A young girl does a cartwheel and a young boy tries to run into the frame and she accidentally kicks him in the groin and he falls in the living-room. Slow motion.
A kite on the beach flies down and hits a woman on the beach causing her to fall to the ground.
A young girl introduces herself and her younger sister steps into the frame. The older sibling pushes her and says "go away" angrily and she falls off camera, crying, with the first girl glaring at her with disdain.
A young boy in the living room swings a golfclub and perfectly hits and breaks a framed photo on the wall with the golf ball. The glass shatters. The young boy looks aback to the man behind the camera. The man says, "Nice job dude. Nice job."
A young girl slips and slides down icy hill outside of home on her bottom out of frame. Security footage.
A woman sprays a wasp on a deck, but she avoids it and bumps into objects before she throws the can and runs away. Security footage.
A man slips on bed frame metal poles and falls in a driveway. Security footage.
A dog barks next to an empty door frame. A man jumps through the empty door frame and onto the deck, and the dog continues to bark and jump up and down until the man opens the empty door frame to let him outside.
A man jumps and attempts to do a backflip on a trampoline when the frame of the trampoline bends and he falls on his back.
A woman attempts to get into her car then slips and falls in the driveway, getting her foot stuck in the door frame. Security footage.
A woman and a man walk through a yard. A dog shoots out from behind a trees and knocks the woman over. Security footage.
Two young girls dance to the song "The Chicken Wing Beat" at home, then one of them jumps up and hits her head on a metal bed frame. Music rights not cleared.
A teen boy tries to balance on the hand rails of a staircase and one of the rails breaks and he crashes and falls and knocks down picture frames off the wall.
A husband and wife lip sync and dance to a song in a living room, while the man twirls around then runs back into frame to slide across the hardwood floor but slips and falls instead
A man and woman assemble a metal bed frame in the bedroom. The man turns on a power tool and the woman gets scared and jumps back.
A man tries to close a screen door to a house but cannot get it to slide along the track. The man becomes angry and pulls the door off of the frame and throws it.
A man with a fresh shave waits in the living room. A tot boy walks in and says, "who are you?" The man says that he is his dad, and he looks different because he shaved his beard. The tot boy asks follow-up questions and finally says, "you look like the mail man now."
A young boy is startled/scared when he comes in through the front door. He falls to ground then ends up throwing his water bottle at his dad.
A woman and two men sing a song about the Eagles football team and one man picks up the woman and she kicks her feet in the air and she lets go and she falls on the floor and they stop in the living-room.
A tot boy sits very still while he watches television in a living room, and a woman balances a wine glass on his head. She says his name twice, but it still takes several seconds for him to notice the wine glass and knock it over.
In the bedroom a dog bites a woman's ponytail and pulls her back until she yells. The woman next to her laughs hysterically.
A senior man plays "Perfection" at a dining table. He jumps and throws his hat off when the game pops as he loses.
A teen girl dances to music in a yard, then two chicken birds stick their heads in frame to the beat.
A young girl hides behind in the hallway. She and the other young girl behind the camera run into the kitchen and yell Happy Birthday at a senior man. The senior man jumps up, clutches his heart and says, "What the hell?" The girls laugh and the man walks into the other room to sit down.
A young boy attempts to ride a mechanical bull but falls off then gets nailed into by the bull, as he flies out of frame.
A man dedicates a song to his dog in the living room. The man sings a song and plays guitar for the dog while the dog chews a toy next to him. The dog starts to cough in the middle of the song. The man starts to laugh and says, "We've got to do that again."
A woman pushes a tot boy down a toy roller coaster in a living room, and he stops short at the bottom. The woman pushes him back up to the top, the woman tells a man to catch the tot boy at the bottom, and the tot boy crashes into the camera. First person POV.
"Entertaining Potty Training" The man with the camera asks a tot boy where he poops and the boy says "pants." The man says he cannot do that and has to use the potty. The boy repeats after him but then says he can poop in his diaper. They go back and forth and the boy continues to say he can poop in his pants and diaper.
A man walks in a front door. A woman tells the man to help her slide a box with a mouse in it to the front door. Then she kicks a computer mouse out from under the box. The man screams and then laughs when he realizes what it is.
"Gifting Granny's Goods" In an edited clip a family opens presents and a senior woman recognizes the things and says they are hers and they say they took all of the things from her house. TikTok video
A senior woman sits on a couch in a living room and puts on glasses without lenses. A woman offscreen asks if she likes them. The senior woman says she can't see out of them and asks what power they are. The woman says they're zero and sticks her fingers through the frame. She says the dog chewed the lenses out.
A man pretends to be on the phone with pest control and says they have squirrels. Hearing the word "squirrel," his two Jack Russel Terriers pop up on a recliner and bark in the living-room.
A young boy starts a vlog, then he frowns while he farts for several seconds at home.
A tot boy walks towards a sliding glass door. He thinks the door is closed and attempts to lean his body onto the glass but door is open, and he falls through the door frame onto a back patio.
A woman sits in a chair and holds a dog in her lap and another dog barks at her and she says "no! My puppy!" and the dog jumps up at her and knocks the chair over and she falls in the living-room.
Two teen girls play volleyball in a living room but the ball lands on a table, shattering a picture frame.
A teen girl is asleep at the kitchen table and a family member wakes her up.
A man and a woman do the tortilla slap challenge in the dining room. The woman slaps the glasses off the man.
A baby boy rips a face mask off of a young girl's face as it snaps back on her and splits open.
A man drinks coffee as he walks up his front steps. He trips on a step and falls forward, hitting his head on the door frame and dropping his coffee. Coffee splashes all over him and the steps. Security footage.
Two tot girls are in paper cardboard tubes with drawings on them in the house. One tot falls over and the other tot laughs. Then she falls over too.
A man conducts a performance via video in his backyard, and his dog walks into frame and poops behind him.
A woman tells a young boy and a young girl, "you're going to have a baby brother or sister." The young boy says, "wait, I'm going to have a baby brother?" The woman corrects, "or sister." The young boy says, "oh, screw that," and walks out of frame.
A man tells a young boy, "Try out your door, see if it closes." The young boy attempts to close his bedroom door, but the door is too small for the frame and swings through.
A man in a living room tries to do the What the Fluff prank and as he throws the blanket up he accidentally hits picture frames off the wall and they break on the floor.
A young girl plays the drums and a bird walks into the frame and dances in the living-room.
A young girl pushes a gym mat up a flight of stairs at home, but she pushes picture frames off of a wall, and they break.
A tot boy drives a motorbike in the yard. He crashes into something out of frame and says "I'm okay."
A man sees his vehicle move then runs into the window and the vehicle carries the man out of frame outdoors. Security footage.
A young girl does a dance performance in a room and tries to do a handstand and crashes through a door frame that is covered in wrapping paper.
A young girl reads a book to the camera, and her dog rolls over and hits her with his paws. She tries again, but his feet get in the frame again. She tries a third time, but he steps in front of the camera.
A dog plays with a stuffed toy in a living room and another dog jumps into frame and steals the toy and runs away with it.
A baby boy in a living room plays with a picture frame on a table. The woman with the camera tells him no and he turns around and gives her a cheeky look. He accidentally knocks the picture frame over and turns around and looks shocked.
A young girl sings happy birthday and a dog scoots into frame on his butt.
A young girl tells a man to do a handstand in the living room. She makes fun of him while he gets ready to do it. He finally jumps to do a handstand against the wall, but he kicks a table behind him and knocks picture frames on the floor. The woman with the camera says "I'm going to kick your ass."
A hyper dog runs into the frame and out in a house and then he runs in and suddenly has a bra on his back.
A woman shoots a mini basketball at a hoop in a kitchen but accidentally hits a picture frame. It falls down and shatters on the ground.
A tot girl records a video in the kitchen of how to make cupcakes. Her father holds her baby brother and moves him in and out of the frame as she talks. She laughs and giggles hysterically.
A young boy records himself as he teaches how to ride a hoverboard, but he falls off and it rolls away out of frame as he chases it. He rolls back into frame, says "it rolled away," and then tries again but the same thing happens.