A man swings on a vine across a path in the woods. On the back swing he crashes into a tree and falls to the ground.
A teen boy carries his grandmother on his back while he crosses a stream in the woods and after he gets across, he trips and falls and she lands on top of him.
A young boy launches small Lego pieces at a row of dominoes. One of the pieces hits the middle of the line and the dominoes fall in opposite directions.
Two young sisters use paddles on their hands to make bubbles. One girl swings her hand and hits her sister in the head as she runs past causing her to fall to the ground.
A man exploring a frozen waterfall with his dog slips and falls before sliding down the ice towards the camera.
A man takes a dog out on a leash, then falls down on the front porch when the dog pulls him. Security footage.
A woman drives her SUV up a long driveway and gets out, and it rolls back down and crashes into a tree, which then falls on the car. Security footage.
A woman accidentally knocks over a wall of cans in a warehouse causing a domino effect. Security footage.
A man starts an engine outside and a herd of goats in a pen runs away and two baby goats faint and fall over.
A woman slips and falls on an icy driveway three times while she tried to get into her car before she gives up and walks back inside home. Security footage.
A woman slips on the deck and spills her coffee. Security Footage
A dog jumps into a pile of leaves and bounces up and down in the backyard.
A man trips and falls up a porch step, then a board of wood falls on him. Security footage.
A teen boy walks outside and slips and falls on the walkway and a woman follows behind him and falls right next to him. Security footage.
A man and woman jump on an inflatable mattress then it flips them over and they fall off. The mattress falls on top of the woman.
A senior woman steps on a pool float and it flips over spilling her into the swimming pool.
A teen girl does a gymnastics tumble in slow motion and falls down on her last backflip with a twist.
A senior man steps over a safety barrier on a deck. When the man steps off the deck he falls over the barrier on to the deck stairs. Security footage.
A German Shorthaired Pointer falls out of a hammock in the backyard when the dog loses his balance as he lies down on it.
A young girl holds on to a bar on stairs and swings. She then loses her grip and falls.
A man and a young boy play basketball. The man taunts the boy with the ball, then the boy punches the man and he is hit in the groin. He falls to the ground in pain. Tells the person with the camera to stop recording.
A woman falls on her back while she uses a chainsaw to cut down a pine tree.
A young boy in a living room tosses a large bean bag at a teen boy who then throws it harder at the young boy. The young boy falls to the floor.
A young boy on a motorized bicycle races down a dirt road. When he rides down a hill he crashes into a muddy puddle.
A man playing video game sitting on a plastic chair. A teen boy goes to give him a hug. Then three large dogs go in to give a hug as well and it cause the legs of the chair to break spilling the man onto the floor. Security footage.
In first-person POV someone rides a bicycle very fast down the street. A couple deer run alongside them when one of them stumbles and falls in a driveway.
A woman and teen girl are knocked down by a large wave at a beach.
A senior man rides a hoverboard in the kitchen and loses balance and falls down, knocking over a chair.
A cat stands on the handle bar of a baby stroller and reaches for the screen door handle and the stroller rolls away and the cat falls in the entryway.
A woman walks up to the front door of a house when she trips and falls. Security footage.
A man pushes a board down toward the floor of the bathroom and he stands on it and the board slides down and he falls on his face.
Two teen girls dance on a ping pong table in a basement when it collapses and they fall to the ground. Music rights not cleared.
A young girl plays with a balloon and bounces it in the air above her. A woman off camera says she has "such good coordination" and as soon as she says it the girl bumps into a piece of furniture and falls to the ground.
A woman trips and stumbles then falls in a driveway, as she says, "I'm so effing done. Just drive me over, world." Neighbor comes to help her and she says "I just tripped cause I'm running and I'm fat." Security footage.
A woman helps teach and push a young girl on her bicycle, as the girl exclaims, "I can do this!" She then runs into a sewer and wipes out on a sidewalk. Featured talent cleared (girl on the bike and the woman pushing her).
A teen boy attempts to do a wheelie trick on a motorcycle in the driveway of a home, but he loses control and falls through a fence. Security footage.
A senior woman wears a virtual reality headset and walks on a plank in the living-room. She leans forward and falls into the television.
A man runs down a path in a yard, then he slips and falls on ice and hits a trash can with his head. Security footage.
A teen boy repeatedly falls down on an icy front porch, then his dad follows him and falls too. Security footage. Music rights not cleared.
A man falls down icy steps leading to the front walk. A woman goes to help him and falls down as well. Security footage.
A squirrel climbs on a flagpole but slips. It claws at the cloth and tries to get back up but falls to the ground.
A man and a woman dance near the pool in the backyard and they fall off a ledge into the shrubs and disappear. Music rights not cleared.
A young girl does a cartwheel and a young boy tries to run into the frame and she accidentally kicks him in the groin and he falls in the living-room. Slow motion.
A teen boy attempts a kick flip on his skateboard but the board flies towards the camera/phone and shatters it. It still captures his reaction to the damage. He says "Oh noooo, dude!" Music rights not cleared.
A young boy attempts to kick-flip his skateboard and hits himself in the groin instead. He moans and falls to the floor.
A young girl walks outside and slips and falls on the steps and a young boy walks out and slips and his legs fly in the air and he falls. Security footage.
A teenager girl face-plants on the ground after jumping on an exercise ball.
A man is doing pull ups on a doorway bar. The bar becomes dislodged and he falls.
A young boy runs and falls into a swimming pool in slow motion.
A teen girl tries to lift up a young girl and flip her over her head at a dance studio, but she drops the young girl on her face.
A man walks outside of his home where there is snow on the ground. He falls backwards down the stairs and his slipper flies off his foot. Security footage.
A teen boy and girl drive a four wheeler in a field and tow a teenage girl in a kayak across a lake. The kayak slides out of the water into the field and the teen girls falls out of the kayak onto the grass.
A kite on the beach flies down and hits a woman on the beach causing her to fall to the ground.
A man and woman pose for a picture on the beach with a large pig and the pig turns and bites at the man and he and his wife fall backward afraid. Featured talent cleared (the man and woman posing with the pig).
"Kitten Kitchen Craziness" After one cat gets spooked in a kitchen, chaos ensues as other cats and dogs all dart around in different directions. Security footage.
A teen boy slips and falls on ice on a driveway. He laughs and tells the camera "you saw that, dude," then he slips and falls and laughs a second time. Security footage.
A teen girl pets a dog and holds her collar as it tries to jump over a baby gate. Tthe teen girl falls down. Security footage.