hotelrooms ...
A teen girl does a cartwheel in a hotel room and hits her leg on a TV stand and falls.
A young boy climbs a fence and falls down and lands on his butt as he tries to demonstrate how to break into a hotel room.
A young boy yells that there is a surfboard in a hotel room closet. Then he leads his mom into the bedroom and shows her the ironing board.
A man attempts to carry a bride over a threshold. He is not able to do it before the door closes. The door to the hotel room shuts with his key still inside the room.
A teen girl screams on a hotel bed when a monkey climbs into her room.
A woman pole dances on a lamp post in a hotel room, and then it breaks and she falls on the floor as the glass shatters.
A woman falls in a hotel room when a cooler tips over while she dances on it.
A teen girl stands on an ironing board then the board kicks out and she falls on her butt and hits her head against the wall.
A young boy does the floss dance in a hotel room while the rest of his family wave their arms and shake their hips as they try to copy him.
A woman and a tot girl play on a hotel room bed and sing the song "No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" and the woman tries to jump up on the bed and she falls off the edge.
A young man tries to throw a cake at two other men as they open a door to a hotel room as a prank. When the door opens, the young man throws the cake and misses both of them.
A senior woman enters a hotel room and gets scared when she opens the bathroom door and sees her daughter who is here for a surprise visit. She falls and almost faints, but her daughter catches her.
Man in a hotel room opens a bottle of bubbly wine / champagne. The cork flies off and hits him in the face.
A senior woman in a hotel struggles to order room service from a lamp light that resembles a fast food microphone. A man says "It's a light."
Teen girl tries to flip from 1 bed to another in hotel room. She rolls onto the bed & hits her face against the wall. Good recovery. Bonehead. Vacation.
"The Proposal Prank" man takes his girlfriend on a trip, surprises her with a wedding proposal / engagement ring in a hotel room. First he gives her some earrings and tricks her, then he gives her the real thing.
Young girl says she paid extra money to have a talking toilet in their hotel room. Boy flushes the toilet and it makes strange noises. Bathroom.
A man interviews their kids in their hotel room at Disney but they are passed out cold on a bed together.
Two teen boys have a Pillow fight in a hotel room. One boy breaks a light fixture with his pillow.
A woman sleeps on a hotel room bed. Her lips flutter, making a fluttering noise as she breath in and out while sleeping/snoring.
In hotel room, groom tries on pants that are way too big, he gets mad, throws them out the window. Practical joke -- his friends switched the pants.
Two teen boys throw a bucket of ice on their sleeping cousin in a hotel room. Action at :50.
Teen girl jumps on bed in hotel room. Teen boy joins her and hits his head
Teen boy stands on the edge of 1 hotel bed & tries to back flip onto the other but misses and falls on the floor.
A tot boy plays with a bottle of champagne and the cork goes straight into his mom's eye in a hotel room.
Young girl jumps from bed to bed and falls off, hits face on wall
Young man does back flips from one hotel bed to another. He says "this will be the best one yet" & falls in between the 2 beds. Bonehead.