs it while her family cheers to celebrate a football game. She shakes the tree and ornaments fall off and break on the floor.
A tot girl gets very excited about a stuffed puppy dog in her Christmas present. She jumps up and down and hugs the puppy without opening the rest of her present.
A man proposes to his girlfriend in an apple orchard. The woman doesn't believe him and throws an apple at the man's head. When she realizes that the proposal is real, she hugs / tackles the man.
A teen boy rides with his parents to the location of his Christmas present. The boy sees his new truck and jumps up and down screaming. He hugs father and cries.
A woman holds a blanket over herself do the What The Fluff Challenge to her Great Dane dog and he jumps on her.
A tot boy opens a Christmas present in the living room and thinks the box under the wrapping paper is the present. He hugs it and says that he loves it.
A man and woman put a bag of hamburger buns in an oven then the woman's mom sees them and they asks her, "where are the buns" and the woman says, "in the oven" and after a little while she puts together bun in the oven and suddenly screams loudly and gives her daughter a hug.
A senior man kneels with his arms open for a hug from his grandson, but the boy runs past him to the new toy truck behind the man.
A young girl hugs a cat tightly while the cat looks angry and looks from the camera to the girl.
A series of clips where a man opens the door in the garage and then holds out his hands to hug his dog, but it runs past him each time and goes to the woman with the camera.
A group of people shoot smoke cannons in the yard for a gender reveal and pink smoke shoots out, but one of the men can't get his to work. A senior woman walks towards them to hug them and he finally gets his to work and shoots smoke at her.
Young boy wearing a football jersey sits by a dog and hugs it in the living room. The dog shakes its head and one of its ears smacks the boy hard in the face.
Young boy wearing a football jersey sits by a dog and hugs it in the living room. The dog shakes its head and one of its ears smacks the boy hard in the face.
Soldier hides in a box, surprises mom; military; mother's day.
A heavy man yells with excitement when he sees the Giants win the super bowl on his television. His son hugs him with excitement, too.