"Adorable Door Duo" A young girl and her younger sister ring a doorbell, then the older girl asks through the camera if any young girls live at the house who could play with them. Security footage.
A woman tells a young girl, "They said you remind them of an owl." The daughter says, "Who?" but doesn't get the joke.
A young girl takes her toy fairy doll and flies it outside. It goes up in the sky very high and never comes down.
A young girl in the living room says she's thankful for her sister. The younger sister says she's thankful for "poached eggs."
An opossum eats pumpkin pie on a deck while a mother and her daughters watch from inside the house. A young girl says "at least the pie didn't get wasted, Mom."
A young girl warns her mom about a spiderweb on a front porch, but the mom doesn't pay attention and runs into it as she shrieks and flails in a front yard. The girl then says, "I told you so!" Security footage.
A man at the dining room asks a young boy what he wants to be when he grows up. The son answers a ninja-paleontologist-engineer- scientist-teacher. When the dad asks a tot girl the same questions she says, "A candy cane."
A young girl speeds down a slide on a sled, then crashes outside while her mother laughs.
A young girl learning how to ride her bike with her dad crashes into her encouraging mom behind camera.
A young girl gets fed banana pudding then does happy dance in high chair.
Large dog catches carrots in mid air thrown by person off-camera. Baby girl in walker laughs hysterically. Living room.
A young girl and boy crank a jack-in-the-box in the living room and scream when it pops open.
A young boy falls onto a cake as a young girl shows it to their mom and says she just finished it in a living room.
A group of young kids ride on a porch swing in the yard while another boy pushes them. They sing a Christmas carol together and the chain for the swing breaks and they fall on the ground.
A young girl makes a video message for her grandpa and says "I really love you, and I hope you're not dead."
A woman and a young girl walk across an "obstacle course" of toys. The girl steps onto a toy, stumbling and falling backwards onto the patio.
A woman jumps on a trampoline in the yard and it tears and she falls through.
A young girl says "bye" to her mom while she leaves the house. Once the woman leaves, the girl turns to the man with the camera and says "whew, mom's out of here dad."
A young girl stands on a diving board. She attempts to jump in a swimming pool. But when she jumps she falls on the diving board before she falls into the water.
A young girl tries to climb out of her playpen, but falls back in.
A young boy and girl run towards a wave at the beach, then she stops suddenly and runs back into the boy who falls.
A teen girl runs on a treadmill and then falls off the back of it.
A teen girl and boy ride a Tote Gote motorcycle in the yard and they crash it into a fence.
A young girl dances to music in the kitchen, then crashes into a chair and falls. Music rights not cleared.
A family plays curling in front of house in the snow. A man pushes a young girl in an inflatable tube and two other adults push her with brooms towards a spray painted target.
A teen girl jumps on a chair to dance in the living room. The chair tips over and she falls. Music rights not cleared.
A young girl and a young boy hold inflatable exercise balls on the ground in a living room and another young girl jumps onto them but slips and falls off.
A person in an Olaf costume falls while they twirl around with a young girl at Disneyland.
A teen girl flips and falls off the back of a jet ski a teen boy drives on a lake.
A teen girl closes a window at a tiki bar and it falls down and lands on her head. Security footage. Music rights not cleared.
A man sits on a porch swing and slowly swings on it. The swing breaks and the man falls on the ground. Security footage.
A man attempts to race a young girl on a beach but stumbles and tumbles then tries to get back up but a wave keeps him down.
A young girl stands on top of a large inflatable slide in the middle of a lake. The young girl attempts to jump and slide down, but she bounces off the slide and falls hard into the water.
A young girl dances with an exercise ball and tries to land on it only to slam into the ground. Music rights not cleared.
A teen girl attempts to run on a treadmill and falls off, sliding backwards.
A teen girl yells in surprise while inside a parked car as a llama comes though the window of a drive-thru safari, startling her.
A teen girl attempts a back handspring in her yard but slips on the wet grass she falls funny.
A woman knocks a baby girl's birthday cake off of her high chair and it smashes on the ground.
A grandfather breaks a playground slide and falls down when he slides on it after a young girl tells him to.
A teen girl talks to the camera and chews on a water bottle and she lays in a bed and water spills all over her face in the bedroom.
A teen girl tries to do a yoga pose but hits her foot on a chair and falls in the living-room. No audio.
A teen girl stands on a tree swing and rocks back and forth in a yard. She loses her balance and falls forward, then the swing hits her in the head.
Two men push kids in a canoe into a lake, then all of them fall into the water immediately.
A teen girl kicks a basketball through a basketball hoop.
A teen girl walks around a branch across a small stream. The tree branch cracks and the girl falls into the water.
Twin girls take turns on a trampoline in a gym. One girl jumps on it, her sister walks up behind her and pushes her off and she faceplants into the floor mat.
Two teen girls and a young boy prepare to do a dance in a yard. One of the girls steps backwards and trips, falling over a wheelbarrow.
A mom runs and tries to jump over a hurdle, crashing and falling down on a field in front of her teen daughter.
"Dough-Loving Fido." Two teen girls make pasta in the kitchen. One friend gets flour on the other's face. As they chase each other around the house, the dog eats both of their dough.
A baby girl in the living room hiccups into a microphone and the hiccup echoes. A man laughs at the daughter.
A family eats chips and salsa at an outdoor restaurant next to a beach when a wave crashes over them. One young girl is splashed with water. Featured talent cleared only (girls splashed at the table and their mother).
A dog is bothered by a baby girl after she farts. The dog stands up on the bed and moves further away from the infant.
A mother films cookie dough pieces on a baking sheet in the kitchen and says "there's supposed to be twelve," then she turns the camera to show that her baby girl daughter holds a piece of cookie dough and sucks on it.
A mother encourages her toddler to kiss her older daughter. The older girl screams when her baby sister sneezes on her face repeatedly.
Two women each put their arms and legs through the sleeves of a hoodie to do a dance challenge but they both tip over and struggle to get back up.
A young boy sleeps in a piece of construction equipment. His sister dumps a bucket of water on him to wake him up.
A teen girl does a cartwheel in a hotel room and hits her leg on a TV stand and falls.
A woman falls down when she tries to run away from two young girls in toy motorized cars in the backyard.
A group of young kids sit on a mattress at the top of the stairs and a boy falls off the front before they can ride down. He lands on the steps and the mattress comes down the stairs and runs him over and pushes him down the stairs.