A man does a back flip off a deck with snow on it. He hits his face on the deck hard.
A man jumps onto an air mattress and a young girl on the other side of it flies high into the hair and bumps into a door.
A young boy climbs onto a handrail in a park, does a backflip off of it, but hits his head hard on that same rail on the way down.
Two young brothers kick a large rubber ball around in the garage and the older boy kicks it too hard and it hits a light fixture and knocks a fluorescent bulb out and it shatters on the floor. The boys back away in shock and the ball bounces and pops loudly and the older boy says "whose fault was that?" Security footage
A young boy pushes a garage door button inside a truck and runs to the door to get under it before it closes. He mistimes it and hits his head hard on the door and falls flat on his back.
A man helps his son hit a piñata and the young boy falls on the ground.
A man runs off a roof and hits the concrete on the side of a swimming pool hard before he falls in the water.
A young girl falls from a zipline and hits the ground hard.
A woman dances on a pole. The pole falls and hits a man in the head very hard. Featured talent cleared only (the woman on the pole and the man who gets hit in the head).
A man throws a skee-ball at an arcade. Then he tells his young daughter to throw one. The girl tries to throw it several times but it does not make it up to the goal. Then the man tells her to throw it as hard as she can. She hits him in the head with the ball.
A woman stands outside. The wind blows hard and a rug flies and hits her in the head. Security Camera Footage.
A teen girl rides a zip line across a yard, then she loses her grip and flips backwards into a tree.
A man and a young girl do the tortilla slap challenge and he slaps her lightly and she hits him as hard as she can in the back-yard.
A kitten cat tries to jump from an office chair to a kitchen counter but she hits the counter and falls down hard.
A woman and a young boy do the tortilla slap challenge in a driveway. She hits him lightly but he reaches way back and smacks her hard. They both laugh.
A teen girl sits on a couch in the living room and throws a ball at a young boy. The boy picks up the ball and throws it hard across the room. The ball hits a light fixture in the kitchen and breaks it. Nest security camera
A woman plays tetherball and swings the ball around the pole. The ball flies around and hits her hard in the face. Backyard. Security footage.
A man sleds down a snowy hill and crashes into the side of a truck.
A man swings from a rope over a lake, hits a tree on the way down, lets go and falls hard into the water.
A man tries to pull a mop out of a bucket and it hits him hard in the groin in an office.
A hammock breaks off a tree and the man in it falls hard to the ground while his friends laugh.
Two young girls ride a swing and knock their dad over as he reaches for a ball.
A tot girl hits a pinata so hard that the pinata hits her older brother who is standing off to the side.
A woman runs and does a flip off of a cliff into water and belly flops and hits the water hard.
Two men go over a ramp made of snow on an inflatable tube in slow motion. They launch into the air and one of the men bounces on their inflatable tube back into the air and then hits the ground hard.
A man pushes hard against a swing set to knock it down. The side piece breaks off as the man pulls it and hits the man in the head knocking him down. Filmed through blinds on a window.
A tot girl covers her face with a hard hat and runs into a wall.
A young boy walks around a porch. He jumps on a snow shovel and the handle hits him hard in the face.
A man hits a ping pong ball hard at his friend's back. The friend then hits it back hard and hits the man in the face.
A teen boy hits a ball hard off a tee with a baseball bat in the basement and breaks a window off screen.
A senior woman kicks a ball in the backyard and accidentally hits her tot grandson in the back of the head then he falls down and face plants hard into the ground.
GIrls are making a video about their hair in the bathroom. Girl puts her head down to wet it under the water and hits her head hard on the faucet.
Teen boy does backflips on a pogo stick. He flies off and hits the ground hard. Same submitter as clip 645064/W128456 and 649471 / W128451.
Tot girl hits plastic ball of tee, ball hits dad in the crotch / groin. Good reaction though not a hard hit.
Tot boy hits his dad in the head with a spoon really hard. Good sound, good reaction
Man on motorcycle tries to do a trick, hits the brakes too hard and flips over the front of the bike on the highway. Short tail. Bonehead.
Volleyball player gets hit very hard in the face with ball. Falls to the floor with recovery.
Teen boy kicks a football & another teen runs into a tree trying to catch it. Hit is hard to see behind patio / porch.
Teen girl dances to Britney Spears song in her bedroom. She stands in the doorway & swings her head back but hits it hard on the door frame.
Tot boy hits top of drum hard on his head over and over again
Young boy walks up to camera & says 'Hi, I'm Glenn Rush & I used to play for the NJ Devils." Older brother comes up behind boy & hits him across the face hard. With recovery. Sibling rivalry. Hockey.
Teen boy plays with a large exercise ball on the grass, teen in shorts is hit in the face hard. His baseball cap flies off his head.
Teen boy jumps on pogo stick in front yard and tries to flip onto another pogo stick. He misses it by an inch and hits himself hard in the stomach / gut.
Teen girl swings baseball bat hard, hits herself on the back of her head with the bat. Good sound against helmet. Outdoors, batting practice. Camera is low & close up to girl.
Man bounces a golf ball off of his club and gets hit in the teeth with it. Hard to see.
Two young boys act out a fight scene. One boy walks over to the stairs and a third boy suddenly falls down the stairs and hits the floor hard.
Man pushes girl in tire swing, it hits little boy in the head and knocks him over very hard. Really rough hit, no tails or recovery.
Young girl swings stick at pi�ata and it hits man in the crotch very hard.
Boy gets hit in the face by an exploding pinata at party. Hard to see.
Boys try to catch a quilt in a bag that is thrown from second story. One boy gets hit hard at 0:42.
Boy in exercise room walks on treadmill and slides off on his stomach, hits his head hard. With recovery.
Teen girl stands behind man helping him get ready to hit pinata. He misses the pinata, hits the teen girl hard in the head with the stick. BBQ, party. Short tails.
A young boy plays with a nunchuck in a living room. His dad walks into the living room and the boy swings his nunchuck, hitting his dad hard in the head just at the wrong time. No heads. No tails.
Teen boy & girl flap their wrists as fast as they can, then slap each other on the arm. Girl accidentally hits boy hard on the head & he doubles over.
Teen girl spinning on ice skates falls and hits the ice hard. She falls twice.
A young gymnast girl runs, bounces on a spring board, and hits her face hard on a platform in a gym.
Teen boy helps mom start a dirt bike in the living room. The woman drives too fast, falls off the motorcycle and crashes hard, hitting her head into a kitchen drawer, cutting her finger bad. Bonehead.
Teen boy runs into mattress against wall several times. Mattress falls & teen runs into bare wall, hits it so hard his hand goes through the wall. Bonehead. No recovery.