A woman feeds turtles on a pond, then one of them grabs the bag of food and gets back in the water.
A man tells two tot boys at a dining table not to eat gummies until he gets back and one of the boys puts all of them in his mouth then spits them back out because he can't swallow them.
A camel sticks its head into a woman's car, and eats the container of food off of the center console.
A hamster in a tiny chair at at tiny table in a living room shoves food into his cheeks and eats it.
Women scream as a giraffe reaches his head into the top of their car at a drive through safari park and tries to take all of the food.
A dog pretends not to stare at a woman who eats her food on a couch.
A man gives peanuts to monkeys at a zoo and when he gets to the third monkey, the second monkey pushes it away and takes the peanut that the man was going to give it.