A family leaves a Thanksgiving party, then one man farts loudly on the porch and mentions that it will be recorded on the security camera. Security footage.
A family competes in a potato sack race in a yard, then a man jumps into a fence and knocks it over.
A family acts out clues while playing the game "Heads Up." The word "backflip" comes up, and a teen boy does a backflip but breaks a ceiling light.
Two teen girls swing on a wooden swing set in the backyard, but a rope breaks, and one teen girl falls on the grass.
A man sits on the couch and holds a pinata on a stick and a young boy swings at it and he winds up and cracks the stick into the man's shins in the living-room.
A man blows out birthday candles with a leaf blower at home.
A woman and man pop a balloon full of confetti at a gender reveal party in a park, then a piece of the balloon lands on a bald man's head like a hat.
A tot boy walks into the living room with his pants down, and a group of adults turn on the lights to say "surprise" for the tot boy's birthday. Action starts at 13 seconds.
A man pushes his adult father into a lake off a tall, wooden deck.
"Squirrel Scuffle" Squirrel is stuck in the chimney at Christmas gathering. They flush the squirrel out and then it runs around the house knocking over pictures and freaking out family. Squirrel finally escapes out of screen door.
Tot boy has toilet seat stuck on his head at family gathering. Dad end up sawing it off.