"Romance at First Glance" A woman has a bunch of pink and red balloons above her head. She says her husband is the sweetest and got her all the balloons to ask her to be his Valentine. Then she lowers the camera and says she is just kidding and is at the dollar tree.
A young boy tries to stick a plunger to his father's bald head in a hardware store, but he just hits him on the head for the first attempt, then it successfully sticks to his head.
A woman says "this is gonna be fun" as a man jumps onto an inflatable blob and launches a young girl into the air. The girl kicks her legs as she flies through the air then lands head-first in the water.
A small dog jumps head-first into the living room couch while she chases a young boy.
A young boy and girl jump around on a trampoline while their mother films them. The woman filming hands the camera to a her daughter so she can show them her trick. The woman jumps and splits the trampoline, falling through.
A teen girl lays across a teen boy's feet on a bed when she nose-dives off the side of the bed and into a lamp which gets knocked over to the floor.
Two young boys play around near patio furniture on a deck. The older boy jumps onto a wicker table, breaking it and falling through head-first. Security footage.
A woman climbs through a window head first, and then gets stuck. Her butt and legs stick out of the house, and she tries to climb inside. She farts, and a teen girl laughs and films.
A young boy falls head-first into a flower pot in a front yard, and a young boy laughs while a woman comes out to help him. Security footage.
A young girl runs downstairs and trips and falls and lands on top of her head then falls flat her back. Her mother asks if she is ok and the young girl says yes and laughs.
A young boy and girl jump around on a trampoline while a woman watches their tricks. The woman hands the camera to a young girl so she can show them her trick. The woman bounces and lands on her bottom the first time. The woman repeats the same move but when she lands on her bottom the second time the trampoline splits and the woman falls through. The woman laughs while she sits on the ground with her head above the split in the trampoline.
A man runs and jumps head-first into a large cluster of icicles on the front of a house. The ice breaks and falls on top of him.
A man trips and falls head first into an empty hot tub in a yard. Security footage.
A senior woman screams on a porch while another woman tries to unlock a door. A third woman runs around the yard while a goat chases her. She finally runs into the house. Then the goat walks around the porch and hits its head on the door before it runs away. Security footage.
A man and a young girl stand in the kitchen. The daughter attempts the whipped cream challenge, but she cannot get the cream off of her arm on her first two attempts. On her third try, she launches the cream over her head. It lands on the floor behind her.
"Oreo Oh No" A woman asks a tot boy if he enjoyed his first Oreo and then shows his tot twin brother next to him covered in Oreo dust from head to toe in the dining room. Secondary source.
Action from 37 seconds to 50 seconds. A group of people eat at a table in the backyard, then a woman gets up but she trips and falls head first into the hot tub. Security footage.
A teen boy jumps off of a trampoline, then misses the mat below him and falls head-first on the ground.
A man rides a bicycle in a yard tries to ride up a pile of firewood and crashes and falls and lands head first into the wood and a woman laughs.
A woman runs next to her young son as he rides a bicycle without training wheels for the first time. He heads toward a basketball pole and they both fall down as she tries to stop him.
A man walks his tot son to the edge of a diving board and the boy dives into the pool head first with his arms by his side
As a baby girl is about to take her very first steps, a young boy walks right in front of the camera and blocks out the view of the girl as he shakes his head "no."
A young boy sits on a ledge next to a pool and when he tries to climb off he loses his balance and falls back into the pool head first
A tot boy is hit in the head with two basketballs when his two young brothers and his young sister all throw basketballs at a hoop in their driveway to see who can make the first shot.
A woman runs and jumps onto a pole in the middle of the sidewalk. She then slides down the pole, head first into the ground.
A tot boy stands on a couch. His father pops from behind the couch and scares him and the son flips backwards and lands head first on the living room floor.
A young boy goes down a slide while his mother sprays water from a hose. At the bottom of the slide, another young boy holds a pot that the first boy runs into head first. Short tail.
Security camera footage of a man who falls head first in to a garbage bin when he slips and it falls over in the backyard. No sound.
A young boy jumps on a bed head first and then the dad tries to do the same thing but he breaks the whole bed when he lands.
Teen girl does backflips on the bed, she lands the first time but falls off the bed on the 2nd try. A TV set falls on her head.
Tot boy in playground sand runs head first into slide *LITTLE TAIL
Bicycle Fall. While going over ramp, kid falls head first into water.
Young boy runs across a yard and tries to dive head first into a kiddie pool. He misses the pool and lands on his face.
Man falls head first down backyard water slide. Man at the bottom falls awkwardly into the grass. That man also gets hit in the face by rope that springs back from a kid sliding. Man falls down steps and almost knocks over children.
Teen boy tries to dive from trampoline into pool, the trampoline rips his leg gets stuck in it, he falls into the pool head first narrowly misses hitting his knee.
Two women standing on a dock outdoors prepare to pour buckets of water over their heads. One woman dumps the water on herself, and the second woman throws her water on to the first one, who pushes her off of the dock. ALS Ice bucket challenge
Teen boy jumps / slides across row of gray exercise balls in gym, hits the wall head first.
A man practices his golf swing indoors and on the first swing, his golf club hits and breaks the light over his head.
A kitten cat eats food out of a bowl in the kitchen and then another kitten approaches it to eat out of the bowl. The first kitten pushes the other kitten's head away and doesn't let it come near the food.
A man attempts a headbutt of a "Test Your Strength" punching bag inside a dark bar and hits his head on the machine. He warms up with some sweet karate moves first.
A teen boy attempts to front flip off a large brick post by several building complexes, flips too far and lands hard on his face on the ground. Short heads. No tails. Take first 10 seconds.
Three girls slide down a flight of stairs on a mattress. The mattress gets stuck and the front two girls fall off the mattress. One of them falls face first on the floor. Short heads. No tails. Caucasian.
Boy riding bike onto pier falls off head first onto pier.
Two boys jump into a pool to splash their moms bike when one lands on it head first. Action at :10
A woman walks cautiously across a log that runs across a creek/river but a branch that she's holding onto cracks and she swings around the log, falling head first into the water.
2 tots falls head first into toy car simultaneously, then a kid in a trailing car tips over
Young boy with a blindfold on plays Marco polo in the house. He runs head first into a wall, hard
Woman falls head first off motorcycle, over handle bars, it runs over her head.
Two women dancing, one flies into sliding glass door head first. teen girls, fall, dance
Boy plays goalie in a soccer match. He catches a ball but then runs head first into the goal post. Boy falls. No recovery.
Jordan's Magic hair Formula' First haircut segment. Baby wears toupee after foam is put on head.
A man goes to do a front flip off of a table outdoors. The table breaks and he lands head first in the snow.
A man pushes a trash bin across a lawn. He trips and falls head first into the trash bin outdoors.
A tot boy walks around indoors as a woman exercises. She bends down and the boy runs head first into her butt, then falls indoors.
Two teen girls flying high on a hammock fall head first to the ground. Action at :12.
A man runs on a backyard porch. He stumbles and falls into a backyard swimming pool. No heads. Short tails. Action in first 7 seconds.
Two senior men play football outdoors in a yard. One man passes the ball to the other, who trips and falls, hitting a red car head first.