Adults offscreen sing "Happy Birthday" to a young boy who sits in a chair with a cake in front of him. He blows out the candle and falls out of his chair.
A man asks his Yellow Labrador whether he "would like to go for a ride in the truck?" The dog excitedly jumps on the man and sprints around the room.
A teen girl pokes a hole in a can of soda and the carbonated liquid sprays all over. She recoils and falls out of her chair.
A pit bull runs around in the yard, then knocks the camera over when he runs into it. Security footage.
A man turns on a vacuum in the living room, but the motor does not start, and an overhead light turns on instead.
"Makeup Cute-torial" A tot girl in a living room talks with lots of energy and personality to the camera about her makeup as if she had a YouTube channel.