A young girl tells her family that she saw a large stuffed animal bear move and breathe but they don't believe her. The bear moves and stands up and she screams and runs. Her young boy brother takes off the stuffed bear costume and she laughs.
A woman tells two men a riddle. She asks them what "y-e-s" spells, then asks what "e-y-e-s" spells. They both don't get it until the end.
An Australian Shepherd dog stands up in front of the TV and knocks it over. A boy on the couch stands up and knocks over his glass of milk on his laptop. His parents come walk into the living room and don't believe him.
A tot boy attempts to tell Alexa to "play elmo" his mother tells him that they don't have an Alexa.
A young boy can't see Easter Eggs that are hidden right next to him outside. Another boy walks up. They both touch the place where the egg is but don't see it until a man tells them where it is.
A girl and boy throw buckets of water and flour on their mom when she comes homes and opens the front door of a house. We don't see her get hit, but after a minute she walks in covered in flour and yells "what the F***."
A tot boy stands on a plastic tub on its side. The boy falls into the tub when it tips right side up. Snapchat caption: I had a feeling this was going to happen (smile emoji) don't worry he was alright and laughed hysterically after.
A young girl opens her Christmas gift and says she always wanted it but doesn't know what it is.
A woman asks a young girl which football team she likes. The girl says, "I like the Steelers, don't tell daddy, ok?"
A young boy shows his father a bullfrog frog then runs in and shows his pregnant mother then the woman says "don't let that jump on me" and the young son throws it at her and she screams and is slow to stand up.
Two young teen girls ice skate in a rink and dance to a song on the speakers. They don't pay attention to where they skate and crash into each other and fall down.
A young girl and her mom sit with pink face paint around their mouths. Her mom says "don't put chapstick on at the movies", and explains she used the wrong tube. They laugh hysterically.
Two small dogs watch a man repeatedly reach for a door, then walk through it because there is no glass, but the dog's don't understand that there is no glass.
A man turns on a ceiling fan and the lights spin but the fan blades don't move.
"Don't Care to Share" Twin tot boys take turns to share a drink in the living room and each time they hand it off to the other, they start to cry.
A young boy says "Stranger Danger, man. I don't know you." when his grandmother touches him while he is loopy on pain medication in the hospital.
A woman records a video of a large picture of her and her husband in the living room and starts to say that her dogs don't like it and then a dog walks over and pees on it.
A tot boy pulls a sled around a snow covered yard. He picks up some snow and eats it. Then he reaches for some dog poop in the snow as a small dog runs by. The camera woman screams 'Don't eat that snow, it's brown.' She drops the camera as she jumps to stop the boy. Short tails. Gross.
A young girl in a car seat cries and says "I don't want a brother. They're too stinky."
A man attempts to jump off a roof and into a pool. At 0:18, he slips and falls in on his back. DON'T USE THIS CLIP - DANGEROUS AND IMITATABLE
Mom comments how sons don't know how to throw football, then she gets hit by it. camera woman
A tot girl smashes her face into her plate to eat after her mom says "don't use your fingers."
A teen boy tries a mouthful of cinnamon. He spits it out by a porch. (2103)
After pulling over, a man holds one side of his tot daughter's nose in her car seat and has her blow out the other side when something shoots out of her nose. She opens her hand and her dad brushes off the Tic Tac mint she stuck up her nose, then tells her "We don't put Tic Tacs in our noses."
A pit bull dog sits on its butt like a person and stares at a man while he says "You can't sit like that. You're not human."
A coach pours water over dry ice to make steam as a female hockey team makes their entrance but the bucket of dry ice drifts away into the rink and several players trip and fall when they don't see it through the steam.
A snake hangs off a rear-view mirror of a moving car.
A woman falls over a baby gate and her tot daughter, who is watching tv, and her son, who is on a phone, don't even acknowledge what happened.
Two boys are jumping and dancing to rock music in a driveway outdoors. When his parents tell one of them to play the air guitar, he responds, "I don't have one!"
"Straight From The Goose's Caboose" Two teenage girls scream making a school project video about energy when a flock of geese fly overhead and poop on them after one says "big birds don't poop."
Woman puts a plate of food on the kitchen floor. Three tan puppy dogs and four black puppy dogs immediately eat all the food in seconds. She puts a dish of water on the floor and they don't react much to it.
Young girl rides exercise bike falls off after mom says "Can I trust you not to fall off when I leave the room?" With recovery.
Kitten plays with balloon on bed and jumps, runs around when it pops. Cat.
"Radish Regret" Family tricks tot girl into eating a radish, she thinks it's an apple. She makes a sour face & freezes with her hands up, & says "I don't like apples." Then they give her apple juice & she says it's delicious. Cute.
A boy and his teen sister are shooting a plastic bottle into the air. They don't know where it went and at 0:09, when boy looks up, the bottle comes down and hits him in head.
A teen boy jumps off the roof of a house into a large pile of raked leaves. He hurts himself when the leaves don't slow his fall down. He climbs out, hurt, and other teen boys and girls laugh at him. Profanity.
Twin little boys play with toy guns outdoors as the man behind the camera gives them direction. The boys freeze when they don't understand the word 'draw.' They do a drawing motion with their hands as if drawing a picture
Three brothers have a lemonade stand, they are yelling free lemonade, trying to sell it. The dad says why don't you guys wait till a car drives by before you start yelling. Siblings
Girl tells Dad she's stuck in the mud as she tries to remove herself. She says, "Help me out before I get frozen. Dad, come on! Don't you get the point!?!" while making funny face
2 boys jump off the bed into a pile of pillows. Older brother throws a stuffed animal & breaks the bedroom light. Boy gets quiet, dad filming says "Don't move."
A man yells at the TV as he watches a football game indoors, then gets upset when they don't listen.
A young boy is about to slide down a toy plastic slide into a backyard pool and a labradoodle dog keeps jumping back and forth over the slide. The boy says "Don't do that" to the dog. He slides down the slide and the dog jumps again, crashing into the boy hard as he slides into the water. Short heads. No tails.. Kids. Animals. Dogs.
"Scaredy Gator" At a swamp in Louisiana, an alligator tries to attack a cat, but the cat scares off the alligator.
A man throws a ball and a chocolate Labrador dog and a yellow Labrador dog watch it, but don't chase it.
Dad shows teen girl a scary Michael Jackson pop up video on the computer. Teen screams, hits her dad and says "Don't do that!" and leaves.
Chocolate lab dog and a gray lab dog are in the kitchen biting on a large chew bone and standing perfectly still. They don't move.
Baby girl on teen aunt's shoulders spits up on her head just as she says, "don't puke on her."
A girl holds onto a long line of rubber bands and walks down a road when the rubber band chain snaps and hits the boy behind the camera after he says "I'm hoping she don't let go of it because that would hurt."
A tot girl counts to ten in French and Spanish when a woman tells her to. The woman then says to count in English and she says "I don't know how to do it."
A tot girl draws on paper on an easel when she starts to draw on the easel and her grandma shouts "Don't write on that!" The girl jumps and quickly moves her markers on the paper as though that's what she was doing.
Two dogs run around in circles in the backyard. They don't see each other and collide / crash into each other hard.
Man goes into basement & gets creeped out by bugs. He gets scared & comes out, says "I don't want to go back there." Home repairs, fix it.
"I Dream Of Weenie" Tot girl tells her dad that she wants a weenie like her brother Nick. Dad has to explain that girls don't have weenies/ penis. She cries and then says "I want to go to Disney World."
"U Don't Know Uvulas" Family looks at giant moose statue. Young girl touches moose's penis and says she's looking at the uvula (from back of the throat). On vacation. Kids say.
Little boy hits golf ball into grandma's face. Dad says, "Don't laugh." Senior woman
Baby boy plays with Grandpa's face while he's held in the kitchen & laughs. Senior man says "don't throw up on me" then baby spits up on him. Gross, puke, vomit. Short tails.
Parrot tells woman "Don't do that" when she touches her husband
A boy and man have put hundreds of rubber bands on a watermelon. They explode it at 1:21, right after the boy says "I don't want to do it anymore."