A teen girl pets a dog and holds her collar as it tries to jump over a baby gate. Tthe teen girl falls down. Security footage.
Dogs squeal and whine as they sit behind a gate when climbs up, topples and flips over to the other side.
A man sleeps on the living-room floor and a woman runs and tries to climb over a pet gate but her foot gets caught and she trips and falls and knocks a lamp over and it hits the man in the head. Security footage.
A dog jumps onto the back of another dog to get over a baby gate.
A man throws mats over a gate on a porch, then he trips and falls into the gate and breaks it. Security footage.
A man pulls down a sawed palm tree into a trailer attached to a truck and it slams into it and the hitch pops off and breaks the tail gate off in the front-yard.
A man attempts to climb over a doggie gate on a porch rather than open it when he trips and falls into it and lots of noise ensues. Security footage.
A woman finds a dog in the living room with a large piece of a wooden fence stuck through his collar.
A young man walks out onto the front porch outside to take out the trash. He trips on a gate and falls. Security Footage.
A man trips over a baby gate, then falls forward and drags the gate down with him in a living room. Security footage.
"Escape from Bark-atraz" A Pit Bull dog jumps up on a door at a dog daycare and swings it open for a group of dogs to run out of the room. Security footage.
A woman tries to run and jump over a child safety gate but lands on top of it and breaks it. Security footage.
A cat gets stuck between the rungs of a gate at the top of a staircase, and a woman holds the gate so that the cat gets leverage to get out.
A young girl's foot gets caught as she steps over a doggie gate and she tumbles down the front porch steps from there. Security footage. Featured talent cleared only (girl who trips).
A man cleans a dog's pen at home, but he trips and falls into the gate. Security footage.
A woman in a clown mask hides behind a wall while the off-camera woman that films the scenario hides behind an object from several feet away and giggles to herself and then a man sneaks up behind the woman in the clown mask and whispers something to them and then the woman in the clown mask jumps up and screams.
A woman hops out of her vehicle to put her dog back after he runs out of his gate. The car starts to roll backwards as chaos ensues and the car crashes into the house offscreen. Security footage.
A woman tries to squeeze through her broken wooden gate. The gate is stuck so she forces it and when the gate breaks and falls down she falls with it and into the driveway. She raises her arms in triumph. Security footage. Inappropriate language.
Three French bulldogs run outside towards a gate. One Frenchie puppy dog has a spatula in her harness so she can not escape through the gate but she tries. No audio.
"Canine Camera Caper" A doodle dog jumps over a baby gate at home, then he uses his paws to turn a security camera around. TikTok video. Security footage.
A woman rides a bicycle to exit a gated community and is hit by a guard gate that comes down on her. She falls off her bike and remains on the ground. Then the community gates start to close on her. Her family watches. Security Camera Footage.
A teen girl tries to climb onto a horse outside on a ranch and the horse runs away. The girl clings onto the gate next to her.
A woman and a dachshund dog walk out into the yard while the woman carries a trash can full of trash. She tries to step over the gate while carrying the trash, but her foot gets stuck. She falls and the dog runs back inside. Security footage.
A young girl and a young boy come home to a scary Halloween decoration over their front door on the porch. They argue about which one of them will open the door. When they finally touch the door, then the decoration makes a hissing sound and they both run away. Security camera footage.
A woman trips and falls when she steps over a baby gate while carrying a cup of coffee into the living room.
A small goat squeezes through a baby gate to get food, but is too short to reach the food that is in a bucket indoors.
A dog climbs up a safety gate to get out of the living room and then another dog runs over and pulls on the first dog's sweater to pull it down from the gate.
Two turkeys mirror each other's movements through a fence gate.
Two Poodle dogs crawl out from a hole underneath a fence and run into the neighbor's yard.
A Nigerian dwarf goat climbs out of a secure fence on a farm.
A man rolls a wheel barrow in a driveway and when he opens a gate, a wind gust shuts it and slams on him. Security footage.
A woman finds her dog inside of the kitchen pantry, and the dog peeks out from behind the food then jumps over a baby gate.
A man jumps over a baby gate in a living room. Then he tries to jump back over the gate but he doesn't make it all the way over and falls. Security camera footage. No audio.
A man carries his tot boy into a fenced in yard, and his German Shepherd runs out of the fence. He puts the boy down in the yard, then the boy opens the gate and lets a Husky dog out while the man chases after the German Shepherd. Security footage.
A tot girl climbs onto the back of the living room couch, and a man runs in to stop her but he trips and falls, which scares her and makes her fall too. Security footage.
A woman with the camera places a baby girl on the ground in front of a gate on a staircase and the baby girl crawls under the gate. The camera pans to a man and he looks frustrated because he spent a lot of time installing the gate.
A young boy reverses a golf cart in the driveway and crashes it into a fence. Security footage.
A goat pushes a bench over to the gate of his pen, then he jumps on the bench and uses his nose to open the gate and escape. Home security footage.
A woman trips and falls forward when she walks out to her car in the driveway. She lands with her aims splayed out, then stands and unlocks her car. Nighttime. Home security footage. No audio.
A goat makes strange noises as it snorts and rams its head into a gate on a farm. A woman behind the camera stands outside of the gate next to another goat and says "it's mad that this one's next to me".
A man carries bottles of wine in bags and tries to step over a gate onto his porch and trips and falls and crashes onto the ground and curses. Security camera.
A horse leans its head over a gate and lifts the lid off a bucket of crawfish, then drinks the water from it in a yard.
A Labrador dog brings a dog toy up to two dogs behind a gate. The dogs take the toy away from the Labrador and run away.
A tot girl drives a motorized toy car into a baby gate and looks surprised in a living room.
Dog jumps over pile of chairs & bar stools & escapes from baby gate. Man tells dog she needs to stay in the kitchen & he'll see her later.
A tot girl opens a baby gate, but closes it and runs away when her mother clears her throat.
A puppy dog barks to be let out of gate that is wide open.
A man falls over on a porch as he picks up boxes and steps over a baby gate. Security Cam.
A beagle dog pushes open a pet gate, then it and three other dogs walk into the living room and a man asks what they're doing.
A tot boy takes rolls of toilet paper out of a closet and throws them over a baby gate and down a flight of stairs.
A man tries to do the What the Fluff challenge on his baby daughter in the living room but he trips over the baby gate and the baby turns and looks at her mom with confusion.
A man stands in a yard next to a fence and the wind blows the gate shut and knocks a man over. Security camera footage.
A teen girl drives a four-wheeler quad ATV and crashes it into a gate on a farm.
A tot girl locks her dog in the yard with a gate and the dog crawls through a gap in the fence next to the gate.
A shepherd dog walks back and forth in the kitchen between two pet gates and whines because he can't fix a large candy cane decoration through either of them.
A baby boy stands in a playpen in a living room and his dad tries to step over the gate but trips and falls down into the play pen. A dog jumps over the gate and and stands next to him.
A mom sets up a secret camera to film her daughter and walks out of a living room to get her. She tries to walk over a baby gate but trips and falls down and the gate crashes to the ground.
A teen boy puts a baby gate at the bottom of a staircase in a house but a puppy dog slips through the bars on the side of the gate. The boy looks surprised and laughs.
A rhinoceros shuffles from side to side behind a gate.