A young boy in a garage uses a wrench on a tire. The boy says to the man behind the camera, "How about you do this and I take a picture?"
A young girl opens a small gift bag and a senior woman tells her that the gift bag is her own present. The girl says that nothing is inside and tells the senior woman "you guys must have been on the naughty list."
A teen boy attempts the whipped cream challenge, but the cream explodes, and gets in the clothing and hair of all the assembled family members nearby.
A woman leans over to examine her husband's broken foot. Nearby her teenage granddaughter blows an airhorn. The noise startles her grandmother who accidentally punches the grandfather in the crotch.
A senior man sits down on a spring rider and leans heavily to one side, then he falls out of it in a park.
A senior man and senior woman use straws to blow cups across a table, but the grandparents lean on the table and it collapses.
A grandfather breaks a playground slide and falls down when he slides on it after a young girl tells him to.
A family is sitting around a dining room table and the mother is opening a present. When she sees what is inside she screams and walks around the kitchen while the rest of the family laughs, revealing a positive pregnancy test was the present.
A man pushes a young boy on a swing in a yard and the young boy slips and falls off and crashes into playground equipment. Security footage.
A man tells a young boy on a swing-set, "swing hard and jump off." The boy does so, but he face-plants in the snow when he lands.
A man kicks a ball toward a young boy and a tot boy in the backyard, but the ball hits the tot boy and his shoe hits the young boy.
A man and a young boy ride a paddleboard on a lake, and they fall in the water. Featured talent cleared only (the boy and the older man).
A man in the street sets up an air propelled rocket. A tot boy jumps onto the pump before the grandpa leaves and the rocket hits him in the face.
A man and a young girl do a magic trick in the kitchen. The man holds a bottle of water while the young girl puts a towel over it. She removes the towel and the man asks a senior man to look inside the bottle. The senior man leans over and the man squeezes the bottle. Water shoots into the senior mans eyes.
A tot girl and boy search for eggs in the backyard. Their grandfather watches the kids but doesn't watch where he steps. He falls into the pool.
A tot boy and his grandfather play fight in a living room as they pretend to punch each other. The man tells the boy to punch his stomach, the boy does then kicks him in the groin and he falls over.
A woman and man pop a balloon full of confetti at a gender reveal party in a park, then a piece of the balloon lands on a bald man's head like a hat.
A tot boy steps onto a step stool to get water from the sink, and the sink sprays him. A man laughs, and he shouts "it's not funny!"
A senior woman and a senior man dance together in a living room. At 1:35, the woman trips and falls backwards.
A man holds a hula hoop over a tot boy at home, and the tot boy jumps up and down and shakes his hips.
Two young boys try to trick a senior man in a yard with the water is coming out of the bathroom prank. The senior man doesn't fall for it and says "We might be old but we watch YouTube!"
A young girl drives a golf cart and it crashes into a swing set in the backyard.
A young girl drives a golf cart and it crashes into a swing set in the backyard.
A senior man in a yard throws a large exercise ball to a young boy and it hits the young boy in the face and he falls down.
A man teaches a tot girl how to drive a motor boat on a lake, then she speeds it up, and the person behind the camera falls down. First person POV.
A family sings Happy Birthday to a senior man and woman in front of a birthday cake in a home. A woman tells the senior man to make a wish and the senior woman says "Oh no, not again tonight" and their family laughs.
A young boy drives a lawnmower and his grandfather rides on the front and then falls into a puddle of mud and laughs in a yard.
A tot girl walks away from her grandpa and scoots down the stairs of the house because she has a ponytail in her hair.
A man plays a trick on his granddaughter and pulls money out of her ear. She is completely confused and questions how did this get in my ear.
A tot boy catches a fish and gives his fishing pole to his grandfather. The man reels the fish in and the tot boy runs away from the fish back to a golf cart.
A teen girl gets a truck for her birthday. She runs outside to the front yard, and her grandfather sits in the truck, and drives it across the yard. She chases the truck as it drives around the yard, and her mom laughs hysterically.
A tot boy whispers and tells his grandfather that he knows what his grandfather's Christmas present is but can't tell him until Christmas. His grandfather asks what store it is from and the boy says it is a new golf club, but not to tell anybody.
A young boy and a tot boy throw snowballs at their grandfather in a winter snowy yard. He throws a snowball back and it hits the tot in the face and snow lands in his mouth.
A woman drops the camera when her young grandson hits it with a tennis ball as his grandfather serves it to him in the driveway.
A grandfather lets his teen girl granddaughter wax his chest. She pulls off the wax and he yells and laughs and falls backwards in his chair.
A grandfather tells a young boy that cattail plants in a yard are corn-dogs and he picks them off the plant and laughs.
A grandfather rolls a bowling ball down a lane in a bowling alley but a young boy sneaks behind him and resets the pins and the ball bounces off a barrier. He rolls the ball again but the boy sneaks behind him and resets it and he looks confused and frustrated.
A grandfather does push-ups on a wooden plank in a living room and two young boys sit on the other end of the wooden plank and their grandmother pushes it down repeatedly like a see-saw.The wood breaks and the boys fall down and their grandfather falls and they laugh.
A grandfather walks through a backyard with a plate of food in tin foil and pretends to drop the food but trips and accidentally falls down. A teen boy helps him up and tells his grandfather he meant for him to just drop the food and not fall, and his grandfather laughs and asks if the boy thinks they got it.
A young boy and a young girl prank their grandfather with a balloon cake.
A tot boy hits a ball off a tee that hits his grandfather in the groin. The boy's father laughs while the senior man lays down on the porch.
A senior man opens a huge Christmas present and finds his grandchildren inside then screams with excitement.
A baby girl sets her foot on the armrest of her grandfather sitting next to her. The senior man grabs her foot and sets it down off the armrest, but the granddaughter just puts it back up, over and over.
A tot boy accidentally hits his grandfather in the face with a pool noodle when he's trying to hit a ball outdoors.
A tot girl tries to toss water onto her grandfather from her sippy cup but the cup opens and it splashes all over her head.
A senior man kneels with his arms open for a hug from his grandson, but the boy runs past him to the new toy truck behind the man.
A senior man stands in the middle of a green field. A young boy flies a drone over his head and lowers it over his head then drops it by the side of his face and the drone blades slash at the old man's neck and throat.
A senior woman falls on the grass in the backyard when she loses her balance after she throws a balloon at her young grandson while they have a water balloon fight with the boy's mother and grandfather.
A tot girl talks to her grandfather on Facetime video chat on an iPad. She eats an apple and her grandfather asks for a bite, so she holds the apple to the screen. He picks up an apple and eats it, and the tot screams and smiles.
Boy knocks down his grandfather / senior man by hitting him with an easter egg
*This video has a second angle with clip #715228* In security camera footage, a senior man runs around a driveway as a young boy chases him in a game of Duck-Duck-Goose before he trips and falls into a bush. Two women help pull him out of the bush and they resume playing the game. No sound.
Grandfather and grandson face swap using the Snapchat app. Funny visual
Senior man falls asleep in his chair while watching a football game. Grandson yells "Touchdown!" to wake Grandpa, he wakes up & celebrates.
A cat jumps from a chair to a Grandfather clock, jumps off, and the clock falls over.
A man dances to dance music indoors before her falls backwards against the TV and entertainment center.
A tot girl puts her fingers up to her mouth and blows, and her grandfather whistles from behind her, making her think she is whistling at home.
Young girl puts makeup and blonde wig on her dad grandfather outdoors. He looks very good. #AFVDad musical.ly AA
Tot boy fills water bucket to try and throw on senior man, boy runs & ends up pouring water on himself instead.