A dog leans on kitchen table and wants more snacks then walks on its hind legs towards camera to beg for food.
Two deer stand on their back legs and have a slap fight in the middle of a field, as shot through the window of a parked car.
A dog runs off a pier to chase a frisbee. When the dog jumps, its hind legs go forward and the dog lands on the water on its back.
A Great Dane stands on his hind legs in the living room behind a woman while they conga line with the whole family.
A dog stands on his hind legs and gets Oreos out of the pantry in the kitchen.
A cat stands on his hind legs and puts his body in the blinds. Then he falls through the blinds and onto the living room floor.
A woman films her tot son and a baby and a Dachshund dog sits on her hind legs so she can be seen by the camera.
A dog lies on its back in a recliner with its hind legs on an ottoman and falls onto the floor in the living-room.
A woman mops a living room floor and a kitten cat stands on its hind legs and punches the air.
A dog stands in a lake on its hind legs and slaps the water with its paws.
A dog straddles another dog and its hind legs dangle as they spin in circles and bite at each other in the living-room.
A bulldog walks on his hind legs and rolls a ball down the hallway and barks in the home.
A cat kicks a glass patio door with her hind legs so a man will let her in to the house.
A dog stands on her hind legs in a kitchen. She tries to use her front paws to get a jar of dog treats on the counter. After a couple of attempts, she succeeds.
A dog stands up on his hind legs but falls over onto his pen fence and knocks it over. Security footage.
Two Chipmunks stand up on their hind legs, and fight over a bowl of walnuts.
A woman tells her Pomeranian dog to get in the corner, and the dog walks behind a wall and stands on his hind legs.
A horse picks up a traffic cone and follows another horse with it at a stable. The second horse kicks the cone with its hind legs.
A dog stands on its hind legs and dances with an Easter bunny toy in the house.
A dog stands on her hind legs and looks out of a window. She then walks back and forth between two windows on her hind legs.
An English Bulldog dog shakes her butt and hind legs each time she gets brushed indoors.
An echidna stands on its hind legs and falls on its back outdoors.
A dachshund dog stands on their hind legs in front of the camera while a baby boy crawls across the floor.
A baby girl sits and eats in a high chair in a kitchen and a dog sits below her and waves his paws and begs but the girl stares at him.
A man dances with his dog who stands on her hind legs.
A boxer dog stands on his hind legs in the kitchen and catches a treat in slow motion.
A dog stands on his hind legs and waves his arms up and down, then a woman asks him if he's ready for a bath and he hides under the covers of the bed.
A puppy dog falls in the living room while they stand on their hind legs as they try to pull a plate of food off a coffee table.
Two puppy dogs paw at the wall of their crate in unison.
A kitten cat walks backwards on their hind legs when they pick up a styrofoam plate in their mouth in the living room.
A cat and a dog fight in the living room and they both stand up on their hind legs and the dog picks up the cat and slams him down on the ground.
Two deer stand on their hind legs and walk through the forest as they face each other.
A dog stands up on its hind legs and pounces at an iPad screen.
A cat paws at a lampshade as it stands on its hind legs. Then the cat and the lamp fall down. Man laughs.
A golden retriever dog sits up on her hind legs to watch a dog clip on AFV on television but become disinterested when Tom Bergeron is on screen.
Cat drinks water from a bird bath while standing on its two hind legs.
A dog stands on its hind legs and sniffs a bag that a woman is holding. The dog knocks the bag out of the woman's hand and then pulls her to the ground when she tries to stop him from going after the bag.
A small puppy dog lifts her hind legs up and down as she eats.
A puppy dog's hind legs raise in the air and it flips over while it eats off a plate on the floor. Emoji added to video.
A dog sits on top of a kitten cat in the living room after she grabs on to his hind leg while he walks by the couch. Music and text edited in to the video.
A dog dances in the kitchen on his two hind legs.
A dog knocks a cat over when it stands on its hind legs to swat the dog.
A dog stand on its hind legs and begs for food and a tot girl waves her arms in the air and copies him.
A dog falls in a small hole between a couch and an ottoman. It's hind legs stick up in the air out of the hole.
A small dog walks with a barbell weight in his mouth and his back legs lift off of the floor.
A french bulldog dog walks on its two hind back legs in the kitchen to eat a french fry.
A young boy screams and runs in the house when a goat rears up on its hind legs as he tells it to shoo in the front yard.
Lab dog grabs one of his hind legs with his teeth and walks across the yard with his own leg in his mouth.
Black and white cat tries to stand up and seems to be looking up at nothing. Odd.
Boston Terrier is walking down the street on leash with man behind him, dog stands on hind legs & walks like a human, whines while walking.
A boy runs and hides in a room and is closely followed by a Pomeranian dog who looks for him by standing up on his hind legs before the boy gives up and shows himself.
A Chihuahua dog walks backwards and forwards on its hind legs and appears to be doing the Salsa at home.
A tan dog bounces its hind legs while music plays at home, dancing.
Small beige dog walks on its hind legs like a human - does trick for a treat. Dog has a cute face.
A dog stretches while keeping its back paws on a carpet and reaching for a toy. It cant reach and barks.
Brown dog's hind legs shake as woman brushes its backside. Long for edit. Butt.
A dog turns around in circles on its hind legs while waiting to get a treat and a tot boy also spins around in circles indoors.
Little brown dog stands/walks on hind legs in living room. Cute. (Best part before 0:30)