A man drives a lawnmower onto a driveway then stops the mower and gets off to move a potted plant and with the man's back turned the mower moves by itself, traveling in a circle leaving a trail of dirt. Security footage.
"time lapse camera trick" A pregnant woman in bikini does a split & covers herself with blanket. When she removes the blanket, her pregnancy bump is gone and she has a newborn baby. Music rights not cleared.
A young girl takes her toy fairy doll and flies it outside. It goes up in the sky very high and never comes down.
A teen boy at the golf course places his ball on the ground but as he swings, he misses the ball and lets go of the club. Featured talent cleared only (teen swinging the golf club).
A young girl reacts with excitement as she holds a large icicle then it slips out of her hands, bonks her in the face and says "Now it's all gone" outside.
A young girl reacts with excitement as she holds a large icicle then it slips out of her hands, bonks her in the face and says "Now it's all gone" outside.
A woman sits on the floor and passes a toy in circles around herself and a dog watches and she sets it on the floor behind her and pretends it is gone and the dog backs up and barks at her in the living-room.
A tot girl does the disappearing human trick and drops the blanket and is gone.But then, she runs back across the hallway.
"Magic Trick Tot" A woman tells a tot boy to put a piece of paper in her fist in a kitchen. She shakes her hand and throws the paper over her shoulder, then laughs with the tot boy and shows him that it is gone. After a few rounds of this trick, the tot boy yells "oh my gosh."
"Aches for Pancakes" A tot boy in a high chair screams that he wants more pancakes. A woman tells him they are all gone. He says, "AGHH. Come on!"
A woman tries to do a "salt on ketchup" prank on her young boy so she can smash his hand in it, but he smashes hers in it.
A guinea pig chews on a teen girl's hair and bites a chunk off.
A man swings a kitchen cabinet closed to pull a young girl's loose tooth out with string, but the glass on the cabinet breaks and the girl's tooth does not come out.
A French Bulldog puppy dog scoots under an end table in the living room to get his ball when he could have gone around.
A dad asks his tot girl what she would want to eat if pizza was gone and she says pizza repeatedly in a living room.
A man plays peekaboo with his tot girl with a towel over his face and makes her laugh, but then he pulls the towel down to reveal his beard is gone and she gets sad.
A man does the water bottle prank on a young girl in the kitchen, but when he removes the towel she squeezes the bottle to play the trick on him instead.
A young man tries to scare a young woman as she walks into a room. But then the young woman kicks the young man in the face.
"Gone with the Window" - A man scares a sleeping teen boy in a car and the teen accidentally throws his cell phone out of the open window.
A man brings one baby boy into a room and goes to get his twin and the other crawls out while he is gone.
Two adults prank a young boy with a magic trick where they make him disappear. After a while of pretend searching and a fake photo of the invisible boy, the kid believes that he is actually gone. The boy cries and throws a tantrum when the man says he's gone forever and then the woman magically summons him back to the room.
A man does the what the fluff magic trick for his dog who doesn't seem to care that the man is gone.
A man tells his tot grandson to point to his different body parts. When he tells the tot boy to point to his hair, the tot boy touches his bald head and says "Uh oh, all gone".
A ferret in a pumpkin shirt walks behind a small table stand and when he comes out the other side, the shirt is gone.
"Dog's Best Friend" Lab dog jumps on boy in yard while boy tries to get a basketball that has gone over the fence. The dog tries to hump the boy vigorously.
Woman waxes man's eyebrows and he screams and laughs that his unibrow is gone.
Woman waxes man's eyebrows and he screams and laughs that his unibrow is gone.
Mini movie Woman tries to scare away man's hiccups. Very scary face, animated pops up. The hiccups are gone.
A man walks up to a window and films a senior woman watching television inside. He says that her peripheral vision is gone and knocks on the window repeatedly. After a minute, the woman notices him and is scared.
"Eggsperiment Gone Wrong" Two kids do an experiment indoors on a glass table with their mom to test the strength of eggs by setting up two towers of bricks that sit on top of the eggs with the weight distributed evenly. They want to see how long the eggs can hold up the bricks before they break and continue to add bricks. At 11:30, the boy adds another brick to the tower and the eggs break and the bricks fall and break the glass table that they are doing the experiment on.
Woman waxes man's eyebrows and he screams and laughs that his unibrow is gone.
A adult male sits on a yoga ball and causes it to pop indoors.
Small black dachshund runs & hides under an ottoman when man says 'The cops are here." Dog comes out when man says "Ok, they're gone."
A tot boy puts a bottle of juice down on a table in the living room while he shakes a rocker. Another tot boy walks over and takes the bottle and walks away with it. The first boy turns around and gets upset when he sees his bottle gone.
A man proposes to his fiancee on the side of the road by the ocean. The camera falls over right as he's taking out the ring. Proposal gone wrong.