A woman in the house panics as she struggles to catch a frog. Once she does catch it, her family doesn't open the front door for her. She opens the door herself to let the frog out.
There is a tree frog on a woman's shoulder in a pool outside. There is a man behind her. The woman says, "On your mark, get set, go." As soon as she says "go", the frog jumps off her shoulder and onto the man's face.
A hound dog stares at a frog in a yard. A woman tells the dog to leave it alone. Then the frog hops toward the woman and she screams and runs.
A young man holds a frog on his arm while a senior woman watches him in a yard. Then the frog jumps on her, and she screams and falls down.
A young boy on his first frogging trip leans over too far in a fishing boat and falls into the water in a pond.
A woman laughs at a frog on the back of her neck and says "get it off" repeatedly, and then a young boy reaches for it but it jumps on his head. He screams but then laughs as well.
A woman tries to jump over a man, then he ducks and she falls forward in a yard.
A young boy reaches out his finger to touch a frog that bites at him in a pond.
A frog rides a remote control toy jet ski around on a pond.
A man catches a frog out of a lake and it jumps out of the net and towards two young girls and a tot boy who run away and scream.
A bullfrog cries when a young boy holds it at a pond.
A tot girl holds a frog and passes it to a younger tot girl in the backyard. The younger girl screams hysterically then drops the frog.
A young boy pokes a frog and it jumps onto his head.
A Dachshund dog walks around the back deck with a frog on his back.
A cat walks backwards in a frog Halloween costume on a table and falls down.
A baby boy laughs as he plays with a frog that his dad is holding and the frog jumps on to his face and head.
A frog crawls on a young boy's arm and back outdoors and he holds his arm out to a tot girl, who looks at the frog and tries to touch it when it jumps off the boy and onto her head and she screams. Scare.
A woman screams and cover her face with a paper grocery bag in the kitchen when her husband walks in to the room with a frog in his hand as he holds it in her face.
A tot boy screams when a frog jumps on to his face after he uses a hat to try and catch it on a sliding glass door in the backyard.
A man holds a tree frog on his finger and tells the camera that it's a big deal right before the frog jumps onto his face and the man screams as it crawls around on his face.
A woman has a frog in her hair and then screams when her friends says it has a cockroach in its mouth.
A woman screams when a frog jumps off a patio door into the house at night when she touches it because she thinks it's a toy.
A cat checks out a frog on a chair on the back deck and the frog jumps at the woman with the camera.
A young boy falls in the living room when a young boy ducks in front of him as he tries to leap frog over his back.
A tot boy screams and cries on a playground slide in the backyard while a frog jumps from his arm to his face.
A young girl bends down to let a tot boy leap frog jump over her in the yard, but the boy jumps and lands on her back instead and they both fall down.
A young boy shows his father a bullfrog frog then runs in and shows his pregnant mother then the woman says "don't let that jump on me" and the young son throws it at her and she screams and is slow to stand up.
A senior man tries to get a frog out of the toilet and it jumps out and everyone screams in the bathroom.
A man pranks his wife and pretends to throw a frog on her.
A teen boy screams and runs away from his tot brother when he turns around in the kitchen and sees a frog toad in his hand.
A tot boy stands on a backyard porch and touches a frog, but is scared. It jumps on his head and he screams "get it off". His dad laughs hysterically, and the boy laughs and high-fives him.
Baby boy pokes a frog with a stick while crawling. Suddenly he grabs the frog and put it in his mouth. Gross.
Little girl holds frog with a gloved hand in the backyard, the frog jumps on girl's head and she freaks out.
A tot boy looks at a frog on his door indoors but doesn't want to touch it because he worries it will hurt. An older boy pokes at it before it jumps on the tot boy's face and he screams.
Black pomeranian puppy dog barks at croaking frog toy in living room. Cute.
Frog Surprise. Big frog jumps out (of bucket) and scares kids.
Man poses on all fours as another man jumps onto his back to leap frog into an above ground swimming pool. Jumping man lands on his back on some rocks & laughs.
A man pokes a frog in a pond that makes a loud siren-like noise. He pokes the frogs sides again, it opens its mouth and screams the siren-like noise again. Weird.
A dead dried-up frog hangs from a piece of rope. In a kitchen, a woman opens up a cupboard and the dead frog swings into her face.
Dog stands in a rock pond and drinks the water out of a frog statue fountain's mouth
A man tips over a cup with a frog in it in front of his teen daughter indoors. She screams and runs away.
A man plays Monopoly and screams/ runs when a woman places a frog on the board at :28.
Frog sits on the diving board of backyard pool as dad, boy, & girl jump into the pool. Frog jumps in too.
A woman tries to pet a tree frog and it jumps and pees on her face outdoors.
Filmed through a window, young girl puts a frog in a plastic wheel barrow full of water. She picks it out of the water and puts it in her mouth. Camera jerks away and camera woman immediately yells at girl. Long for edit.
A tot boy whines when a woman holds up a frog. The woman assures him the bird is nice and when he pets him, the frog jumps on the boy's face and he screams. Short tail.
A boy shows off a frog to his dad when he gets peed on and runs off crying.
A boy tot tries to catch a frog in a yard and starts hopping like a frog. He ends up catching it and showing it to his mother behind the camera. Caucasian.
A teen girl is trying to leap frog over a teen boy, but he ducks, sending her flying. jump. yard
Big frog jumps at the strap on man's camera, bites man's finger & hangs on for a few seconds. Man screams & gets scared.
Teen boy holds a frog on a card in the yard, frog jumps at boy, boy tries to get out of the way. Scared.
It looks like big frog does push ups while man encourages him. Exercise.
A little boy is looking at a frog in a hot tub. Mom is showing him the frog. At 0:55, it jumps on the mom's shoulder and she screams.
Man assists frog in playing with dice. *camera shakes
Young girl imitates a frog making noise outside. Frog talks back to her.