A sedated woman wonders if Mr. and Mrs. potato head are still married because the divorce rate is 50 percent. The nurse tells her Ken and Barbie are separated and she starts to cry in a dentist's office.
A woman asks a sedated man in a hospital if he's excited for a newborn baby in the family. He says "I had a baby?", then he asks how he will be able to nurse it if another woman has it.
"Woozy Woman" Husband drives wife home after having her wisdom teeth pulled. She's still groggy from the anesthetic, says funny things. Dentist. Woozy. Says "shy is ice so cold?" Long for edit. Drugged. Tooth. dental. surgery.
"Woozy Woman" Husband drives wife home after having her wisdom teeth pulled. She's still groggy from the anesthetic, says funny things. Dentist. Woozy. Says "shy is ice so cold?" Long for edit. Drugged. Tooth. dental. surgery.