A young girl in a neck brace at the hospital exclaims "wow!" after her a woman off camera tells her she fell and broke her arm.
A woman thinks she puts a trial lotion on her face but really puts a shaving cream all over her face in a drug store.
A teen girl recovers from wisdom teeth surgery as she rides in a car and thinks that the needle mark from her blood draw is a tattoo. She then tells her mom about her blood clot in the mouth during surgery. Her mom then tells her that maybe the doctor took her blood to clone her and the girl says that she doesn't want that and cries. She also says that the doctor took her lips.
A teen girl cries after dental surgery to remove her wisdom teeth because her grandma mentions the anesthesia and the girl says that she promised her mom that she would never do drugs then she looks over and sees her mom and says "she was here the whole time."
"Woozy Woman" Husband drives wife home after having her wisdom teeth pulled. She's still groggy from the anesthetic, says funny things. Dentist. Woozy. Says "shy is ice so cold?" Long for edit. Drugged. Tooth. dental. surgery.
"Woozy Woman" Husband drives wife home after having her wisdom teeth pulled. She's still groggy from the anesthetic, says funny things. Dentist. Woozy. Says "shy is ice so cold?" Long for edit. Drugged. Tooth. dental. surgery.
Teen girl in car had her wisdom teeth removed, she's disoriented from the drugs and talks funny. She loved the doctors, her parents, & everyone. She wants a milkshake, & to take her pants off. Very long for edit.
"Woozy Woman" Husband drives wife home after having her wisdom teeth pulled. She's still groggy from the anesthetic, says funny things. Dentist. Woozy. Says "shy is ice so cold?" Long for edit. Drugged. Tooth. dental. surgery.
A teen girl in a car rambles about girls being pretty and Prince William being hot while drugged after getting her wisdom teeth pulled.
A drugged woman wakes up after surgery and says "I thought I was going to be taller but when I look down my legs are still short."