A woman holds a chicken and an off-camera woman laughs and says "She laid an egg in your hand."
A boy stands beside his snowman outdoors and starts to say that he's going to Karate chop it when his dog stands against the snowman and knocks it over first.
A dog stands up and bites at pieces of food on a kitchen counter top.
A zebra at a petting zoo safari sticks it's head in the window of a car and scares the kids in the back seat.
A lemur jumps onto a man's back as he paddles a canoe.
A woman takes a selfie with a lizard on a wall and it jumps at her.
A goat on a farm stands on hay and hits a man in the head and stands on him then hooks his hat and takes it off his head.
An Umbrella cockatoo holds a tennis ball in its mouth and taunts a dog who is barking and trying to get the ball.
A young boy runs after a turkey, a chicken jumps at the boys butt.
A woman asks a sheep if it's good or bad and the sheep bleats, "Bad!"
A teen girl poses for pictures with her cat indoors and says her cat loves taking pictures with her before the cat bites her hand and claws at her face.
A fish jumps into a man's kayak as he is fishing. In regular speed and slow motion.
A man sticks his tongue out at turkeys and makes a noise. Across a field, a bunch of turkeys make the same noise back at him.
A dog sleeps on his back with his mouth and eyes hanging open and his teeth showing. Funny visual
A boxer dog stairs at a cardboard box indoors and jumps around it until an angry cat bursts out of the box and hisses at the dog.
A parrot bird outdoors at the zoo flies onto a young girl's head and eats fruit a friend.
A border collie dog pounces and bites at a baby skunk outdoors when the skunk sprays her and she leaps back and walks away, shaking her head to get rid of the smell.
A kitten cat falls when it tries to reach from a couch to a folding table in a house.
A horse sniffs two humping turtles outdoors. One tries the bite the horse and the horse flings it away.
A dog barks at a picture of a cat in a vet's office.
A woman holds a Blue Heron bird and cuts a fishing line that's stuck on the bird. She uncovers the bird's head and the bird growls and bites at her repeatedly before they cover the bird again and take the bird to their patio.
A puppy dog struggles to walk in snow shoes indoors.
Twin granddaughters talking to the Beluga whales and were scared when one appeared to talk back
Twin granddaughters talking to the Beluga whales and were scared when one appeared to talk back
A tot girl holds a dog's leash and pulls on a West Highland terrier dog indoors but the dog doesn't move. She sits on the floor and pulls at the dog but the dog won't move.
A dog bumps into a teenager boy who does a flip into a lake outdoors.
A puppy dog jumps into a bush beside a porch because she's too scared to walk down the steps outdoors.
Two young boys wave at Mandrill monkey's and one of the monkey's repeatedly lifts its arm and appears to wave back indoors.
A small goat squeezes through a baby gate to get food, but is too short to reach the food that is in a bucket indoors.
A tot boy drinks from a dog's water bowl as the dog eats from his food bowl indoors.
A lovebird bird rips up pieces of paper and tucks them into her tail feathers indoors.
A dog climbs up a safety gate to get out of the living room and then another dog runs over and pulls on the first dog's sweater to pull it down from the gate.
A girl leads a chicken around an obstacle course using treats outdoors.
A group of people sing happy birthday to an Alpaca outdoors.
Two turkeys mirror each other's movements through a fence gate.
A bird acts like a dog in the living room indoors.
A dog walks into water and watches a large fish.
A bulldog puppy dog growls, barks, and whines to the camera/ a woman indoors.
A tot girl reads a book to three Boxer dogs and tries to wake one of the dogs up that is sleeping.
An otter follows a young boy as he walks back and forth at a zoo.
A tot girl sits on a car shaped cart at home while her father pushes her. The girl cries when a large dog chases her and bites her arm. Dashboard camera.
A pit bull dog jumps around to play with a pet parrot in a cage indoors. It repeatedly peck/ bites the dog.
A girl catches a fish on a boat and screams repeatedly outdoors as her dad gets the fish off the line and throws it back in the water.
Penguins chase a light reflection around their zoo enclosure.
At 2:00 a woman sees a bird in her house and runs out of the room. Her boyfriend comes in to investigate and when he doesn't find anything, he thinks the woman is imagining things. At 6;45 the bird flies out of the kitchen and scares the woman.
A beaver paws against a display glass as a girl on the other side follows his paws down and back up.
A snake slithers by the door way of a house and starts to crawl inside the house before a man grabs it and pulls it out, tossing it into the street, where it slithers a bit longer and dies.
A dog on a leash drags a tot girl along a road in the snow.
A black Pug dog struggles to get a toy out of a kiddie pool because she is too short. Another dog ends up taking it out of the pool for the Pug dog.
A penguin follows a young girls stuffed penguin when she moves it.
Puppies nurse on a they mom and one of them is upside down.
A cute snow tiger licks the glass while reaching for a pink backpack on the other side at a zoo. A man and his tot girl taunt it. No audio.
Several beluga whales dip out of the water at an aquarium as a young man makes whale noises at them.
A Golden Retriever dog chases a small deer around and through a stream outdoors before cornering it in the water but is unwilling to get too close to it. The dog finally walks up and sniffs the deer's butt.
A grey cat nurses from a dog as a white cat nurses from the grey cat outdoors.