A man sleds down a hill, and he hits a bump and jumps up to run further down before he falls.
A young girl slips and slides down icy hill outside of home on her bottom out of frame. Security footage.
A man sleds down a hill on an inner tube, and he hits a bump and flies off. Featured talent cleared (man on the inner tube).
A young girl rides a snow-tube down a hill and screams and slams into a fence at the bottom.
A man and a young boy sled down a snowy hill and the boy gets a face full of snow.
2 women struggle to ski down a hill and they both just tip over and fall into snow.
A young boy rides a sled down a snowy hill. He hits a bump and flies forward and flips through the air.
A man rides a slip and slide down a steep hill, then falls off at the bottom and lands in a pond.
A teen boy snowboards down a snow-covered hill, crashes into a fence, and flips over the fence. Featured talent cleared (the boy who flips over the fence).
A young boy sits in a sled at the top of a hill outside and sleds down the hill and crashes face first into the side of a parked car.
A man tries to ride a motorcycle up a hill but it slides backwards and he stumbles back into a bush.
A mom attempts to help a young boy sled down a snowy hill in a yard, but she slips and rolls down the hill with him.
A young boy tries to ski down a hill, but he falls on his face.
A young boy kneels on a skateboard and rides it down a dirt hill. He hits a stream at the bottom and falls off the board into the water.
A man and young boy sled down a hill and one boy uses a snowboard and falls down.
A woman and a young girl run down a sand dune and the girl says "let's go viral!" and falls on her face.
A young boy sleds down a hill but crashes into a tree in the winter snow.
A man sleds down a hill on his knees and tries to jump a snow ramp but flips and crashes.
An adolescent goes down a snow hill on his stomach and his younger brother jumps over him on their sled.
A man rides a child's power wheel Jeep down a hill, then it breaks in half.
An elderly woman moving an old toilet to the curb rides it down a snowy hill before falling off near the bottom.
A young girl sits inside a tire in a yard and a man rolls her down the hill and another young girl tries to catch the tire and it knocks her down.
Two men are sledding down a snowy hill when they go over a jump. They fly into a tree branch and crash and fall.
A young boy rides a sled in the winter snow down a hill and goes off a steep drop and falls on the ground.
A man sleds down a snowy hill in a kayak and crashes into a ditch and falls down.
A young girl sleds down the hill while she holds a duck. It flaps its wings, propelling her forward.
A boy and girl ride down a hill in toy cars/tricycles and the boy runs into the girl, causing them both to crash into a pile of leaves.
Two women stand on a hillside, when one loses her balance and rolls down the hill while she loses her wig in the process.
Young girl sleds down hill and hits a ramp and flips over!
A young girl snowboards down a hill, and a man yells for her to brake, but she falls on her face. Featured talent cleared only (girl snowboarding).
A man jokes if his wife knows people at a nearby hospital, then he and his young daughter sled down a snowy hill and fly high over a bump and fall at the bottom. Featured talent cleared only (man, young child and woman behind the camera).
A teen boy rides a longboard skateboard down a hill and loses balance and falls off.
A young boy tries to slide down a snowy hill on his stomach but he flips over onto his back. Featured talent cleared only (young boy, young girl and their mother)
A boy skis in the winter snow down a hill and crashes into a small lamp post and breaks it.
A man skis off of a mountain and lands hard on the other side of a road. Featured talent cleared only (man who skis down the hill).
A woman gets dragged down a grassy hill as she holds her dog on a leash. Featured talent cleared only (woman dragged down the hill).
A man slides onto a slip n slide, then he falls all the way down a hill with it.
A teen girl and a woman each sled down a snow hill. The woman's sled goes all the way into the street. She says, "I think I just fractured my sacrum."
A young girl sleds down a snow hill and flies out of the sled and runs into a man at the bottom.
A man skis down a hill and falls into an icy pond at the bottom.
A man pushes a tot girl down snowy hill on sled then she flips backwards and falls onto snow.
A dog gets pelted by a sled and flips as a young girl shouts, "get out of the way" as she sleds down a snowy hill.
A young boy skis down a hill while his head slides on the winter snow after he hunches over when he falls off the side of a tabletop trick box.
A man chases a go kart through the yard while it rolls down a hill, then it crashes into a fence and breaks it. Security footage.
A man sleds down a sand hill and hits the water. A second man tries to sled and he hits a bump before falling in the water.
A young boy rolls down a grassy hill and knocks another young child down.
A young girl tries to push herself down a hill on a sled but she falls over. She gets up, throws it, and says, "Stupid sled!" She then trips and falls down the hill.
A man sleds down a snowy hill on an inner tube, then he goes over a bump and crashes into the snow.
A family rides their bicycles through the mountains when a woman falls and slides down the hill. Her husband tells her to stay where she is.
A dog is stuck on an icy hill. It tries to climb, but slides further down.
A man snowboards in the winter snow down a hill and goes off a ramp and then crashes and falls when he hits the ground.
Girl slides down a man-made snow hill while another girl takes off down the other side of the hill. They meet at the bottom and hit each other. One flips over the other.
Man riding on an inner tube slides down the hill and hits a tree, bounces off the tree. Winter. Sledding. Snow.
A man rides on his stomach through the winter snow down a hill on a tube. He hits a bump and flips over and then lands on his back.
A man rides a kids stroller down a large hill, and his feet catch at the bottom and he flings into the air and faceplants.
A senior man on a scooter rides down a hill into a yard accompanied by his family. Around 1:35 he attempts to drive the scooter up a ramp onto a porch but he drives over the porch and crashes through a wooden fence and falls over the other side of the porch.
A man loses control of a golf cart and rolls backwards down a hill at a golf course. Then he jumps out and the cart crashes into trees.
A woman attempts to sled down a snow hill on her stomach. She cannot do it. Then she flips over in frustration. She she slides down the hill on her back. A dog comes to check on her.