A young woman starts a vlog about makeup at home, then a bug flies into her mouth. She coughs, and the bug flies back out.
A mother tells her young daughter to say "Daddy's awesome" at home, and she does. Then the woman asks her to say "Mommy's awesome," and the girl laughs and says "no."
A woman tells a young man to blow out his birthday candles while he is on a FaceTime call. Then she blows on the candles at the same time to blow them out.
A teen boy opens a can of soda at home, and it explodes all over him. Security footage.
A labradoodle jumps up onto the entertainment center when he sees another dog on the television screen while watching America's Funniest Home Videos.
A woman records a video for work at home, but a dog jumps on her and barks. She records a different video for work, and he puts his nose on her elbow and stares at her, then touches her with his paw until she pets him. In the last video, he makes a lot of noise off-camera, and she yells. Produced video.
A woman tries to do a flip over her husband to show her friends, but he moves at the last minute and she falls on her face.
A woman throws a balloon, and a man holds out a baby girl to bounce it off of her head and into a basketball hoop in a bedroom. Slow motion video.
A mom holds a water squirt gun in a front yard and a dad sneaks up behind her and dumps a bucket of water on her and surprises her. Security footage.
A man in a backyard sprays a nest of wasps. Then he tries to run away, but slips, and falls into a truck. He hits his head and falls to the ground. Home security footage.
A young woman throws an egg in the air and tries to catch it in her mouth in the kitchen, but she catches it in her hand and falls over the open dishwasher. No audio. Screen recording. Facetime video.
A woman dances on a stripper pole at home, but the pole comes down, and she falls.
A tot girl talks into a remote control and asks it to play "funniest home videos." The television puts the billboard for AFV on the screen and the tot girl screams and jumps up and down in excitement.
Two Bichon Frise dogs look out the window and bark at home, then a woman gasps loudly and says "oh my gosh, America's Funniest Home Videos is on." They turn around and run toward her.
A dog runs and pulls a leash and a woman falls down in a front yard. Home security camera video.
4 baby pigs wiggle their butts incessantly (11-113, 1324M)
A teen girl records herself in her home explaining her girl scout fundraiser project. A dog walks in front of her and licks her face. She pushes the dog away, but then it climbs on her back and sits next to her. The dog then knocks over the camera and the rest of the video is filmed upside down.
A person holds up a Chihuahua dog and it repeatedly shakes his head and makes a scream noise indoors. TikTok video.
A man holds a cat in the kitchen. He falls when his chair suddenly breaks. Music edited into the video. Home security footage.
"Canine Camera Caper" A doodle dog jumps over a baby gate at home, then he uses his paws to turn a security camera around. TikTok video. Security footage.
A young girl does a cheer jump at home. Then a man copies her, but he hits his head on the ceiling and falls down. Snapchat video.
A woman kicks a hole in a wall at home, but her shoe gets stuck in the wall, and she falls down. Video displayed sideways.
Edited video with music of two bunnies jumping and spinning on a blanket in a home.
In a video message, a tot boy tells his aunt that he has his first chest hair. A man asks the boy if he will show his friends at school, and he says that he will show his three girlfriends. Then he says that one of them wants to marry him. He ends the video with "bye Auntie, see you later, I'll wear a tuxedo or a suit next time."
A tot girl sits under a table at home while she watches a video on a tablet and cries. A woman asks her what is wrong. She says "I want unicorns to be in this world."
A dog runs down the stairs quickly and barks. He runs outside to a young woman who is home from college. He wags his tail and howls. Graphics. TikTok
A cat climbs upside down on a flight of carpeted stairs at home and briefly stops to hang from the stairs as music plays over the clip. TikTok video.
A young girl starts a video to talk about her pop-it toys at home, then she yells when a young boy walks over and farts on her, and a woman tells her to start a new video.
Two women almost get run over when a catering van starts to roll backwards in a driveway and one of the women falls and spills trays of food. The other woman runs to put the car in gear or turn it off. Security footage video.
A teen girl tries to use her shoe to kill a cockroach bug on the wall at home, then a teen girl off-camera says "it sounded crunchy" when she hits it, and she screams when it runs out from under the shoe, then she screams again when the other teen girl finds it.
A teen boy drives a truck and knocks multiple mailboxes off a post in a yard at night. Home security camera video, no audio.
A man knocks over a post/column as he trips and falls on a front porch and a woman laughs. Home security camera video.
A young boy gets dragged by two large dogs as they pull a leash and run across a front yard. Home security camera video.
A man steps onto a lawn chair and it breaks and he falls down as he climbs off a wall in a front yard. Home security camera video.
A man and woman play a virtual reality ski game in the living room, but the woman knocks the TV and a cabinet over when it is her turn.
A kitchen cabinet bursts open and dishes crash onto the floor and scare a man as he watches TV in a living room. Home security camera video.
A man films a video for his students, then stops and says he wife's bra is hanging from a door knob behind him.
A man tries to move a toilet down the front porch steps, and the toilet falls on top of him as it spills rust water. Home security footage.
A tot girl walks up to a front porch and says, "Hey house, I'm here... hello." A man replies through a security camera, "Hello" and she screams and runs away. Home security camera.
A man falls off a dirt-bike and holds onto the handlebars as it spins in circles around him as he lays on the ground in a front yard. Short head. Home security camera video, no audio.
A woman records a video in the house, and her cat jumps on her and bites her repeatedly.
A woman tries to read a book via video for her students, but her tot boy gets in the way of the camera and interrupts her, and then he knocks it over.
A young girl gets scared and screams as a bird flies out of a mailbox when she opens it on a front porch. Home security camera video.
Two men move a piano across a front yard and it falls and breaks apart. Home security camera video.
A dog pulls a leash and pulls a woman into a pole and she falls backwards off a porch in a front yard. Home security camera video, no audio.
A tot girl hears the AFV theme song come on, and she pokes her head out around the corner and then runs into the living room to watch it.
A teen boy tries to throw a basketball at his young boy brother's butt, but hits him in the head. Video from home security camera, no audio.
A woman falls at home when she runs into a wall while she plays a virtual reality video game.
A dad takes out the trash in a front yard but trips and falls down. He laughs and tells a woman off-camera not to tell anyone.
A baby boy stands in a playpen in a living room and his dad tries to step over the gate but trips and falls down into the play pen. A dog jumps over the gate and and stands next to him.
A woman does the dishes in a kitchen but trips over the dishwasher door and falls down. A man runs in to help her and she says she needs to blow her nose and he brings her a tissue.
A woman describes a home for a realty video and she rides around the house on a hoverboard and she tries to jump off before she goes outside but she loses her balance and falls backwards.
A group of men and women stand on a backyard porch at a party at night but the porch breaks and they fall down.
A woman walks onto her back porch steps but slips and falls down. A man runs after her and asks if she is alright but he slips and falls down next to her.
A cat sits next to a backyard swimming pool at night. Another cat sneaks up behind her and pushes her into the water. She swims to the side and jumps out of the pool.
A teen boy slips, falls, and lands on face when he walks up the front steps of the porch.
A woman tries to reverse a car out of a driveway of a house but drives forward and crashes through the garage and into the house.
A man sits in a plastic lawn chair on a front yard porch but the chair breaks. He sits on a different chair and it snaps and he falls down.
A man works under a kitchen sink and breaks a pipe and it sprays water onto the floor. He stands up and runs toward a door but slips and falls down.