A deer licks a young boy's head at a petting zoo.
A man starts an engine outside and a herd of goats in a pen runs away and two baby goats faint and fall over.
Two young girls walk out of a house with a flashlight when they encounter a goat on the front porch. When they finally see the goat they scream and run back into the house. Security footage.
A young boy wears a cowboy hat in a stable with horses. One horse bites off the hat and takes it off his head.
A woman walks out of a chicken coop with eggs and comments how well the chicken birds behaved, then a rooster runs at her, and eggs spill everywhere.
A woman holds a chicken and an off-camera woman laughs and says "She laid an egg in your hand."
A goat stands on a man's back while the man pets other goats on a farm. A sheep runs over and knocks a woman down.
A young boy reaches through a fence to pet donkeys on a farm while he says "they don't bite" repeatedly, but a different donkey approaches and bites his arm.
A teen girl holds a baby goat up and the goat screams twice.
A tiny dog bites corn stalks outside and pulls them down. Social Media Video.
A teen boy runs across the tops of large cotton bales on a farm and jumps over a gap between two bales. He hits the wall of the other bale and falls back to the ground.
A woman tries to get a baby bull in a muddy arena back into its pen with a rope and the baby bull resists and bucks and jumps into the air until the woman slips and falls.
A young boy stands next to a man on a farm and asks if he thinks he can make a jump across a ditch. A dog suddenly attempts to jump across the ditch and smacks into the dirt. She gets up and climbs out of the ditch.
A group of people in a field across the road are trying to corral a loose cow when it charges towards a man and knocks him down.
A young girl screams and runs away from a rooster in a yard. Security footage.
A man films himself in his car as he listens to "Old Town Road" on the radio. He reveals a horse in the back of his truck. Music rights not cleared.
A goat on a farm stands on hay and hits a man in the head and stands on him then hooks his hat and takes it off his head.
A woman asks a sheep if it's good or bad and the sheep bleats, "Bad!"
A man rides a horse on a farm. The horse starts to run and the man falls off.
A teen boy rides his bicycle off a mound of dirt and lands on his back wheel and falls down on his back.
A rooster chases a young boy around the yard. The boy slips and falls with the bird pecking at him.
A woman tells a story about how she could not find her kids, and then she finds two young boys inside a car with their goat.
Man rides a zipline at a cornfield maze. He flips off and lands on his back instead of the bales of hay put there for safety.
A young boy tells a rooster to get out of a barn and the bird jumps up and kicks him in the face.
A man stands in a field and tries to fix an irrigation water hose. The hose sprays him in the face drenching him with water.
A young girl chases some piglets on a field when she gets plowed over by one of them as they run across the grass.
Two young girls play with pigs in a pen when one girl runs while the other climbs up the fence and falls over the side as she takes the tarp with her.
A young girl pets a baby cow on a farm and it suddenly runs at her. It hits her and knocks her down and she cries.
A woman runs away as a rooster startles her in a backyard. It chases her as she trips, falls, and loses her sandal. Security footage.
A man climbs onto a pony's back, and then another man hits the horse's backside and it bucks the man off.
A young man rides a horse near a barn before running into the barn and falling backwards.
When a young boy lets go of a balloon on a farm, a herd of cows turn their heads simultaneously to watch it float away.
A young boy rides on a bull on a farm and the bull backs up and the boy falls into a water trough.
A man tries to pet a goat but gets chased away by two Labrador Retriever dogs. He then hops over a fence.
A man sticks his tongue out at turkeys and makes a noise. Across a field, a bunch of turkeys make the same noise back at him.
A teen girl attempts a backwards cartwheel on a hay bail and falls between the bails of hay. A man yells after her to see if she is ok. She wants to do it again.
A man stumbles and falls over a fence as he tries to get away from a ram.
A cow walks in and out of a house under construction. Security camera footage.
A young girl feeds hay to a baby goat in a petting zoo. A second baby goat stands up and hits her.
While she tires to steal her lambs' food in a barn, a sheep gets stuck in between the fence posts and tries to wiggle her way out.
4 baby pigs wiggle their butts incessantly (11-113, 1324M)
Horse scratches an itch on its butt by rubbing against a fence. Farm.
A cat stalks a dog near a fence on a farm. The cat hops in the air and lands on the dog's tail and then dog runs away.
A pig snorts snot onto a woman on a farm and she screams.
A goat sticks its tongue out and yells at a man on a farm.
A man sits atop a miniature horse at a farm. The horse immediately bucks him off and runs away.
A woman sings "Jingle Bells" to a donkey on a farm. The donkey brays and repeatedly makes noises while she sings.
A cat walks across a yard and a bird squawks and swoops down and attacks it. The cat runs away.
A woman does a back flip on a trampoline in a yard but the trampoline breaks and she falls through it.
A woman rides a horse on a farm, then the horse farts loudly and she laughs.
A deer gallops through some fields before it skids and slides on a road, then resumes to gallop on the other side.
A sheep rams a tot boy twice. Each time the tot boy falls down onto the grass.
A man on a farm tries to load a tractor onto a trailer, but the brakes let loose and the truck and trailer roll down a hill into some trees. The man jumps off and tries to catch up to the truck but falls.
A man pulls over and talks to a cow that grazes on the side of a road. He asks for directions and the cow turns her head as if to motion which way to go.
Two women take a trellis out of a truck bed at a farm. The weight of it pulls them down and they trip and fall over it in a driveway. Security footage. No audio.