A woman and a senior woman walk to a car in a parking lot. A woman in the car says, "Your wig!" The senior woman grabs for it and wind carries it away.
A teen girl at the beach holds a chip in her mouth. A seagull comes down and takes it. The girl shouts "Ow! He hit my lip!" As another girl laughs. Featured talent cleared only (the two women).
A young boy climbs onto a handrail in a park, does a backflip off of it, but hits his head hard on that same rail on the way down.
A woman screams and laughs in a hotel room when she takes the covers off of a bed in a hotel room and finds her friend hiding under the bedding.
A large bug is on a woman's shirt while she sits in a patio chair with a drink in her hand. Another woman tries to get the bug to walk onto her phone, but it jumps back at the first woman, and she spills her drink all over herself. Featured talent cleared (the woman with the drink and her friend with the phone).
"Cart-Crashing Chaos" A woman crashes a golf cart into a house and falls out of it, then she goes back to park it as it rolls down the driveway. She crashes it into the house for a second time. Security footage.
A woman attempts to swing from a rope over a lake but her bottom hits the embankment before she slides in the water. Music rights not cleared. Featured talent cleared only (people on paddleboards in the background not cleared).
Three young boys play baseball outside. One boy pitches and then runs after the ball after it is hit. He picks it up but when he runs back, he gets caught on a swing and takes down the whole swing set. Security Footage
Practical Joke. Man pretends to get electrocuted to scare his friend; with banana BANANA ELECTROCUTION SCARE
Two young women play table tennis in the college student center. One of them accidentally spikes the ball into her friend's face who dramatically falls down. Featured talent cleared only (the two women playing ping pong).
One teen girl in the house lies on the bed with her feet up as her friend tries to balance on her legs. She falls off and breaks a window.
A teen boy stands on the diving board at the pool and prepares to do a backflip. His friend gives a countdown but before he reaches one, the diving board breaks, he hits his chin against it, and falls into the water.
"Adorable Door Duo" A young girl and her younger sister ring a doorbell, then the older girl asks through the camera if any young girls live at the house who could play with them. Security footage.
Two women dance in a living room to "Happy Birthday To You". One woman slips and falls backward on the floor. The other woman laughs hysterically and lays on the floor.
"Dough-Loving Fido." Two teen girls make pasta in the kitchen. One friend gets flour on the other's face. As they chase each other around the house, the dog eats both of their dough.
A man exits a camper at a campground and another man emerges from under the camper and hisses at him. The first man jumps. Social media video. Music rights not cleared.
A young boy and his friend play with a football. The boy runs into a tree while he runs away from his friend.
A woman throws water on the floor in front of her pregnant friend to make a man think her water broke. The doctor jumps up and runs away scared.
A teen girl lays across a teen boy's feet on a bed when she nose-dives off the side of the bed and into a lamp which gets knocked over to the floor.
A woman tries to do a flip over her husband to show her friends, but he moves at the last minute and she falls on her face.
Two young boys jump on either side of a wooden plank and they both fall off of it outdoors.
A man rides a 4 wheeler over a sand dune outside in the yard. He falls off and tumbles on the ground.
A woman walks a German Shepherd down a street as she rides her bike, celebrating that the dog was just adopted. The distracted man behind the camera crashes his bike into the back of a truck. Music rights not cleared.
Two women pick a third woman up to try and throw her in a swimming pool at a gathering. Instead they drop her on the cement pool deck, and one of the instigators falls in the water. Feature talent cleared only (the two women carrying their friend and the friend).
A man dances on a cruise ship and drops their friend's portable speaker into the ocean. Music rights not cleared.
A group of women are dancing by a swimming pool when one of them is accidentally bumped and is pushed into the pool. Music rights not cleared.
One teenage girls tries to lift another teen onto her back but she loses her balance and they both fall to the ground.
Two women hold hands on a raft as they are about to jump in a lake. One woman jumps while the other slips off the side and falls in.
Two teen girls attempt the leg flip challenge. One girl kicks the other girl in the face and then falls. Music not cleared.
A man runs on treadmill, breaks it when he misses a step and falls. Featured talent cleared only (the man on the treadmill, the man on the couch and the blonde woman).
A man pushes his friend into a pool and he drops both of his drinks as he falls into the water. Slow motion. Featured talent cleared only (the two men going into the pool).
Two teen girls run away from a flock of seagulls on a beach. One of the teens has a bag of food in her hand. The flock quickly envelopes the two teens, and they retreat.
Two teen girls drive through the car wash with the passenger seat window open. The girl closest to the window gets very wet and screams when a jet of water hits her.
A young boy sits in a pile of leaves in the yard of a home. He tosses leaves in the air and a golden retriever puppy jumps on top of him. The dog then jumps knocks the camera to the ground.
A teen girl in the living room tries to jump off the Ottoman onto her friend's shoulders but she grabs onto her friend's neck and they both fall backwards.
A young girl tries to backflip off of a swing after her friend does it, but she face plants instead in a playground.
A man pushes another man in a laundry bin down a hotel hallway. The man in the bin falls over. Featured talent cleared ONLY (two men using the cart).
A woman makes popcorn on a stovetop in a kitchen and talks about how the popcorn was a gift from a friend, then she shows that her Shih Tzu dog watches her. Then she screams and says that it pops out of the pan, and she shows popcorn on fire on top of the stovetop.
A tot girl carries a stool out of the house and her mom follows her with the camera and asks what she's going to do with it. The woman follows the girl as she takes the stool and puts it in front of a fence and stands on it so she can talk to a young boy on the other side of the fence.
Teen boy ducks out of the way of a snowball being thrown at him, when he moves it hits the friend behind him.
"Man's Pest Friend" A woman sits on a living room floor and explains and demonstrates that each time she talks while she tries to work at home, her dog squeaks his toy and gets in her face.
A man rides through the snow on a car tire towed by a car. He veers into a trash can and is thrown off the tire. His friends in the car laugh.
A young boy sits in the back of a car and cries about leaving his friend. A woman says: "you'll see him tomorrow." The young boy continues to cry until he looks out the window, sees something, points and says: "there's a lambo."
A man was pranked by a fake snake while he fixed a machine outside in a yard. The man screams with fear when he sees the "snake" and then runs away while his friends laugh.
In a video message, a tot boy tells his aunt that he has his first chest hair. A man asks the boy if he will show his friends at school, and he says that he will show his three girlfriends. Then he says that one of them wants to marry him. He ends the video with "bye Auntie, see you later, I'll wear a tuxedo or a suit next time."
A young woman stands near a chicken bird in a backyard. Then the chicken charges toward her and the woman stumbles and falls. She and her friends laugh.
A parrot bird outdoors at the zoo flies onto a young girl's head and eats fruit a friend.
A man hands a container of mustard to another man who sleeps on a living room couch, then says "get the phone," and he says "hello" twice into the mustard before he hits the phone camera away.
A tot girl cries because she lost her "wormy friend" and says he was "so adorable". Then she sees him on the ground and says "oh there he is" in the yard.
Two women sit together. Hair covers both of their heads. A third woman, obscured from view, stands up, and walks away, and she takes the hair with her.
A young girl starts a video to talk about her pop-it toys at home, then she yells when a young boy walks over and farts on her, and a woman tells her to start a new video.
A dog sits on a couch and watches a kitten cat roll off the couch arm and fall onto the floor.
Three young boys take turns on an incomplete Rubik's cube. They then pass it to another young boy, who puts it in a bag, snaps his fingers, and pulls out two complete Rubik's cubes. He then crumples the bag and throws it behind him.
"Can't Wait for a Play Date" A young boy rings his neighbor's doorbell and asks "do you guys have any kids yet?" on a front porch. Security camera footage.
Two men and a woman play musical chairs on a platform in the water. A German Shepherd dog decides it wants in, and enters the platform. The music stops and one man struggles to enter the chair, and he pushes it to the corner of the dock. The corner sags under the weight, and just as the man takes his seat, he falls backwards into the water. The German Shepherd swims out to him.
A young woman slips and falls into a split position while she stands on snow outside, then she slides down a steep hill. Produced video.
A man in construction clothes holds a wooden slat across other slats in a building and another man tries to run and break through the slat but it doesn't break and he bounces off and his hard hat falls off.
Two men stand under a carport roof. One pulls at a loose tile with a shovel. The ceiling gives a bit, then collapses entirely. Both men narrowly avoid the debris. Security camera video.
A teen girl tries to use her shoe to kill a cockroach bug on the wall at home, then a teen girl off-camera says "it sounded crunchy" when she hits it, and she screams when it runs out from under the shoe, then she screams again when the other teen girl finds it.