A young boy in a garage uses a wrench on a tire. The boy says to the man behind the camera, "How about you do this and I take a picture?"
A young girl opens a small gift bag and a senior woman tells her that the gift bag is her own present. The girl says that nothing is inside and tells the senior woman "you guys must have been on the naughty list."
A woman leans over to examine her husband's broken foot. Nearby her teenage granddaughter blows an airhorn. The noise startles her grandmother who accidentally punches the grandfather in the crotch.
A senior man sits down on a spring rider and leans heavily to one side, then he falls out of it in a park.
A young girl makes a video message for her grandpa and says "I really love you, and I hope you're not dead."
Two young boys play around near patio furniture on a deck. The older boy jumps onto a wicker table, breaking it and falling through head-first. Security footage.
A man kicks a ball toward a young boy and a tot boy in the backyard, but the ball hits the tot boy and his shoe hits the young boy.
While he stands on ladder, a young boy shoots basketballs with his grandpa. He then gets excited after two swishes and topples forward off of the ladder and falls to the ground.
A senior man rides down a slip 'n' slide in the yard and crashes into a bush at the end. Featured talent cleared only (man on the Slip-n-Slide).
A senior man attempts to help a young girl bowl when he slips in the bowling lane and falls.
In a living room, a grandpa attempts to show his granddaughter how to use her back-handspring trainer when he leans back and topples over backwards.
A man in the street sets up an air propelled rocket. A tot boy jumps onto the pump before the grandpa leaves and the rocket hits him in the face.
A senior man attempts to race a young boy on a beach but stumbles and falls right away. Featured talent cleared only (older man and young boy racing).
A man and a young girl do a magic trick in the kitchen. The man holds a bottle of water while the young girl puts a towel over it. She removes the towel and the man asks a senior man to look inside the bottle. The senior man leans over and the man squeezes the bottle. Water shoots into the senior mans eyes.
A woman tells two tot girls that their grandpa is their dad's dad. One girl makes a surprised face and says "Whoa, I didn't know my dad has a dad."
A woman and man pop a balloon full of confetti at a gender reveal party in a park, then a piece of the balloon lands on a bald man's head like a hat.
Young girls play football with their grandpa, he runs after the girl with the ball but falls face forward in the chase.
Young girls play football with their grandpa, he runs after the girl with the ball but falls face forward in the chase.
A man holds a hula hoop over a tot boy at home, and the tot boy jumps up and down and shakes his hips.
A young boy with shaved hair shows his mom his hair in a box and tells her that he cut it all off to look like his grandpa in a bathroom.
Two young boys try to trick a senior man in a yard with the water is coming out of the bathroom prank. The senior man doesn't fall for it and says "We might be old but we watch YouTube!"
A senior man in a yard throws a large exercise ball to a young boy and it hits the young boy in the face and he falls down.
A woman tells her little girl to wish her grandpa a Happy Father's Day on the porch outdoors and she refuses to because she says that he's not her dad. She tells her mom that she should wish her dad happy father's day since he's her dad, and that she's being ugly if she won't do it herself.
A man teaches a tot girl how to drive a motor boat on a lake, then she speeds it up, and the person behind the camera falls down. First person POV.
A family sings Happy Birthday to a senior man and woman in front of a birthday cake in a home. A woman tells the senior man to make a wish and the senior woman says "Oh no, not again tonight" and their family laughs.
A senior man and a young girl play basketball together in a driveway. At :39, the grandpa throws the ball and falls back hard onto the concrete. The woman behind the camera screams and runs up to him.
A young girl closes her eyes as her grandpa walks down the stairs behind her with a new dollhouse but he drops it and it breaks apart then the girl's mom tells her to keep her eyes closed.
A family sings "Happy Birthday" to a senior man in the house. A man passes the senior a baby boy, and the boy knocks the container of cupcakes off of the table.
A man swings a kitchen cabinet closed to pull a young girl's loose tooth out with string, but the glass on the cabinet breaks and the girl's tooth does not come out.
A tot boy slams suction cup toy's onto a bald man's head in a living room.
A tot boy rides a toy car down a driveway and rolls over himself when he falls into the grass.
A senior man reaches his arms out to hold his grandson for the first time, then his phone rings and he answers it in a yard.
A senior man does a card trick for a baby boy at the kitchen table. When the man flips the card behind his fingers, the boy drops his jaw.
A tot boy pulls a ball out of a pile of mud. He realizes he got mud on his mittens, then he says to his grandpa, "Mommy's not gonna like that!"
A senior man slips and falls down the front porch as he spills his coffee, and then lands in a bush.
A tot girl walks away from her grandpa and scoots down the stairs of the house because she has a ponytail in her hair.
A senior man trips and falls into a wall while he plays soccer with his grandson in a gym.
A tot boy whispers and tells his grandfather that he knows what his grandfather's Christmas present is but can't tell him until Christmas. His grandfather asks what store it is from and the boy says it is a new golf club, but not to tell anybody.
A senior man and woman record themselves as they pose for a photo in the house. The woman says "we gotta get rid of that neck", and they both put their hands over their neck skin.
A senior man struggles to blow out a fake candle at a kitchen table. A woman switches off the candle and laughs.
Two young girls and their mom prank their grandpa with the Ping Pong Prank in a kitchen.
A young girl talks to the camera and films herself as she taps a plastic bottle with acrylic nails. Her man grandpa walks into the room and screams and scares her and she flinches. Two videos put together.
A young boy hands his grandpa a confetti cannon so that it faces the wrong way and when the man opens it, it shoots straight into his groin.
A tot boy walks down a hallway when his grandpa jumps out and scares him and he turns around and walks away.
A senior man and a boy sit on the kitchen floor and the man pours some water on the floor between them. He tells his grandson that he can wipe up the water before the boy would have a chance to hit his hands with a wooden spoon. When the man says "go," he pranks the boy and grabs him by his legs and slides him over the water and wipes it up.
A tot girl plays hide and seek with her grandpa in the living room and he stands next to the door with a lampshade on his head, but she can't find him. Eventually, she finds him.
A man and a baby girl do a face swap in the living room. Snapchat.
A tot boy accidentally hits his grandfather in the face with a pool noodle when he's trying to hit a ball outdoors.
A girl jumps out of a closet and scares her grandpa as he walks past her and he screams as he jumps back and knocks a picture off the wall.
A senior man kneels with his arms open for a hug from his grandson, but the boy runs past him to the new toy truck behind the man.
A senior man stands in the middle of a green field. A young boy flies a drone over his head and lowers it over his head then drops it by the side of his face and the drone blades slash at the old man's neck and throat.
A man races his young grandson and collides with his tot grandson. They both fall down.
A young girl slaps her grandpa's hand on the porch after she gets mad at him for something. She tells him that she won't put a band aid on it and he asks why she's being like this and she responds with "I'm not your mama."
"Grandpa Enjoys Toys" A senior man plays with a LEGO set until he realizes that he is caught on camera. He pretends the Lego plane is crashing on the runway. Surprise. Grandpa
Two young boys pull at a bush while their grandpa digs at its roots with a shovel. They all start to push on it and it suddenly comes out of the ground and they all fall and he falls on top of one.
A man kisses a baby girl right as she sneezes in his face
A tot girl talks to her grandfather on Facetime video chat on an iPad. She eats an apple and her grandfather asks for a bite, so she holds the apple to the screen. He picks up an apple and eats it, and the tot screams and smiles.
Tot boy gets thrown into a pile of leaves by Grandpa. He gets completely covered by the leaf pile and starts crying when pulled own. Senior