A man in his house does a boxing workout that involves a ball and a string attached to his forehead. The man punches the ball into a clock and it falls and breaks.
Two kitten cats jump into the air to catch a toy soccer ball, then one cat knocks it out of the other's arms in a living room. Slow motion.
A young man dances to music while a pug dog watches him and wags in a living room.
A young boy watches a video on his phone in a bedroom during an online class, then falls out of his chair and breaks his desk. Security footage.
A woman walks onto a driveway and hits her head on a ladder that sticks out of a truck. Security footage.
A man tells a tot girl in a hardware store "you've got to keep your head up when you're walking, you don't want to run into anything," then he walks into a window.
Man hands a woman a Christmas present wrapped in bubble wrap & pulls out an engagement ring & proposes to her. She screams, hugs him, and tackles him to the floor.
Teen boy rides a snowboard on a treadmill indoors. He slips and falls off, loses his pants and gets embarrassed, wants camera turned off. Camera loses focus.
3 teen girls are jumping on the back of a desk chair in bedroom. 3rd girl hits the ceiling lamp & you hear a crash. Camera loses focus & goes black. Mom comes in & says "we never liked that lamp."
Man rides ATV in a circle & jumps over ramp, he flips & falls over. Shot from a distance. Camera loses focus on the fall. Man broke his arm.
Older teen boy dives into free standing pool, second dive, he hits the side of the pool and camera loses focus. No recovery.
Girl rides new bike around the house & crashes in the kitchen. Camera loses focus. No tail or recovery. Christmas present.
"Four Square Falling" Man playing 4 square falls into a pool while chasing the ball. Camera loses focus.
Man ties a chain to his RV and drives it...the roof of RV gets torn off. Bad focus
Mouse is hanging from a light fixture wire in a hole in the ceiling, the mouse jumps down and scares a woman as she tries to catch it with prongs. Camera loses focus. no tail.