Two men lift a pickle ball net off the poles. The poles spring back and hit each man in the groin at the same time. Security footage.
A young boy hits a paddle ball at his father and it hits him in the groin causing him to collapses and fall into the house in pain. Security footage.
A young boy hits a baseball in a batting cage, and the ball bounces back and hits him in the groin.
A man slips on snow and falls on a porch, then a sign falls on him and hits him in the groin. Security footage.
A man tries to slam a pickup truck's tailgate shut on a driveway, but it reopens and hits him in the groin. Security footage. Person across the street not talent released.
A young boy swings a pumpkin at a pumpkin patch and hits his brother in the groin. Featured talent cleared only (the two boys in the foreground and their father behind them).
A teen boy fires a confetti cannon that is faced the wrong way and it hits him in the groin. Music rights not cleared.
A girl swings a racket at a tennis ball on a court. She misses and swings back, hitting it into her coach's groin.
Three men play with a large slingshot and one of the men gets hit in the groin when the slingshot slips out of another man's hand.
A young boy rides on a hover board as he vacuums the kitchen. Then the vacuum runs into the door and hits him in the groin.
A young girl throws a baton over head and it hits a man in the groin in the front-yard.
A teen boy celebrates that he is home from school and accidentally hits his groin in the front porch. Security Footage
A man skateboards over a ramp in a driveway. The skateboard hits him in the groin.
A baby boy hits a man in the groin on the living room couch. Security footage.
Two teen boys play pool in a garage. On the very last shot, one boy hits the ball with the cue and the ball flies off the table and hits the other boy in the groin. Security Camera Footage.
A young girl comes downstairs to see her birthday party set up and hits young boy in groin and says "oh my gosh" with excitement.
A young boy stretches a sticky toy as far as it can go. It snaps back and hits him in the groin.
A man tries to get onto a slack line tightrope in a park, but he falls, and it hits him in the groin.
A man shows a young girl how to hit a ball off a tee in a garage with a bat and she swings right away and hits the ball into his groin. He reacts to the hit.
A young boy swings a bat at a pinata in the backyard. The intact pinata falls on the ground and a man picks it up but the boy continues to swing the bat and he hits the man in the groin. The man runs away and the boy chases him while he continues to swing the bat.
A man uses a small weighted hula hoop in the living room. When he pauses, the weight hits the man in the groin. He falls to the floor. Another person laughs.
A boy practice swings a bat in a backyard. When a man standing behind him turns in his direction, the bat hits the man in the groin. Security footage.
A tot boy swings on a playground while a young boy stands in front of him and dodges the younger boy's feet. The tot laughs and the young boy drops to the ground. Then the tot launches out of the swing and hits him in the groin.
A young girl loads a foam rocket onto a launchpad in the backyard. At the last second, another young girl changes the aim and it hits a young boy in the groin.
A young boy spins a bow staff on a driveway, then he hits himself in the groin with it and bends over.
A young boy jumps onto a tree branch, and it hits him in the groin.
Two men do the Tortilla Challenge outdoors. One man attempts to smack the loser in the face but the slapping man misses the loser's face and instead, the tortilla flies loose and hits a third man in the groin. TikTok Social Media Video
A young girl hits a baseball off a tee outside with a bat. The ball hits a man in the groin.
A man and woman hold tortillas in their hands and water in their mouths while they play "Rock Paper Scissors" on a patio. When a tot boy hits the man in the groin the woman spits out her water.
A young boy tries to jump a scooter over a chain fence but crashes into it on a street and hits his groin.
A family shoots off fireworks as they pose for a photo. One of the fireworks backfires on a man and he yells when it hits him in the groin area.
A man in a gorilla Halloween costume mask runs onto a driveway to scare two young girls. One young girl hits him in the groin with her trick-or-treat bag. She laughs. Halloween
A young boy pulls on another young boy's shoe while it is tied to a bungee cord in a yard. The shoe flies off the boy's foot and hits the first boy in the groin.
A young boy tries to hit a pi̱ata and throws the bat at a man's groin on the back deck.
A family does a gender reveal in the snowy yard, and one young girl hits herself in the groin when she pops the powder cannon.
A man swings at water balloons with a plastic bat in a yard. One hits him in the crotch and he falls down. Slow motion.
A man does a skateboard trick on a street, but he loses both of his shoes and hits himself in the groin with the skateboard.
A man on a hike tries to stand on a wooden post and balance, but fails. He runs at the post, hits his groin, and flips forward.
A man pushes a wheelbarrow up a board at a construction site, but the board flips up and hits him in the groin.
A man walks into a patio chair and hits his groin on it. Security footage.
A tot boy in a yard hits a ball off a tee with a baseball bat and it hits a man in the groin and the tot boy laughs. Security camera.
A man hits a baseball at a batting cage, then yells "ow" as the ball comes back to hit him in the groin.
A man tries to pull a mop out of a bucket and it hits him hard in the groin in an office.
A teen boy rides his bicycle off a ramp in slow motion and he falls off of it, then it flips over and he hits his groin when he lands on the bike in a creek.
A man and woman shoot confetti powder cannons in the yard for a gender reveal and the man gets hit in the groin.
A man holds a dog's toy in the air and taunts the dog and the dog jumps and hits him in the groin.
A man bounces a beer can on a basketball in the backyard, and the can hits him in the groin.
A man drops a basketball with a can on it from over his head and the can hits him in the groin in a driveway.
A young boy does the Bottle Bounce Challenge but the bottle hits him in the groin.
A young girl tries to swing at a pi�ata in the garage, and throws the bat that hits a young boy in the groin.
A man does the bottle bounce challenge in a garage, and hits himself in the groin with a beer can.
A man pitches baseballs to his tot girl and she hits then, and one hits him in the groin.
A man hits another man in the groin with a bat when he tries to swing at a piñata in the backyard.
A man in a yard drops a basketball with a beer can on it and the can bounces up and hits him in the groin and he falls down.
A man does the bottle bounce challenge in the front yard, and the bottle hits him in the groin.
A woman drops a ball with a drink on top of it and it hits her in the groin in a driveway.
A young boy steps on an an exercise band and lifts the handles up, then the band snaps and hits him in the groin in a bedroom.
A woman hits a pinata in a living room and when she swings too low she hits a man in the groin and he falls.
A man holds a pinata for a young boy who hits it with a blindfold on, a woman off screen tells him to swing lower and he hits the man in the groin. The man bends over in pain, the boy swings again and hits him in the head and he falls on the floor.