"Heckled By Freckles" A woman says that she found a bottle of "Gray Away" that she will use to give herself fake freckles at home. Then she sprays it over her face, and it looks like gray spray paint.
A small dog and a grey kitten cat play dug of war over a toy indoors. The dog drags the kitten around.
A grey cat nurses from a dog as a white cat nurses from the grey cat outdoors.
A grey kitten cat plays with wrapping paper and then a yellow Labrador dog jumps at the kitten and chases it indoors.
Two cats claw and hiss at each other when the grey cat falls down and pulls a lamp down with him, causing the lamp to break.
A teen girl rides in the car and gets upset when her mom tries to compare the dentist's office to the Grey's Anatomy hospital and says that Grey's is so much better. She then gets upset that she didn't see anyone from the show.
Grey kitten is told it has 20 seconds to be cute, cat knocks over & breaks a fish bowl. Woman screams.
Gray kitten jumps toward the camera & looks funny. Cat.
An older senior man with grey sideburns discovers fake spider on his shoulder outdoors and jumps and screams to fling it off of him.
A grey kitten cat watches as someone waves around a cat toy until someone else throws a toy spider at the cat, causing it to jump, run into someone, then jump again and run away.
A grey cat paws at the handle of a water cooler to drink from the dispensing spout.
A ferret plays with the pink ball part of a cat toy by pushing it around in circles.
A grey hamster rides around a toy track on a toy train indoors.
A cat climbs a tree outdoors and falls when a branch breaks.
A grey cat massages a grey dog's stomach outdoors on a porch.
A girl does a handstand against a chair, then stands up, looks over the chair, and ducks down as a grey kitten cat leaps out at her, bounces off of her, and falls on the floor.
A grey and brown cat sits on a bed until her owner kicks up their foot from under the covers and the cat jumps straight up in the air, falling off the bed.
A bulldog dog howls, makes noise, and whines at a woman for attention while the woman watches the Grey's Anatomy television show season finale indoors.
A ferret plays with the pink ball part of a cat toy by pushing it around in circles.
A ferret plays with the pink ball part of a cat toy by pushing it around in circles.
A fat cat sits indoors on a piano bench and plays the piano - first with one paw, then two.