A woman wears a horse mask at a stable and neighs at real horses. One horse stares at her then she snorts and it runs away.
In a department store a young boy holds up a bra over his face like a mask and says he's a "ninja."
"Why Dad Werewolf?" A man in a werewolf mask greets a teen boy when he gets into the car after school, and the adolescent groans and asks if his teachers saw him.
A woman dresses a cat in a Batman costume. When he tries to stand up on the table, he falls over.
A bride walks down a flight of stairs while wearing her wedding dress when a dachshund climbs onto the dress' train.
A teen girl attempts to show off the heels she wants to wear with her formal dress but she loses her balance as she tries to kick them up for the camera. She then says, "OK, maybe I'm not going to wear these."
A bulldog dances to Arabic music in a living room.
A school bus pulls up and drops off a young girl as a woman dressed as a unicorn pops confetti to celebrate the last day of school. The girl gets off of the bus and ignores her so she chases the girl as she runs down the street.
A tot girl pulls a bottle of ranch dressing out of her Christmas stocking. She lifts it up and says, "I got ranch!" She the proceeds to walk around the room and show it off.
A Shih Tzu dog with hands picks up a handkerchief with one hand at a dining room table, then waves a wand with the other hand, and makes the handkerchief disappear.
A horse in a Christmas costume eats hay and carrots with human hands at a stable.
A young boy dresses up in a hunting camouflage suit as a plant, then sits in a pot. He grabs a man when he walks in the front yard, and the man kicks the boy in the face.
A tot boy dressed in a suit brings a plate of food to his mom in the kitchen. He tells her these are her appetizers and when he reaches up to put the plate on the table, all the food slides off the plate and falls on the floor.
A tot girl in an old lady costume walks with a walker outdoors and then trips and falls as she looks at her mom. Halloween.
A family sings a church song with costumes in the yard, and when one young girl faints the family turns to look at her. A man and woman bend over to help the girl, and another young girl trips and falls over them on the ground.
Two young girls dance with scarves in the bedroom as another girl spins in a chair, and the closet door breaks and falls onto a laptop.
A young girl rides down an inflatable bounce slide and her dress flies up in her face.
A tot girl walks back up the driveway with her scooter caught in the tail of her dress.
A dog lies on her back on the couch while a young girl puts clothes from a baby doll on her.
A dog with human hands is dressed up as a doctor and pretends to give a tot boy an exam.
A man puts on an alpaca mask and turns around, and two goats jump back in their pen.
A man wears a wedding dress and walks up to the groom, whose back is to him, in a yard as a prank. Then he chases the groom. The man in the dress is the groom's future brother-in-law.
A young girl dances in a dressing room stall. Her mom tells her to hurry up and she yelps.
Man dressed as Spiderman on Christmas tries to jump up and stand on the couch, the couch falls over and Spiderman face plants on the floor.
A tot boy is dressed up along with his dog. He shouts "Superheroes!" and puts down his makeshift shield which bonks his dog on the head.
A dog runs away when a girl holds up clothing and offers to dress it in the laundry room.
A young boy dresses like a pirate and pulls out his eye patch which snaps back and hits him in the face
A tot girl falls down an inflatable slide. Her dress flies up over her head.
A tot girl falls down an inflatable slide. Her dress flies up over her head.
A woman dresses in a bear costume and lies down like a stuffed animal then jumps up to scare her husband
Soldier home from Iraq dresses up as Santa Claus and surprises mom. Christmas, military, army.
3 little girls put on a fashion show in the living room. 1 girl spins around and accidentally hits another girl in the face. They all look shocked.
Soldier home from Iraq dresses up as Santa Claus and surprises mom. Christmas, military, army.
Girl stands on air vent that blows her dress up. Other kids look up her dress and laugh.
A man asks his tot son if he dressed himself that day in the kitchen indoors. The boy says yes and he has his shirt on backwards, so his dad asks him where the buttons are since it's a button-up polo and the boy looks around but can't find them. He tells his dad there are no buttons and the man asks if he put the shirt on backwards and the boy says no.
Toddler boy runs through tile kitchen wearing mom's high heeled shoes along with his kid brother in a spiderman outfit
Senior man in a Confederate Civil War uniform dresses a snowman on a snow covered field in a Northern Civil War soldier uniform. He sets it up in front of a Civil war cannon, calls it a "Yankee Snowman," fires the cannon, and blows the snowman up.
Tot girl in Easter dress looks / hunts for eggs in the yard, picks up dog poop by mistake
A tot girl gets surprised and scared by her dad who is dressed up like a Mime indoors. He mimes a response and pretends to run away. AA: Halloween
"Stick Figure Family" Man & woman dress up in glowing stick men costumes on Halloween. Friend films them getting out of their car at party.
"Smiley Face Faller" A woman dressed in a smile face costume falls down while attempting to pick up his sign.
Teen girl walks down the stairs in a prom dress, gets half way down and trips. Falls the rest of the way, then gets up and smiles, thankful that she had pants on.
A military man dresses up as Santa Claus and surprises his entire family. Caucasian.
Woman holds a young boy dressed in a "Chucky" from "Child's Play" Halloween costume with make up. The boy looks at his reflection in the mirror and cries, afraid of himself. Scared.
A cat is dressed in a Christmas dress at home. A boy stands it up and then blows on it and it falls over sideways.
A dog wears a dress indoors and when a girl tells her to show of her moves, the dog sticks a leg up and falls over awkwardly.
Man opens up a cardboard box and out pops a tot boy dressed as Spiderman
HEY ... MY TOOTH Pretty woman all dressed up has her false tooth fall out
X-mas; Baby Santa. Child dressed as santa is pulled in stroller by 2 dogs dressed as reindeer. Christmas Tape
iguana dressed up in sombrero hits a puppet with its tail (11-109, 1515, 1602)
Recital kids dressed as Indians step up to microphone, boy says he's thankful "for nothing." Thanksgiving.
A squirrel wears a little floral hat and eats food by a little picnic basket and a little cake resting on a little picnic table cloth outdoors.
Cool dog (Labrador/black) dressed up in pearls, hats, etc... models different outfits. 719RXM
Tot boy lifts up mannequin's dress in department store, says "look mommy, butt."
Tortoise is dressed up with a ghost costume on top of it. Halloween. Turtle. Long for edit.
A little boy in a baseball player costume thinks that he is dressed up as a princess.